Sociology Chapter 12 ~ Sex, Gender & Sexuality

Doing gender

when people perform tasks based upon the gender assigned to them by society and, in turn, themselves

Double standard

concept that prohibits premarital sexual intercourse for women but allows it for men

Gender identity

an individual's sense of being either masculine or feminine

Gender role

society's concept of how men and women should behave


a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions of behaviors that are considered male or female


an extreme or irrational aversion to homosexuals

Queer theory

a scholarly discipline that questions fixed (normative) definitions of gender and sexuality


the prejudiced belief that one sex should be valued over another


a term that denotes the presence of physical or physiological differences between males and females

Sexual orientation

a person's emotional and sexual attraction to a particular sex (male or female)


a person's capacity for sexual feelings


a term that refers to individuals who identify with the behaviors and characteristics that are opposite of their biological sex


transgendered individuals who wish to alter their bodies through medical interventions such as surgery and hormonal therapy

gender & socialization

children are introduced to certain roles that are typically linked to their biological sex

functionalist - gender

gender roles established before pre-industrial era

conflict - gender

struggle for dominance among social groups that compete for scarce resources in society

feminist theory - gender

examines inequalities in gender-related issues

symbolic interactionism - gender

understand human behavior by analyzing the critical role of symbols in human interaction

sex education

required in Sweden (not all US public schools), main question is what way of teaching this is better

family - gender, etch

stresses importance of regulating sexual behavior, strong influence

peer groups - gender, etch

strong influence, individuals are socialized to sexual attitudes

mass media

significant agent of gender socialization

sexuality around the world

attitudes vary within a country, Sweden - most liberal

sexuality in the US

restrictive towards gender attitudes, men have�or have the right to�more sexual urges than women creates a double standard

functionalist - sex & sexuality

stress the importance of regulating sexual behavior to ensure marital cohesion and family stability

conflict - sex & sexuality

power differentials are present & where dominant groups actively work to promote their world view & economic interest

symbolic interactionism - sex & sexuality

eanings associated with sexuality and with sexual orientation

queer theory - sex & sexuality

manner in which we have been taught to think about sexual orientation