SOC FINAL chap 11 ethnicity and race


which is true about race in many parts of the world today?
a) it is learned
b) it is simply the figment of imagination
c) it is strictly a matter of descent

race literacy

Skills taught to children of multiracial families to help them cope with racial hierarchies and to integrate multiple ethnic identities


Cultural values and norms that distinguish the members of a given group from others

Italian and German

my ethnicity


Differences in human physical characteristics used to categorize large numbers of individuals


race is a classification system


The process by which understanding of race are used to classify individuals or groups of people
Can be institutionalized into exploitive political or economic systems

social construct

sociologists call race a ____ ____

minority group

A group of people in a minority in a given society who, because of their distinct physical or cultural characteristics, find themselves in situations of inequality within that society


Attributing superiority or inferiority to a population that shares certain physically inherited characteristics

institutional racism

Patterns of discrimination based on ethnicity that have become structured into existing social institutions

victims of racism

-Rodney King
- Amadou Diallo


Holding preconceived ideas about an individual or group; these ideas are resistant to change even in the face of new information


prejudice can either be positive or negative


Behavior or practices that deny to members of a particular group resources or rewards that others can obtain


Thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories


Transferring ideas or emotions from their true source to another object


Individuals or groups blamed for wrongs that were not of their doing


immigrants are NOT scapegoats for things like unemployment


Forms of thought and/or practice that seek to confront, eradicate, and/or ameliorate racism


is affirmative action an example of antiracism in the U.S?


Most Europeans believed they were racially, morally, and culturally superior to native or enslaved populations.

models of ethnic integration

assimilation, melting pot, pluralism, multi culturalism

civil rights movements

NAACP (1909)
Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955 to 1956)
Lunch counter sit-ins (1960 and beyond)


The movement of people into one country from another for the purpose of settlement


The movement of people out of one country in order to settle in another

factors for migration

Push factors
Pull factors
Macro-level factors
Micro-level factors


The dispersal of an ethnic population from an original homeland into foreign areas, often in a forced manner or under traumatic circumstances (Jews, Africans, Armenians) but sometimes voluntarily (Chinese, Indian, Caribbean, British)


Cultural practices and outlooks of a given community that have emerged historically and that set people apart are referred to as ______.
(a) race
(b) ethnicity
(c) cultural relativism
(d) pluralism


Newspaper cartoons in the 1800s that compared the head of an African man and an Irish man to that of an ape and implied or said outright that Africans and the Irish were lazy, dangerous, and not quite human are examples of ______.
(a) prejudice
(b) scapeg


Which of the following pairs are closest to being opposites?
(a) melting pot; pluralism
(b) assimilation; emigration
(c) multiculturalism; pluralism
(d) prejudice; discrimination


The system of state-controlled racial segregation in South Africa was called ______.
(a) institutional racism
(b) apartheid
(c) Jim Crow
(d) colonial rule


According to the text, affirmative action programs are an example of ______.
(a) antiracism
(b) racism
(c) scapegoating
(d) discrimination


What happened in 1954 to set the civil rights movement in motion?
(a) The Black Panther Party was formed.
(b) Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
(c) The Supreme Court decided in Brown v. Board of Education that "separate


The acceptance of a minority group by a majority population, in which the new group takes on the values and norms of the dominant culture

melting pot

The idea that ethnic differences can be combined to create new patterns of behavior drawing on diverse cultural sources


a model of ethnic relations in which ethnic cultures retain their independent and separate identities yet participate in the rights and powers of citizenship


A recent outgrowth of pluralism in which ethnic groups exist separately and share equally in economic and political life

classic model

-Encourages immigration and offers citizenship but restricts annual intake
-United States, Canada, and Australia

colonial model

-Encourages migration from former colonies
-France and United Kingdom

guest workers model

-Encourages temporary immigration to fulfill labor demands
-Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium

illegal model

Immigrants enter secretly or under a non-immigration pretense

4 migration patterns

acceleration - greater numbers
diversification- greater variety of types of immigrants
globalization- more countries are sending and receiving migrants
feminization- greater numbers of female immigrants

Stephen castles and mark miller

created 4 migration patterns in 1993

push factors

things that push ppl out of a country: such as war, famine, population pressures

pull factors

attract immigrants: political freedom, work, higher standard of living

micro level factors

family and friendship networks between people may be a mechanism for migration

macro level factors

Germanys demand for workers, unfavorable job markets between countries

racial scale

the four boys: black, indian, white, and half caste make up the ___

purity & evil

rise of racism: people believed white = ____ and black = _____

brown vs board of education

supreme court case that made segregation illegal in public places

Mexicans, Puertoricans and Cubans

3 main Latino groups in the united states

negative forms of segregation

genocide, ethnic cleansing, and segregation