family functions

a component of family systems theory that involves the daily routines of the family

family ideology

a set of beliefs, standards, world view, philosophy of life and values are shared by all family members. This is different from the generational and emotional aspects of family life.

female carer-core

female, adult primary carer

fertility rate

A statistic that measures the average number of children that women in a given group are expected to have over the course of a lifetime

functional fit

the ability to function in daily life in many different contexts

functional prerequisites

A function necessary for the continued existence of a society is a

same sex families

May face many challenges from a community that is unaccustomed to alternative lifestyles. The children's adaptation depends on the parents' psychological adjustment, the degree of participation and support of the absent biologic parent, and community acce

gender inequality

The inequality between men and women in terms of wealth, income, and status.

horizontal and vertical structures

describing various relationships will give also an image about the dynamism of the global world.


process whereby the means of production are based in mass production utilising devloping technology. basis of wealth of many countries in the 21stC


1. to keep in or reduce to an infantile state.
2. to treat or regard as infantile.

instrumental/expressive roles

Instrumental - concerned with attaining group goals. Expressive - concerned with promoting group morale

joint/segregated conjugal roles

where the husband and wife carry out many activities together and with a minimum of task differentiation and separation of interests


farms in Israel where groups of Jewish families live and work together

kinship patterns(networks)

the study of the patterns of social relationships in one or more human cultures, or it can refer to the patterns of social relationships themselves

life course analysis

attempts to understand the onset, persistence & desistance of deivant activity across life span

lone/single parent family

1 parent

loss of function

when a body part stops working/ doesn't work as well as it should


A socially approved mating relationship that people expect to be stable and enduring.

marital breakdown/instability

When a husband and wife no longer get on with each other, leading to the end of the marriage by divorce or separation


A society ruled or controlled by women

matrifocal family

family group consisting of a mother and her children, with a male only loosely attached or not present at all


Based on a woman's family line

matrilocal residence

a residence pattern in which a married couple lives in the wife's mother's place of residence


Form of relocation diffusion involving permanent move to a new location.

modified extended family

a household or family unit created by related nuclear families and/or friendships