SOC 214 Chapter 10: The "Deviance Dance" Continues

More subjective approaches to deviance focus on
a. the social causes of deviance.
b. the psychological causes of deviance.
c. the role of power in the social typing process.
d. perceptions of and reactions to deviance.
e. both the role of power and percep

e. both the role of power and perceptions of/reactions to deviance.

Formal and informal social control measures are part of the __________ component of the social typing process.
a. evaluation
b. prescription
c. description
d. tagging
e. dramaturgical

b. prescription

Which of the following is an example of retroactive social control?
a. you stop dating someone who asks you to do something "kinky"
b. you teach your young children to say "please" and "thank you"
c. you exercise regularly to maintain bone density
d. you

a. you stop dating someone who asks you to do something "kinky

People in many professions (e.g. law enforcement; educators) identify "at-risk"
youth. This reflects the process.
a. description
b. evaluation
c. dramaturgical
d. informal social control
e. stealth

a. description

During the witch persecutions, certain people were burned at the stake because it was believed they were causing harm within the community. This belief reflects
the ___________ component of the social typing process.
a. evaluation
b. prescription
c. descr

a. evaluation

Which of the following is an example of preventative, formal social control?
a. teaching your children to "just say no" to drugs
b. your physician writes you a prescription for anti-depressants
c. a class that teachers junior-high children about safer sex

c. a class that teachers junior-high children about safer sex

Monitoring our behaviours to prevent deviance is
a. informal control.
b. self-control.
c. preventative.
d. retroactive.
e. prescription.

b. self-control.

_________are powerful moral entrepreneurs, and have tremendous influence as to who or what is deviant.
a. media
b. commercial enterprise
c. government
d. science
e. all of the groups listed above are powerful moral entrepreneurs

e. all of the groups listed above are powerful moral entrepreneurs

In contemporary Canada, sexuality is socially controlled through
a. legislation.
b. media.
c. medicalization.
d. education.
e. a variety of measures, including those listed above.

e. a variety of measures, including those listed above.

According to your textbook, what is the locus for claims-making in the struggles over moral codes and deviance in Canadian society?
a. commercial enterprise
b. religion
c. media
d. government
e. science

c. media

The concept of
view, debates, and resistance surround the social typing of deviance.
a. the deviance dance
b. tertiary deviance
c. retroactive social control
d. tagging
e. stigmatization

a. the deviance dance

Which means of controlling binge drinking on university campuses is the most controversial?
a. campus policies on the maximum length of "happy hours"
b. controls on alcohol advertising on campus
c. dry campuses
d. campus policies governing minimum drink p

c. dry campuses

According to your textbook, where can we search for potential universal standards related to the social typing of deviance?
a. the components that are shared among the doctrines of the world's five major religions
b. human rights documents
c. those scient

b. human rights documents

According to human rights documents, human dignity is/was violated by
a. the eugenics movement.
b. European colonization.
c. residential schooling.
d. Nazi Germany's racial hygiene program.
e. all of the situations listed above.

e. all of the situations listed above.

Which of the following is a human rights document?
a. the Magna Carta
b. Universal Declaration of Sexual Rights
c. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
d. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens
e. all of the above

e. all of the above

The document that is considered to be the foundational document for modern human rights policies, programs and legislation is the
a. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
b. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens.
c. the Magna Carta.
d. Universa

d. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The belief that an individual should not be discriminated against based on their genetic traits is supported by the
a. Magna Carta.
b. Universal Declaration of Sexual Rights.
c. Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights.
d. Declaration of

c. Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights.