Umich Soc 100

Berger Def of Sociology

a passionate curiosity disciplined by scientific methodology about practices of people

Mills Def of Sociology

studies the intersection of biography and history (troubles/issues) to provide insight into both especially how social structure influence peoples lives


the assumption that group membership explains individuals behavior

McGinn Def of Sociology

sociology is interested in the power that groups have to affect their members thoughts, behaviors and lives AND the power that groups exercise over one another AND the powerful ways in which groups affect the society around them


pre sociology- attempt to explain social "chaos


a set of beliefs attitudes and opinions that may or may not be based on scientific evidence. created by social groups

Critical Thinking

the attempt to step outside ideologies and make reflective logic based judgements.

Dominant Discouse

the way most people or the people in power speak/think about a particular issue


explains the world only in terms of what goes on inside individuals. social problems result from flaws in individual behavior

Social Systems

we are always participating in something greater than ourselves. This also includes places and people with structure and culture. these are called ....


suicide. studying the groups someone is in can better predict an individuals behavior than both psych and biology

Johnsons View of Society

We participate in multiple social systems. Social system is a collection of roles in relationship to one another creating a coherent whole.

Social Position/Location

we occupy a variety of positions/statuses in each social system we belong to and tend to experience things differently in each system, this is the sum of these positions.


how we construct reality within a social system using ideas and symbols (especially language) to assign meaning AND its the way we habitually behave in relationship with the meaning we have constructed

High Culture

theater music literature art


what a group or system tells its system is true.Truth and fiction are social constructs


beliefs we designate as good/bad better/worse. Guides our choices and how we treat others


Values with explicit rewards or punishments. Results of behavior.

Material Culture

the physical expression of our beliefs values norms and attitudes. Expresses the values of a group


reactions often with emotional attachment to beliefs values and norms

Johnsons Def of Status

the position one holds in a given social system (social job title) (what you are called)

Webers Def of Status

your relative importance in an organization


the collection of values beliefs and norms that apply to a position holder. Shaped by culture.

Johnsons Version of Role

social job description

Role Structure

the relationships that link statuses and the entire system together


who gets what in terms of wealth, power, and various positions. Creates paths of least resistance


deviant" behavior that results from the conflict between "shared values" and "unequal distributions"-example of structure's impact on behavior

Marxean Family Structure

standard family" did not always exist.

Structure and Culture Relationship

culture shapes roles associated with statuses in a structure. Cultures also shape the unequal distributions and structure AND unequal distributions in structure shape culture


statistical study of human populations. esp Birth patters, death, migration


birth death migration

Human Ecology

a. the relationships that exist among individuals, social system, and physical environment; the consequences of those relationships

William James

self is the sum total of all an individual can call theirs (material social and spiritual self), social self

Charles Horton Cooley

looking glass self" we imagine how we seem to others, how they judge us, then we experience a visceral reaction

George Herbert Mead

Reflexivity. our identity is shaped in learning to see ourselves in the was others do. Also our actions are socially conditioned

Robert Park

Roles. We are shaped by the roles we play over time

Erving Goffman

Dramaturgy: theater, we are on a stage to everyone else

Generalized Other

someone only known by their status or role


things we do standard


intended gestures based on social meaning

Individual and System

it operates on us, we operate on it. People make systems happen

Social Inequality

Ritualized patterns that contribute to privileging some groups over others

I Love You

perforative language, socially constructed but creates a change in the meaning of the words , varies based on the role of those who say it


the system will create paths of least resistance whether or not to vote


capitalism displays with as individual choice but actually cannot be eliminated without system change.

Max Weber Sociology

Studied ideal types- groups whose member share characteristics and can be studied as a single unit-protestants

Pierre Bourdieu

Believed sociology discovers social principles


No structure is entirely equal


Metaphor for society: individuals have the liberty to improvise but within the context of existing musical forms.

social change

stepping off paths of least resistance

history of American racism

socially constructed