Psych. 2040 Ch. 5 Attitudes


1) Attitudes are ________.
A) the mechanism we use to reduce dissonance
B) the mechanism we can use to protect ourselves from unwanted views of ourselves
C) the process by which we adjust or adapt our behavior to particular circumstances
D) our evaluation


2) Once an attitude has been formed, it may be ________.
A) impossible to change
B) very easy to change
C) very difficult to change
D) simple to change
E) difficult or easy to change, depending


3) Our tendency to evaluate stimuli as negative or positive occurs ________ we attempt to understand the meaning of the stimuli; this suggests that attitudes reflect a(n) ________ stage of social thought.
A) before; early
B) before; late
C) after; late


4) Initial evaluation of a stimulus generally refers to ________.
A) an explicit self-conscious process
B) an inferential thought process
C) a tendency to avoid a close examination of stimulus detail
D) a reaction of liking or disliking
E) the employment


5) Attitudes influence ________.
A) social thought and behavior
B) neither social thought nor social behavior
C) social thought only
D) antisocial thought only
E) social behavior only


6) If Billy tells his friend that he intends to vote for a certain candidate, then Billy's intention reflects a(n) ________.
A) schema
B) cognition
C) heuristic
D) attitude
E) behavior


7) An involuntary negative reaction to a member of a stigmatized group, is more likely to be the result of an ________ attitude.
A) explicit
B) implicit
C) uncontrollable
D) egalitarian
E) angry


8) Assume you have a negative stereotype of fraternity/sorority members as "stuck-up." Given an IAT with photos labeled "fraternity member" or "independent, " and paired with the word "bad" or "good," your responses to the "fraternity member"/"bad" combin


9) If, as Arkes and Tetlock have speculated, Jesse Jackson were to "fail" an IAT that asks about his attitudes toward African Americans, it is because ________.
A) he endorses negative stereotypes toward African Americans, but is nevertheless slower to re


10) Goal orientation, a stable personal trait, can play a role in determining what sorts of persuasive messages will more effectively give rise to the desired behavior?
A) internally- or externally-focused
B) prevention- or promotion-focused
C) long-term-


11) Classical condition and instrumental conditioning are examples of ________ processes of attitude formation.
A) subliminal conditioning
B) behavioristic
C) social learning
D) social comparison
E) standard-shifting


12) One basic form of learning that helps to form our attitudes occurs when a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to cause reactions that were originally caused by another stimulus. This type of learning is known as ________.
A) the Premark principle


13) The type of learning that is based on association of two or more stimuli is called ________.
A) social learning
B) instrumental conditioning
C) positive learning
D) classical conditioning
E) association learning


14) Classical conditioning suggests that people can learn to ________.
A) dislike stimuli to which they are initially neutral
B) dislike stimuli which gives them some sort of punishment
C) form evaluations only in the presence of others
D) prefer stimuli


15) Subliminal conditioning ________.
A) cannot occur
B) is rarely used in deception experiments
C) means something other than what the participant thinks
D) occurs below the threshold of conscious awareness of its content E) is a type of instrumental con


16) Subliminal conditioning is ________.
A) instrumental conditioning that occurs with awareness of the stimuli that are used
B) observational learning that occurs without our awareness of the stimuli that are use
C) zone of proximal development learning


17) A form of social learning that occurs when responses to a particular stimulus lead to positive outcomes or allow the person to avoid negative outcomes is called ________.
A) the zone of proximal development
B) instrumental conditioning
C) classical co


18) By reinforcing children with smiles, hugs, or attention when they repeat things they've heard their parents say, parents are using ________ to shape their childrens' attitudes.
A) instrumental conditioning
B) observational learning
C) positive regard


19) Susan expresses indignation about illegal immigrants to one group of friends, but advocates for amnesty to another group. This is possible for her because ________.
A) Susan, in her own mind, believes these views are not necessarily inconsistent
B) Su


20) Marshall wants to pledge Theta Phi fraternity. He may well ________ publicly, believing active member decision-makers will hear of his views. He is, in private, ________ to express those same views.
A) badmouth other prospective pledges; quite likely


