Exam 1

The basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is

the product of people interacting in countless everyday situations.

Unrecognized and unintended consequences of a social pattern are called

latent functions.

According to Emile Durkheim, categories of people with a higher suicide rate typically have

lower social integration.

A symbolic-interaction analysis of sports would conclude that

winning at sports means different things to different people.

Learning more sociology can help you

assess the opportunities and constraints in our lives.

The theoretical approach in sociology that assumes society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the

structural-functional approach.

An example of a latent function of college is

keeping young people out of the labor force, which may not have jobs for them.

If we state that children raised in single-parent families are at high risk of being single parents themselves, we have constructed a(n)_____ of family life.


Which sociological research method is most likely to produce quantitative data that will identify cause-and-effect relationships?

the experimen

If you were trying to measure the "social class" of various people, you would have to keep in mind that

it is necessary to specify exactly what you are measuring.

The practice of understanding another culture on its own terms and using its own standards is called

cultural relativism.

The fact that some married men and married women are sexually unfaithful to their spouses is an example of _____ culture, while the fact that most adults say they support the idea of sexual fidelity is an example of _____ culture.

real; ideal

Cultural transmission refers to the process of

passing cultural patterns from one generation to another.

As our society has entered a postindustrial, computer-based phase, gaining

symbolic skills has become more important.

What concept did Durkheim use to refer to social bonds, which are strong among members of industrial society and are based on specialization and mutual interdependence?

organic solidarity

Compared to an industrial society, a postindustrial society is based on

an information-based economy.

Marx called those who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits


What type of society engages in large-scale farming based on the use of plows drawn by animals or more powerful energy sources?


Looking over the long course of history, Durkheim claimed that societies change as _____ gives way to _____

mechanical solidarity; organic solidarity

Durkheim explained that organic solidarity is based o

specialization and interdependence.

Goffman's idea of the resocialization process includes

breaking down an old identity, then building up a new identity.

Thinking about how patterns of child-rearing vary by class, lower-class parents generally stress _____, while well-to-do parents typically stress _____.

obedience; creativity

According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is to

radically alter a person's personality or behavior.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture?


In the nature versus nurture debate, sociologists claim that

nurture is far more important than nature.

Shawna is an excellent artist, but as a mother, she feels that she cannot work and devote enough time to her family. She is experiencing

role conflict.

The study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance is referred to as

dramaturgical analysis.

What is the concept that refers to the conflict among roles corresponding to two or more statuses?

role conflict

What is the term for the process by which people disengage from important social roles?

role exit

Most women take the family name of a man they marry. In sociological terms, this is an example of how language can be used to convey

power over others.