Sociology 211 Questions

What are the assumptions of the text that are related to human development?

Biological, Social, and Psychological changes influences human development

Billy does not join the swim team because he is not as developed as his friends. What systems are influencing Billy's decision?

All three, biological, societal, and psychological systems, are influencing his decision

Immediately after birth, babies always gain weight. (T/F)


Joan studies children's leisure experiences and how they differ across socioeconomic classes and generations as well as how they bring meaning to their lives as adults. What two aspects of human development apply to her study?

Multicontextual and Multidisciplinary

How many more stages did Newman add to Erikson's stages.


In the Martin Conway and Allison Holmes study, memories most coincide with...?

the memories are most salient with the psychosocial theory of that life stage

Vice President Joe Biden's case of overcoming his childhood stutter is an example of gaining...?

prime adaptive ego quality

What is a weakness of the Psychosocial theory?

The process of moving from one stage to the other needs to be more developed.

When an ovum is fertilized by a sperm during the germinal period, it is called a...?

a zygote

Salk's study about infants that heard 80 beats per minute demonstrated...?

they gained weight and cried less

The life span approach strives to identify ____.

patterns of transition and transformation from one period of life to another

The reason we need to understand the whole person is because

we function in an integrated manner.

In the context of human development assumptions, the term plasticity refers to ____.

adaptive re-organization in life span

Individuals' lives show ____ and ____ as they progress through time.

continuity; change

Jacob believes that he can influence his personal development by making certain choices and being motivated to succeed. Jacob's belief best illustrates which of the following assumptions of the Newman and Newman text?

People contribute actively to their development

Which of the following statements is considered an example of how the environment influences the biological system?

An infant is exposed to many illnesses while attending infant day care.

In the U.S., sixteen-year-olds expect to obtain a driver's license. This is an example of ____.

age-graded societal expectations

Which of the following is not considered a major factor contributing to families living in poverty?

increase in life expectancy

Which of the following statements best illustrates the case of Patrick Jonathan Carmichael? (broken hip)

Children can redefine their relationship with their parents in adulthood.

Dale is 12 years old and is being raised by a single mother who recently lost her job. Dale and his mom are now homeless and experiencing poverty for the first time. Chip is 6 years old. He is being raised by an unemployed single father. Chip and his fath


Accommodation is referred to as the

tendency to modify schemes to account for new attributes revealed through experience.

In psychosexual theory, how is the ego related to the id and the superego?

The ego tries to satisfy the id without offending the superego.

Skinner's theory of operant conditioning emphasizes how learning is guided by

the consequences of behavior.

The comparative study of unique adaptive behaviors is called ethology. This type of study helps clarify ____ to the long-term survival of the species.

the contributions of each generation

Cognitive developmental theory focuses specifically on how

knowing emerges and is transformed into logical, systematic capacities for reasoning.

Ricky wants to play a computer game, but cannot quite figure out how to get the figures to jump and kick. Ricky watches his older sister play the computer game for a few minutes and asks her a few questions. Then Ricky is able to play the game by himself.

learning in the zone of proximal development.

Which of the following is an example of cultural determinism?

Some cultures value aggressiveness and reward aggressive behaviors, whereas other cultures consider aggression shameful or a sign of immaturity.

In the classical conditioning model of learning, before any learning has taken place, the unconditioned stimulus is reflexively linked with which of the following?

the unconditioned response

Which of the following are discussed as the three primary social contexts for development?

family, culture, and ethnic group

Psychosocial theory presents human development as a product of ____.

the interaction between biological and psychological needs and societal expectations

A psychosocial crisis is resolved through

a central process linking individuals' needs with cultural expectations.

Which phrase best describes psychosocial crisis?

a normal set of stresses and strains

Joel just graduated from college and is about to start his first job as a family life educator. He has planned to ask his college sweetheart to marry him after about 3 months in his new job. When Joel came home last weekend, he learned that his parents ar

Joel needing to revisit and reinterpret earlier psychosocial stages.

The function of a theory is to

describe unobservable processes and relate them to observable events.

Developmental tasks can be viewed as

competencies that lead to mastery of the environment.

What is the impact of a husband's presence on his wife's childbirth experience?

The women report that they experience less pain, and they use less medication.

In a longitudinal study of the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol, what was one of the findings?

A positive family environment could not compensate for the negative effects of alcohol exposure.

There are ____ pairs of chromosomes in the human cell.


A significant risk associated with childbearing after age 40 is

Down syndrome.

The age of viability occurs sometime between ____.

19 and 32 weeks

The three phases of prenatal development, in order, are ____.

zygote, embryo, and fetus

Marilyn describes her feelings about pregnancy as sometimes anxious or depressed and sometimes excited and hopeful. Marilyn's feelings are considered


How do Samoan women tend to view childbirth?

as a necessary and valued part of life

The final psychological adaptation stage of the birth process is

the postpartum period

A child's measured intelligence is a product of the child's genotype for intelligence and the quality of the environment in which the child is raised and educated. This is an example of the concept of

reaction range.