21) According to the process of instrumental conditioning, behavior will be displayed often by an individual if ________.
A) it is reinforced
B) the individual sees a role model perform the action
C) it is ignored
D) is preceded by a pleasant subliminal s


22) Female participants were asked to think about either their friends or their older relatives. Later, when exposed to sexual stimuli in a "separate study," participants who had thought about their friends reacted ________ to the stimuli than participant


23) The mechanism by which we compare ourselves to other people to determine whether or not our perception of social reality is correct is known as ________.
A) reality checking
B) impression manifestation
C) social comparison
D) societal comparison
E) ot


24) If we form an attitude by watching television, this is called ________ learning.
A) acquired
B) observational
C) comparison
D) judgment-based
E) media-based


25) We hold values similar to, and identify with, ________.
A) members of our reference group(s)
B) members of our age group
C) people who dress similar to ourselves
D) people with similar tastes in homes/cars
E) We base our choices strictly on individuat


26) Having not met any members of a new social group, you hear a person expressing negative views of that group. Your attitude toward the new group would not be likely influenced by hearing this negative message if ________.
A) you like the person express


27) Joe, a middle manager at a small company, strongly identifies with the higher-ups at his job. Regarding various political statements by them, it is safe to say that Joe ________.
A) recently agreed with them on a political matter
B) expects to agree w


28) In an experiment, males and females were shown a snack labeled "men's favorite" or "women's favorite." The snack labeled as preferred by their own gender was liked better by high-gender-identified participants more so than by participants who were low


29) Which of the following examples BEST illustrates a situation where there is a gap between our attitudes and behavior?
A) Greg tells his father that he plans to do his homework, but fails to do so when the power goes out minutes later.
B) Roz tells her


30) Attitudes may be relatively stable or variable. A likely source of a change in the expression of an attitude is ________.
A) psychodynamic factors in the attitude-holder
B) the background of the holder of the attitude
C) the situation in which the att


31) People tend to prefer situations that allow them to ________.
A) confront behaviors that are inconsistent with their attitudes
B) carefully consider all alternatives
C) maintain a match between their attitudes and behavior
D) display discrepancies bet


32) Overall, the relationship between attitudes and behavior is ________.
A) based on personality attributes
B) reliable, with some exceptions
C) almost non-existent
D) based on gender
E) only found in contrived experiments


33) In La Piere's classic study, a young Chinese couple traveled across the U.S.A. and reported being treated courteously at virtually every restaurant and hotel. A follow-up survey asking for attitudes toward Chinese travelers found that ________.
A) the


34) LaPiere's research with the Chinese couple pointed out the ________. A) difficulty of studying actual behaviors during travel
B) concordance between actual attitudes and reported conditions
C) strong agreement between reported attitudes and actual beh


35) When we mistakenly believe that others' attitudes are different from our own, we are exhibiting ________.
A) attitude discordance
B) Stockholm syndrome
C) pluralistic ignorance
D) introspection
E) lack of social awareness


36) Simone feels somewhat ambivalent about premarital sex. However, most of her friends seem to be unambiguously in favor of sexual activity before marriage. As a result, in a recent group discussion in her health class, Simone expressed fairly strong opi


37) Whistle-blowers generally "blow the whistle" on corporate misbehavior because of what three attributes?
A) Their attitude is strong and vengeful, and their holder want to go public with it.
B) Their attitude is extreme, certain, and derives from perso


38) An attitude is more likely to influence a person's behavior if ________.
A) an important group the individual identifies with is opposed to the behavior supported by the attitude B) the object of the attitude is relatively trivial or unimportant to th


39) Juan feels unsure about the correctness of his attitude about a new rule at his job. He may feel more correct in his attitude if ________.
A) he simply lets management do its job
B) he thinks more generally about the costs and benefits of his job
C) h


40) Research suggests that the certainty of an attitude derives from ________.
A) a combination of extremity and clarity
B) a tension between extremity and the need to follow norms
C) a combination of trait stubbornness and perceptions of correctness
D) a


