Chapter 4 Practice Quiz

People create reality through their social interaction.


Social structure, including status and role, provides a guide for everyday living.


Only a few statuses that we hold figure into our social identity.


Being a professional baseball player is mostly an achieved status.


A person's racial or ethnic identity is an ascribed status.


The term "master status" refers to being the best in one's occupational field.


Having a terminal illness may operate as a master status because people can react to the disease as much as they do to the person.


Role conflict" refers to the conflict or incompatibility among the roles linked to two or more statuses.


A father who wants to be both a friend and a role model to his son might experience role strain.


The process by which people disengage from important social roles is termed "role exit".


Ending words in "ette" and "ess" denotes femininity, which generally reduces the value of something.


The Thomas theorem states that situations defined as real are real in their consequences.


Employers rarely concern themselves with the emotions of the employees.


Emotions have both a biological and cultural foundation.


A person's efforts to create specific impressions in the minds of others is called the "presentation of self".


In dramaturgical analysis, an examination room in a doctor's office is called the "back region".


Nonverbal communication is communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions.


There are specific gestures that indicate when a person is lying or otherwise engaging in deception.


Because men typically have more power in daily interactions than women, they are more likely to intrude on the personal space of women.


In everyday conversation, men tend to maintain more eye contact than women.


Harold and Sybil get lost while driving to another couple's home in an unfamiliar area. Sybil wants Harold to stop and ask for directions, but he will not. This story illustrates the pattern that

Men avoid asking for directions because they want to keep a sense of control.

The process by which people act and react in relation to others is called

Social interaction.

Which of the following concepts defines a social position that a person holds?


At any given time you hold a number of statuses. These statuses make up your

Status set.

When interacting with people of an unfamiliar cultural background,

What is funny to people in one society may not be funny to those from another society.

Which concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life?

Master status

Julie is a police officer who finds that wherever she goes in her small town, people seem to think of her as a "cop". Julie is experiencing the effects of which of the following?

Master status

Akbar is an honor student. In sociological terms, being an honor student is an example of which of the following?

Achieved status

Which term in the following list might serve as a master status?

All of these responses are correct.

Sociologists use that concept to refer to behavior that people expect from someone who holds particular status?


Looking at humor from a functional viewpoint, jokes

All of these responses are correct.

Shawna is an excellent artist, but as a mother she feels that she cannot work and devote enough time to her family. She is experiencing

Role conflict.

Which of the following is involved when a plant supervisor wants to be a good friend and confidante to the workers, but must remain distant in order to rate the workers' performances?

Role strain

Which concept is used to designate the process by which people creatively shape reality as they interact?

Social construction of reality

Flirting is a playful way of seeing if someone is interested in you without risking outright rejection. From this point of view, flirting illustrates

The social construction of reality.

Which of the following likely plays a part in the reality we construct through social interaction?

All of these responses are correct.

Garfinkel's research, an approach called ethnomethodology, involves

Studying the way people make sense of their everyday surroundings.

The English language often treats whatever has greater value, force, or significance as


What does the term "presentation of self" mean?

Efforts to create impressions in the minds of others

The power relationship between a physician and a patient is immediately evident when the patient enters the doctor's office because

Patients must wait until a "gatekeeper" admits them to see the doctor in the office's "back region".

Which of the following is an important element of nonverbal communication?

All of these responses are correct.

The careful observer can notice clues indicating that someone is telling a lie. People give off these clues because

Nonverbal communication is hard for most people to control.

Personal space" refers to

The surrounding area over which an individual makes some claim to privacy.

Most women take the family name of a man they marry. In sociological terms, this is an example of how language can be used to convey

Power over others.

Smiling and making polite remarks to people we do not like is an example of

Idealizing a personal performance.

Tact is a common response in potentially embarrassing situations because

Everyone feels discomfort when a constructed reality breaks down.

Based on research around the world, Paul Ekman concludes that people everywhere express how many basic emotions?


Ekman claims that a major function of emotions is to

Support group life by building connections with others.

Cultures differ in terms of

All of these responses are correct.

Arlie Russell Hochschild explains that companies typically

Try to control the emotions of the workers.