Sociology Final

If a sociologist were to study the ways that people related to one another on a regular basis in a given society, he/she would be studying

The social structure of the society.

In attempting to find out how a particular family copes with the loss of a family member, a researcher collected and analyzed data on each family member. This method is called

Case study.

The TV sitcoms, Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, and Ozzie and Harriet, all support the myth of the ___________ family.

idealized nuclear

_______________ is the legally recognized marriage structure in the United States.


According to C. Wright Mills, _____________ allows us to distinguish between "personal troubles of milieu" and the "public issues of social structure.

sociological imagination

A reconstituted, blended, or stepfamily is formed when

a widow or divorced person remarries, creating a new family that includes the children of one or both spouses.

Observational studies are especially useful when the researcher is attempting to

study people or situations that are not accessible to the general public.

Sociologists approach the study of human behavior and society with a particular set of theoretical


______________ reflect(s) a set of behaviors associated with a particular status.


Which of the following is NOT one of the lessons drawn from the historical review conducted in the text?

It is likely that few changes in family life will occur as the 21st century progresses

A researcher on family systems focuses her research on how social inequality is built into the structure of marriage and the family. What theoretical perspective is the researcher using?


Traditionally, the bulk of research on the family has focused on __________ families.

white middle class

The bulk of research on gender roles has primarily been associated with

white middle class heterosexuals

In sociology, the term "role" refers to

a set of expected behaviors associated with a specific status

Which of the following would NOT be included in Fromm's list of essential components of love?

sexual desire

Which of the following is NOT a process in Reiss's wheel-theory of love?


Women, on average, behave more rationally than men (T/F)


According to Hendrick and Hendrick, research repeatedly shows that men are more __________ in their orientation toward love than women.


The term "feminization of love" refers to

love as a central aspect of the female domain and experience

Plato defined love that is selfish with a strong emphasis on sexual attraction and physical pleasures as


The major difference between social-learning theory and cognitive-development theory is the latter asserts that

children take an active role in organizing their identity.

Key status is sometimes used to refer to one's ________ status.


_______________ are persons who believe that they were born with the body of the wrong sex.


Which of the following explains why homosexuality was an integral part of ancient Greek society?

Only males were considered attractive and worthy companions.

Gender identity refers to ________.

one's awareness of being a male or female

Compared with their counterparts in ancient Greece, women in ancient Rome

enjoyed a higher status in society

The term used for the division of individuals into biological categories of male and female is


Anthropologist Helen Fisher uses the term ___________ as a group of physical, psychological, and behavioral traits that one finds attractive in a mate.

love map