41) Marcus felt clearer about his attitude regarding a school policy after meeting with other students about it. The change came about because ________.
A) others' arguments about the policy seemed quite strong
B) others were able to explain the policy to


42) Attitudes formed on the basis of direct personal experience with the object are generally ________.
A) more likely to have a weak effect on behavior
B) more likely to have a strong effect on behavior
C) less likely to have a strong effect on behavior


43) The strongest attitudes for an individual are usually acquired through ________.
A) cognitive processes
B) social learning
C) parental influence
D) peer influence
E) direct experience


44) Fishbein and Azjen's theory of planned behavior suggests that the choice of whether or not to engage in a specific behavior is determined ________.
A) irrationally
B) by observing others
C) rationally
D) sub-consciously
E) perceptually


45) The first step we take in making a decision about pursuing a particular behavior is ________, according to the theory of planned behavior.
A) to consider various conflicting attitudes we may hold
B) to consider the subjective norms that may be relevan


46) Wendy, Greta, Tom, and Bill have all made New Year's resolutions to lose weight. Based on the information below, which of them is MOST likely to lose weight?
A) Greta, who intends to dramatically reduce her fat intake and tells others that she is grea


47) According to the theory of planned behavior, our behavioral intentions are partially determined by our attitudes toward a particular behavior, our perceptions of our ability to perform the behavior, and ________.
A) others' perceptions of our motivati


48) According to the theory of planned behavior, our behavioral intentions are determined in part by our perceptions of whether others will approve or disapprove of the behavior, our perceptions of our ability to perform the behavior, and ________.
A) our


49) According to the theory of planned behavior, our behavioral intentions are determined in part by our perceptions of whether others will approve or disapprove of the behavior, our attitudes toward a particular behavior, and ________.
A) our perceptions


50) Fazio's attitude-to-behavior process model suggests that an event may activate an attitude and ________, which both influence our behavior.
A) knowledge of social norms
B) rational thought processes
C) situational constraints on our behavior
D) intent


51) Fazio's attitude-to-behavior process model suggests that an event may activate an attitude, which influences our ________.
A) spreading of alternatives
B) social norms
C) perceived behavioral control
D) perceptions of the attitude object
E) motives to


52) Jacque is driving, thinking about ways to get in shape. Someone cuts him off in traffic, so he gets angry and calls the driver a name. He later goes to the gym to start an exercise program. Research by ________ is more likely to explain his angry beha


53) Efforts to change our attitudes by using different kinds of messages is (are) known as ________.
A) intentions
B) norms
C) hypocrisy
D) persuasion
E) subliminal conditioning


54) The earliest research involving persuasion, by Hovland and others, focused on what three key elements?
A) credibility; syntax; audience
B) overt message; subliminal message; audience
C) source; message; audience
D) source; effect; speech
E) source; me


55) A message intended to reduce cheating among high school students is more likely to be effective if it is delivered by ________.
A) an elderly teacher
B) an attractive and popular student
C) a local politician
D) None of these is likely to be effective


56) Suppose a breaking news story has occurred involving an incident of terrorism. A certain news station invites a well-respected terrorism scholar to discuss the event. His views will likely be persuasive because he will be seen as ________.
A) credible


57) A CEO of a mid-western company gave a press briefing, and espoused some fairly restrictive regulations aimed to reduce carbon emissions and water pollution. His excellent credibility was probably due to the fact that ________.
A) many people in the ar


58) The source of a message influences its effectiveness. To increase the effectiveness of a message, the communicator should be attractive and ________.
A) intelligent
B) credible
C) short
D) distracting
E) ambiguous


59) To increase the effectiveness of a message, the communicator (source) should be credible and ________.
A) ambiguous
B) attractive
C) intelligent
D) distracting
E) short


60) Messages that provide a preliminary announcement that the message is intended to change our opinion are ________.
A) as effective as those that do not forewarn us of this attempt
B) less effective than those that do not forewarn us of this attempt


