
a relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to an experience

Learning is best defined as

uncontrolled stimulus (US)

In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the meat served as a

neutral; conditioned

In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a(n) _____ stimulus; after it was paired with meat, it became a(n) _____ stimulus.

the cat

As a child, you were playing in the yard one day when a neighbor's cat wandered over. Your mother (who has a terrible fear of animals) screamed and snatched you into her arms. Her behavior caused you to cry. You now have a fear of cats. Identify the CS.


Bill once had a blue car that was in the shop more than it was out. Since then he will not even consider owning blue- or green-colored cars. Bill's aversion to green cars is an example of


To obtain a reward, a monkey learns to press a lever when a 1000-Hz tone is on but not when a 1200-Hz tone is on. What kind of training is this?


n Watson and Rayner's experiment, the loud noise was the ________ and the white rat was the ________

Skinner; Pavlov

Operant conditioning is to ________ as classical conditioning is to ________.

operant; establishing

Shaping is a(n) ________ technique for ________ a behavior.

operant conditioning

You teach your dog to fetch the paper by giving him a cookie each time he does so. This is an example of

continuous; partial

A trainer wants to train a chicken to peck a key to obtain food. If she wants the chicken to learn this trick quickly and the behavior to be resistant to extinction, she should use ______ reinforcement until the response if mastered and then follow with a


Bandura's experiments indicate that _____________ is important in the process of learning.

A parrot is rewarded first for making any sound, then for making a sound similar to "Laura," and then for "speaking" its owner's name.

Which of the following is an example of shaping?

All of these are examples.

Which of the following is an example of reinforcement?

Immediately after

For operant conditioning to be most effective, when should the reinforcers be presented in relation to the desired response?


The highest and most consistent rate of response is produced by a ________ schedule.


Leon's psychology instructor has scheduled an exam every third week of the term. Leon will probably study the most just before an exam and the least just after an exam. This is because the schedule of exams is reinforcing studying according to which sched

mental representation of one's environment

A cognitive map is a

latent learning

After exploring a complicated maze for several days, a rat subsequently ran the maze with very few errors when food was placed in the goal box for the first time. This performance illustrates

frontal lobe; observational learning

Mirror neurons are found in the brain's ________ and are believed to be the neural basis for ________.

unconditioned stimulus

Little Albert developed a fear of rats after a white rat was paired with a loud noise. In this case the loud noise was the

involuntary; learned

Classical conditioning is to ____ response as operant conditioning is to _____ response.


A patient who had long feared going into elevators was told by his therapist to force himself to go into 20 elevators a day. The therapist most likely wanted to encourage ____________ of the patient's fear.


An operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of desired behavior.

observational; Bandura

Learning by imitating others' behaviors is called ________ learning. The researcher best known for studying this type of learning is ________.

tell others it is important to use seat belts but rarely use them themselves.

Mrs. Ramirez often tells her children that it is important to buckle their seat belts while riding in the car, but she rarely does so herself. Her children will probably learn to

watching violence on television leads to aggressive behavior.

Regarding the impact of watching television violence on children, most researchers believe that

intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation

Nancy decided to take introductory psychology because she has always been interested in human behavior. Jack enrolled in the same course because he thought it would be easy. Nancy's behavior was motivated by ________ Jack's by ________.

in classical conditioning the responses are automatically triggered by stimuli.

One difference between classical and operant conditioning is that

your crying

As a child, you were playing in the yard one day when a neighbor's cat wandered over. Your mother (who has a terrible fear of animals) screamed and snatched you into her arms. Her behavior caused you to cry. You now have a fear of cats. Identify the UR.

Operant conditioning

Ever since his began to give Julio gold stars for keeping his bed dry all night, Julio discontinued his habit of bed-wetting. His change in behavior best illustrates which types of conditioning?


In classical conditioning, the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus.


After recovering from a serious motorcycle accident, Gina was afraid to ride a motorcycle but not a bicycle. Gina's pattern of fear best illustrates:


Two year old Philip was recently clawed by the neighbor's cat. Philip's newly developed tendency to fear all small animals demonstrates the process of:


Jacinda has a glass of wine after work because it relieves her anxiety. Her wine drinking is likely to continue because it is followed by a _______________ reinforcer.

the dog is going to be quite persistent in its begging in the future

When the Zantays eat dinner, the family dog begs for food. Sometimes, but not often, the children give in to the dog's begging and pass their pet a tasty morsel. You would be most justified in predicting that:


After receiving a couple of traffic tickets for speeding, Masako no longer drives faster than the legal speed limit. This best illustrates the impact of:


The tendency, one a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses