The ________ institution developed to fulfill society's need to transmit knowledge to the young.


Contemporary public education is important primarily because of

historical changes in the economic and social structures of industrial societies.

Early public schooling in America was view as a mechanism of

social control

Schools in America today are based on the ________ model of organization.


________ attempt to avoid most of the bureaucratic features of traditional public schools.

open classrooms

__________ is a nonbureaucratic classroom structure in which students study in groups with teachers acting as guides rather than as the controlling agents determining all activities.

cooperative learning

School choice is undergirded by the _______ model

free enterprise

A school that concentrates on science in its curriculum is known as a

charter school

Charter schools, contrary to expectations, have increased school integration.


One of the advantages of for-profit schools is that they operate without government funds.


The most salient reason parents give for homeschooling is the desire to provide religious or moral instruction.


Functionalism - tracking

schools shape the occupational future of children by placing them in education programs based on test scores and early school performance

conflict theory - meritocracy

students attending better schools have an occupational advantage over students from poorer schools.

symbolic interactionism - hidden curriculum

schools teach children the values of conformity and achievement

Placing students in curricula consistent with the school's expectations for student's eventual occupations is called


Schools serve as day-care facilities for dual-employed couples and single parents. This is an example of a

latent function

___________ refers to a social system in which social status is a function of ability and achievement rather than background or parental status.


The idea that some educational requirements are necessary for many jobs today is called


A significantly larger proportion of higher social class children attend college than lower-class children. This is largely due to differences in ability among social classes.


Educational equality exists when schooling produces the same _____ for lower-class children and minorities as it does for other children.


_______ is an approach to education in which the curriculum accents the viewpoints, experiences, and contributions of women and diverse ethnic and racial minorities.


According to symbolic interactionists, schools are very much in teh business of transmitting


The ______ teaches children such things as discipline, order, cooperativeness and conformity--- skills thought to be necessary for success in a modern bureaucratic society.

hidden curriculum

________ the first authority figures children encounter on a daily basis outside the family.


The ______ occurs when an expectation leads to behavior that causes the expectation to become a reality.

self fulfilling prophecy


benefit of schools for society

conflict theory

requirement of unnecessary credentials by schools

symbolic interactionism

effects of teacher reactions on the self-esteem of students

As expected, college enrollemtn in the US declined in the 1980s because of a decrease in the number of 18-24 year olds.


Which of the following has suffered the most under continuing state budget cuts?

community colleges

Although a college education pays off financially for white males, it does not benefit African American men and women.


Community colleges account for ______ percent of all college students in the US


According to Martha Nussbaum, US colleges and universities should put more or less emphasis on business education?


Contrary to predictions, for-profit colleges and universities are more expensive than public institutions?


Formal Schooling

Education that is provided and regulated by society.

Open Classroom

A non-bureaucratic approach to education based on democracy, flexibility, and non-competitiveness.

Cooperative Learning

Instructional method that relies on cooperation among students.

Integrative Curriculum

An approach to education based on student-teacher collaboration.

Voucher System

System in which public school funds may be used to support public, private, or religious schools.

Charter Schools

Public schools that are operated like private schools by public schools teachers and administrators.

Magnet Schools

Public schools that focus on particular disciplines or areas, such as fine arts or science.

For-profit schools

Schools run by private companies on government funds.

Manifest Function

An action that producers an intended and recognized result.

Latent Function

An action that produces an unintended and unrecognized result.


Placement of students in programs according to academic ability levels.


A society in which social status is based on ability and achievement.


System in which rewards are based on relative performance.

Education Equality

Condition in which schooling produces the same results for fewer-class and minority children as it does for other children.

Cognitive Ability

Capacity for thinking abstractly.

Cultural Bias

The unfair measurement of the cognitive abilities of people in some social categories.

School Desegregation

The achievement of a racial balance in the classroom.

Multicultural Education

An education curriculum that emphasizes differences among gender, ethnic, and racial categories.

Compensatory Education

Specific curricular programs designed to overcome a deficiency.

Hidden Curriculum

The nonacademic agenda that teachers discipline, order, cooperativeness, and conformity.

An unintended and unrecognized consequence is referred to as a(n) ____.

latent function

Gender discrimination in education

may seem to have improved some, but significant inequalities remain.

In keeping with the ____ model, the process of educating children has been divided more and more into specializations.


Children learn such things as discipline, order, cooperation, and conformity through ____.

hidden curriculum

Education contributes to social integration by

transmission of the dominant culture; integration of society; promotion of desirable social change; promotion of social norms, values and sanctions; emphasizes the common identity and social integration is fostered by education which contributes to overall social stability and consensus

Suppose you're interested in ways in which the hidden curriculum socializes students to become more effective members of society. Your interests would be most aligned with ____.

symbolic interactionism

Early school administration was based on the model of ____.


One of the basic functions of education is

exercising social control

What does it mean to say that American schoolchildren "culturally illiterate?

NOT urban children cannot name a single famous artist

For conflict theorists the central research question in the sociology of education since World War II concerns

the relationship between education and social inequality

Within the educational institution, when students are placed into classrooms and grouped according to their scores on intelligence and achievement tests this is termed ____.


Which theoretical perspective in sociology is based on the idea that social institutions develop because they meet one or more of society's basic needs?


Schools emerged as the primary educational agent in industrializing societies because

as knowledge increased in volume and complexity, family members gradually lost the ability to educate their children adequately

The voucher system, magnet schools, charter schools, and for-profit schools are all part of ____.

the school choice movement

According to the conflict perspective, credentials are required for jobs even when they are not necessary because

they allow those who can afford them to maintain a strong hold on elite occupations.

Receiving little encouragement and being put on a non-college track is likely to

decrease academic performance

The most common reason that parents give for homeschooling is

a concern with religious or moral deficits in public schools

Cooperative learning approaches are based on the idea that children learn best

when they are actively working with others in the classroom

According to Shepard, school personnel frequently respond to, advise, and track students based on ____ rather than on measured abilities or potential

NOT objective achievement

Schools promote personal growth and development by

preparing students to assume a place in the occupational world.

The institution of education first emerged in the U.S. in response to ____.


What legislation prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin in any educational program or activity receiving financial support from the federal government?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

According to Shepard, the most significant recent shift in American education has been from equal educational ____ to equality in educational ____.

NOT opportunity; resources

Which of the following factors is most related to both quality of school attended and SAT performance?

parents' social class

Public schools that attempt to achieve excellence by specializing in a particular area are known as ____.

magnet schools

The legislation passed in 2002 that represents the most current manifestation of the back-to-basics movement is called ____.

No Child Left Behind

Suppose you contend that the educational system is important because it teaches students the dominant values of society and selects and screens them through the process of tracking. You would be using the assumptions of ____.


Which of these describes research regarding the impact teacher expectation has on student performance?

Students who are perceived as more capable are given more time to answer than those considered less capable.

Education in the United States was originally a responsibility of the ____.


From a conflict perspective, tracking represents a ____ of education.

NOT latent function