61) Messages that arouse strong levels of fear are ________.
A) ineffective at stimulating the third person effect
B) effective at changing behavior
C) effective at stimulating the third person effect
D) ineffective at changing behavior
E) counterproducti


62) In what health context might positive messages be much better than fear-inducing messages for effecting behavior change?
A) when health officials want to get children to see the school nurse
B) when males are worried about painful examinations or test


63) An anti-smoking advertisement that features photographs of diseased lungs, people using oxygen tanks to offset the effects of lung disease, and funerals, but does not include information about quitting smoking, is likely to be ineffective because ____


64) Messages that arouse moderate levels of fear are effective at changing behavior if ________.
A) they include specific information about the source of the fear
B) they also modify or suppress the third person effect
C) they are followed by messages tha


65) An advertising company has been hired by the Centers for Disease Control to produce TV commercials to increase awareness of breast cancer in males. Advertising executives are considering three different commercials. The first features film of actual p


66) In a study, people who were at risk for serious illness, but did not see themselves as such (compared to those who accurately saw themselves as at risk) were persuaded to be tested because the persuasive message was framed in terms of ________.
A) gai


67) The central route to persuasion involves ________.
A) careful consideration of the ideas contained by a message
B) rules of thumb and mental shortcuts to making a decision about the message
C) voluntary suspension of disbelief
D) specific aspects of t


68) The heuristic-systematic model of persuasion suggests that ________.
A) we engage in less effortful processing when we have relatively more knowledge about the message's topic
B) we engage in less effortful processing when we lack ability or capacity


69) According to the elaboration-likelihood and the heuristic-systematic models of persuasion, the two key factors that will determine whether we engage in effortful or effortless processing of information are one's ________.
A) capacity to process inform


70) A campaign manager has advised the candidate he represents to make sure there is a "spontaneous" demonstration of support for him during the candidate's next major speech. Given that the candidate relies on his audience's peripheral processing of his


71) When heuristic processing is involved, the degree of persuasion ________.
A) has no detectable effect on our behavior
B) is not increased by strong arguments in the message
C) is increased by large numbers of arguments in the message
D) is increased b


72) Jason has been listening to a talk show concerning animal rights. This is an issue that he cares deeply about and he is very knowledgeable about the topic. Jason is most likely to be persuaded by ________.
A) strong, convincing arguments
B) any messag


73) One reason that distractions may increase the persuasiveness of a message is because distractions ________.
A) prevent heuristic processing from occurring
B) enhance the appearance of humility in the person delivering the message
C) enhance the appare


74) Experimenters gave people strong arguments to persuade them away from a belief. Some were given coffee, others a placebo. Some were given a high distraction, others a low one. In terms of attitude change, results showed that ________.
A) high distract


75) In the study involving the effects of caffeine and distraction on the effectiveness of persuasive messages, researchers found that ________ relevant to the arguments about the attitude object ________ in the ________ condition because ________.
A) the


76) ________ is our negative reaction to perceived threats to our personal freedom.
A) Hypocrisy
B) Trivialization
C) Forewarning
D) Reactance
E) Avoidance


77) Emma is trying to convince her professor that he gave her an unfair grade. She continues to pester him for several days, as her arguments become ever more extreme. Ultimately, the professor tells Emma, "I will not change your grade; moreover, you shou


78) Bethany has been listening to a political speaker who is encouraging people to support a law that would require all people to recycle aluminum cans, and severely penalize those who do not recycle. The speaker is giving strong arguments in favor of thi


79) Being forewarned of the persuasive intent of a message will frequently help people to resist the effects of the message. This is because ________.
A) forewarning allows us a greater opportunity to create counterarguments
B) forewarning activates heuri


80) People can become more resistant to attitudinal changes if they are first presented with opposing views and ________.
A) counterarguments to the opposing views
B) counterarguments to the currently held views
C) factual information without any emotiona


81) Selective avoidance is ________.
A) our tendency to pay particular attention to information that challenges our attitudes
B) our tendency to direct our attention away from information that requires effortful processing
C) our tendency to direct our at


82) The fact that we tend to pay particular attention to information that supports our attitudes and to direct our attention away from information that is contrary to our attitudes is known as ________.
A) selective exposure
B) subliminal conditioning


83) Tony disagrees with a certain political commercial. When the commercial comes on, he immediately switches the television channel. This is an example of ________.
A) formulating counterarguments
B) attitude polarization
C) selective avoidance
D) select


84) Counterarguments against a persuasive message are most likely to ________. A) increase the effectiveness of the message
B) enhance the knowledge function of attitudes
C) decrease the effectiveness of the message
D) defeat the knowledge function of att


85) Tina, who favors the death penalty, hears two different, though persuasive, messages: one favoring the death penalty and one against it. Tina will likely report ________ oppositional (than supportive) thoughts about the counterattitudinal message (the


86) People ________ techniques they use in order to resist attempts to persuade them.
A) are aware of the
B) are not aware of the
C) don't let others know about the
D) believe they are more resistant to persuasion attempts because of the E) Resistance tec


87) People have a limited capacity to engage their will power in the controlling of their own thinking. This is called ________.
A) ego management
B) self-regulation
C) depressive pessimism
D) task orientation
E) attentional focus


88) Cognitive dissonance is ________.
A) the process involved in changing our attitudes to avoid unwanted views of ourselves
B) the positive internal state that results from resolving conflicts between two or more of our attitudes
C) the negative internal


89) Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by ________.
A) focus more of our attention on the discrepancy to determine whether the attitude or the behavior


90) Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by ________.
A) trivializing the inconsistency by concluding that the attitude or the behavior is not important,


91) Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by ________.
A) modifying either the attitude or the behavior to be more extremely inconsistent with each other


92) In Festinger and Carlsmith's classic cognitive dissonance experiment, dissonance arises because the participant, having completed the behavior s/he's been induced to perform, feels he has ________ the behavior in the ________ condition, compared to th


93) Arlene was always averse to physical contact with pigs, because she thought pigs were essentially dirty animals. Despite her concerns, she was induced to kiss a clean-looking pig on the snout for $ 2.00 while appearing on a television game show. As a


94) Which of the following is a condition that makes the less-leads-to-more effect likely to occur?
A) People view the payment they receive for attitude-discrepant behavior as a bribe .
B) People feel they had no choice but to perform the attitude-discrep


95) Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by ________.
A) modifying the attitude and the behavior to be more extremely inconsistent with each other
B) stre


96) Small rewards produce greater attitude change than do large rewards when people believe they are personally responsible for the action and ________.
A) when the behavior is relatively trivial
B) that they are responsible for any positive effects the a


1) ________ conditioning is a form of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to cause the same behavior as another stimulus.


2) People can be conditioned to respond to a stimulus they are not aware of. This is called ________ conditioning.

observational learning

3) When direct rewards are not present, nor any social approval or other motivations, we may develop attitudes by merely viewing others' behaviors, a process called ________.

pluralistic ignorance

4) We may believe that others' attitudes are different from our own-a situation known as ________.


5) Our attitudes tend to be strongest and hardest to modify when they are based on direct personal experience with the ________ of the attitudes.

behavioral intentions

6) In the theory of planned behavior, once our behavioral options are considered, their consequences are evaluated, and a decision is reached to act or not, that decision then manifests itself in ________.


7) Communicators who are ________ and attractive are generally more effective than those who are not.


8) The ________ route to persuasion involves carefully thinking about the ideas presented in a message, and then drawing conclusions based on that information.


9) Forewarning does not act to prevent persuasion when people are ________.


10) It is possible to "inoculate" people against bad ideas by helping them to generate ________.


11) When attitude-behavior discrepancy involves important attitudes and/or self-belief, ________ isn't feasible as a means of reducing cognitive dissonance.


12) Having people advocate some attitude publicly, and then reminding them that their espoused attitude doesn't match their personal behavior is used to generate feelings of ________.