psyc 2070 final

A parent who denies, ignores, or tries to change the negative emotions of their children would be called a

emotion dissming parent

Suzie just brought home her report card. She earned Cs and Ds in all of her classes. When looking at the grades, her father stated, "You are an embarrassment to me! You better get those grades up, or else!" Suzie's Dad is most likely a

authoritarian parent

Two-year-old Anita has learned the word "dog" to identify the family pet Rover. Now Anita says the word "dog" when she sees any animal. Anita has __________ these animals into her existing scheme.


__________ motor skills involve large-muscle activity.


Heather crawls from her room into the hallway to look for her mother after she leaves. According to Jean Piaget, this shows that she is capable of:

object permanence

Her pediatrician has just told Karly that her 4-year-old son, Manuel, has gained 6 pounds in the last year. Karly should

understand that its normal

Jungle gyms, slides, and climbing equipment should be available to help young children develop

gross motor skills

Three-year-olds scribble all over the page, but 4-year-olds can make more precise drawings that adults can understand. This is because 4-year-olds have more highly developed

fine motor skills

Centration inhibits the ability to categorize items because it prevents one from

considering combinations of features

Lev Vygotsky DIFFERS from Jean Piaget in how he stresses the relative importance of _______ for cognitive development.

other people

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, moral development proceeds from

external control to internal control

Traditional masculine and feminine gender roles are _______, whereas androgyny is _______.

undimensional, bidimensional

What have been found to be the two most important contributors to height differences among children worldwide?

ethnic origin and nutrition

Between ages 3 and 6 years, which part of the brain grows the fastest?

the frontal lobe

Hallie is very active. She loves to tumble and show off. She is not afraid of doing what her parents consider to be hair-raising stunts. She also loves to run and believes she is faster than her parents. This type of activity level and confidence is MOST

5 year old

Sanjay and Ryan are 4-year-old friends. When they are together, they often wrestle, run, race, push, and shove each other. Although their level of activity often aggravates their parents, we know that this activity will

help the boys develop gross motor skills

Lavonda is running her own family child care service, and she is concerned that several of the children seem to be overweight. What would be the BEST approach for Lavonda to use in helping the children with their weight?

help the children learn the fun and value of physical activity and avoid food as a reward or comfort

The leading cause of death in young children in the United States is


According to the textbook, many deaths of young children around the world could be prevented by

reducing poverty and improving nutrition, sanitation, education, and health services

In talking with Grandma on the phone, little Marcelo suddenly exclaims, "Oh, look at that pretty red bird!" When his grandmother asks him to describe the bird, Marcelo says, "Out there, out there! Right there, Grandma!" He finally gets frustrated and hang


My computer doesn't like me�it keeps eating my pictures," says Sarah. This is an example of


In general, conservation involves the ability to understand that changes in physical arrangement

are irrelevant for the total amount

According to Lev Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD), learning is

a social activity between a less knowledgeable child, and another adult or child who is more knowledgeable

As children move through the zone of proximal development (ZPD), they

take the responsibility of the task they are learning from the adult who is helping them

When teachers adjust their level of support and guidance to the level of skill of the student, it is called


Which of the following is true of Lev Vygotsky's educational applications?

practical teaching should begin toward the upper limit of the one of proximal development

Latoya talks to herself frequently, especially when she is trying to solve a difficult problem. Lev Vygotsky would say that Latoya is

using private speech to organize and regulate her thinking

Developmentally appropriate practices at the kindergarten level are likely to be

child centered

Early preschool intervention programs for disadvantaged children are positively associated with

graduation rate

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage that characterizes early childhood is

initiative versus guilt

In general terms, the preschool child's understanding of self is


Developmental psychologists would describe Jennifer as an "emotion-coaching" parent. It is likely that she would also be described as all of the following, EXCEPT

rejecting parent

When her mother asks Selena why she feels so sad, Selena says it is because her best friend just lost her puppy. Selena is exhibiting


Young children tend to believe that when a rule is broken, punishment will follow inevitably. This is referred to as belief in

imminent justice

Gender schema theory

uses sex as a basis for organizing perceptions

A parent who is very uninvolved in a child's life, showing neither responsiveness or control, is a

neglectful parent

A parent who uses a restrictive, punitive style to control the behavior of their children is a

authoritarian parent

Which of the following parenting styles has low demands and high responsiveness?


The term "child maltreatment" includes all of the following possibilities EXCEPT

tough love

Dante is encouraged by his parents to control himself and delay gratification. His parents give him some say in the rules of the house and are more likely to talk to him when he makes a mistake than to use physical discipline. His parents are MOST likely

of a higher socioeconomic status

Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky considered play to be valuable because

it advances the childs cognitive development

Which of the following is generally true about child-care settings across the United States, according to your text?

the vary widely in quality

Monsena is an independent and adventurous child who likes to explore new places in her environment. However, her mother is overly controlling and rigid. Developmental psychologists would say that a discussion of this discrepancy concerns:

goodness of fit

What is the signifcant finding of Harlow's experiments on monkeys reared by surrogate mothers?

contact comfort is the crucial element in the attachment process

Mary often plays the game peek-a-boo with her baby. Initially, Mary covers her baby and then removes the cover, registering "surprise" at the baby's reappearance. After a time, her baby does the covering and uncovering. This is an example of:


At what age does separation protest peak?

