Sociology 101: Chapter 11

Biological Determinism

explanations that attribute complex social phenomena to physical characteristics


overt negative and unequal treatment of the members of some social group or stratum

Dual Labor Market Theory

the division of the labor market into two segments: the primary and secondary labor markets


socially learned expectations and behaviors associated with members of each sex

Gender Expectations

women undersexed (socialized to depress sexual feelting), men oversexed (supersexual - feel inadequate if not immediately aroused); men initiate (ask out women), women receive (accept/deny date invite; compelled to passive role - hard time initiating sex); women as controllers (keeping hands off genitals, control men's lust), men as movers (see women as sexual challenge); men are unemotional and strong (look at sex as only physical), women are nurturing and supportive (negative reaction to men's view of sex)

Gender Identity

one's definition of self as man of woman

Gender Segregation

the distribution of men and women in different jobs in the labor force

Gender Socialization

the process by which men and women learn the expectations associated with sex

Gender Stratification

the hierarchical distribution of social and economic resources according to gender

Glass Ceiling

popular concept referring to the limits that women and minorities experience in job mobility


a condition production when irregularities in chromosome formation or fetal differentiation produces persons with biologically mixed sex characterisitics


the fear and hatred of homosexuality

Human Capital Theory

a theory that explains differences in wages as the result of differences in the individual characteristics of the workers


a person born with the physical characteristics of both sexes

Labor Force Participated Rate

the percentage of those in a given category who are employed


a society or group in which women have power over men

Occupational Segregation

a pattern in which different groups of workers are separated into different occupations

Overt Discrimination

knowingly and willingly denying diverse individuals access to opportunities and outcomes in an organization


a society or group where men have power over women


used to refer to biological identity as male or female


Attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles.


those who deviate from the binary system of gender

Title IX

legislation that prohibits schools that receive federal funds from discriminating based on gender