15 months

Which of the following occurs FIRST in development?

reflexive smiling

Javier and his father are at the circus. A clown jumps in front of them, and Javier looks at his father to see if he is afraid or laughing. Javier is using:

social referencing

Easy," "difficult," and "slow to warm up" are different types of:


Which of the following would Erik Erikson be MOST likely to recommend about soothing a crying infant?

pick up the baby and soothe him or her so that a healthy sense of trust develops

development is best defines as a pattern of growth that

begins at conception and continues throughout the human life span

by age 50, many peole need reading glasses or bifocals to improve their vision. this physiological change is a good ex of a

normative age-graded influence on development

paul baltes claimed that non normative life events could provide an important context for life span development. with this concept, the term "no normative" refers to an event that

is not likely to happen to very many people

a _ is a group of people who are born at a similar time in history and share similar experiences

cohort group

a set of ideas that helps us to explain our data and make further predictions is known as a


travis spends a great deal of time working and trying to establish his career. he also has been thinking about how his personal relationship is going and considering of it long term. travis is most likely in

early adulthood

john bowlbys work in attachment showed that an infants attachment to a caregiver has important influence over the life span. according to him, attachment should take place

within first 2 years

informed consent in research contains all of the following except

detailed hypothesis

in a cross sectional study, individuals of __ age groups are compared at one time


jean piagat emphasized the biological processes of cognitive development, lev vygotsky emphasized the effects of __ on development

social interaction and culture

which of the following methods is the best method to determine cause and effect

experimental method

dr wrong is a cognitive theorist, so we know that he will stress the importance of __ for understanding development

conscious thoughts

an eclectic theory of development assumes that

no single theory can account for all of human development

people today are waiting longer to marry and raise children. in 1950s it was common to marry and get prey at 20. this difference is an example of

normative history graded influence on development

in the ethological theory, the term __ is defines as innate learning within a short period of time that involves a newborns becoming attached to the first moving thing they see


most students take the ACT before they enter college. the tests are

standardized measures

when she was a teen, 2 members of annals fan were killed by a tornado. now at 30 she is terrified of storms. this is an ex of how a __ event can influence development

non normative life

dr borthwick duffy believes people are primarily influenced by the environment and learned experiences, so she believes __ plays a more powerful role in human development


dante is 2. his mother took him to doc and he gained 5 pounds and grew 2 inches. this is an ex of the role of __ processes in development


Which comparison of siblings would give you the MOST information if you wanted to study how much genetics influences personality?

comparing 2 identical twins reared apart

Jerome and Tyrone are fraternal twins. This means that:

they developed from 2 eggs that were fertilized by 2 diff sperm

In the video illustrating Tay-Sachs Disease, Hayden inherited the defect from ______.

both his mother and father

Fragile X syndrome occurs more often in______.


The ___________ view suggests that development is the result of an ongoing, bi-directional interchange between heredity and the environment


Merta believes that for a species to continue in an environment, it must be able to reproduce and adapt. Merta believes in _____________.

natural selection

If chorionic villus sampling is performed to determine if a woman's fetus is genetically normal, this involves __________.

taking a sample of the placenta during preg

At birth, the average American baby weighs ________ pounds and is approximately ________ inches long.

7 1/2, 20 inches

In the process of meiosis, _______________.

the cells divide into gametes, which have half the genetic material of the parent cell

The units of hereditary information that act as a blueprint for cells to reproduce themselves and manufacture the proteins that maintain life are ____________.


The embryonic period begins at the end of the 2nd week of development and lasts until ________________.

the end of the 8th week

In this genetic disorder, the body's red blood cells take on a hook shape instead of the normal round shape.

sickle cell anemia

During which period of development is the unborn baby MOST AT RISK of developing a structural defect because of the effects of a teratogen?

during embryonic period

Behavioral geneticists believe that behaviors are determined by _______________.

a continous interaction between biological and environmental factors

A developing fetus with XX chromosomes as the 23rd pair will

will usually develop as female

____________ is a genetic disorder characterized by the build up of thick sticky mucus in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body.

cystic fibrosis

One advantage of sexual reproduction is that combining genes of two parents increases _______________ in the population.

genetic variability

An egg and a sperm fuse to create a single cell called a _____________.


The Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer technique involves a process where fertilization occurs _____________.

in the lab

All of a person's genetic material is called one's ___________, while observable characteristics are referred to as _________________.

genotype; phenotype

During the postpartum period, approximately 90 percent of new mothers can expect to experience an emotional adjustment known as the Baby Blues.


During delivery, which of the following diseases is transmitted to a newborn through the birth canal?

genital herpes

Which of the following statements about cocaine use during pregnancy is true?

cocaine quicly crosses the placenta to reach the fetus

The ___________ view suggests that development is the result of an ongoing, bi-directional interchange between heredity and the environment


During pregnancy, which of the following organs or systems are the first to develop?

spinal cord

A strategy that can help to prevent neural tube defects is for women to take:

adequate amount of the vitamin b folic acid

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the third stage of the birth process?

the placenta, umbilical cord, and other membrane are detached and expelled

During the infertility treatment called Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer, fertilization occurs in _________.

fallopian tube

Anita was born after 40 weeks of gestation and weighed 4 pounds. Anita would be considered: _________.

low birthweight

The embryonic period begins at the end of the 2nd week of development and lasts until ________________.

end of 8th week

_________________ is the practice of holding a diapered baby on your bare chest or between your breasts, with a blanket draped over the baby's back. Researchers have demonstrated that this skin-to-skin contact can be beneficial for both parents and babies

kangaroo care

Mariah had a new baby six weeks ago. Mariah cries and worries a lot, is depressed, is not able to sleep well, and has extreme changes in her appetite. Given what researchers know about the postpartum period, Mariah:

should seek professional counseling or assistance

Exposure to radiation during prenatal development can result in mental retardation for developing fetuses because radiation distrupts the crucial process of neuronal migration by causing the new cells to migrate too far.
