Which of the following is an example of a total institution?


the process by which people creatively shape reality through social interaction is called:

the social construction of reality

all the statuses a person holds at a given time is called

Status set

Which of the following is an element of culture?

symbols, language, norms and values

The concept of 'sociological imagination' by C. Wright Mills refers to:

an understanding of how society affects culture

According to Robin Williams Jr., which of the following is a key value of the U.S. culture?

efficiency, freedom, science

Which of the following sociological concepts refers to rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members?


which of the following sociological concepts refers to culturally defined standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good, and beautiful and that serve as broad guidelines for social living?


Which of the following sociological perspectives recognizes the cultural diversity of the US and promotes equal standing for all cultural traditions?


Which of following sociological perspectives sees society as an arena of inequality that generations conflict and change?

the social-conflict theory

People who interact in a defined territory and share a culture are collectively called:

a society

the global perspective refers to:

the study of the larger world and our society's place in it

the study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance is called

the dramaturgical analysis

conflict among the roles connected to two or more statuses is called:

role conflict

Which of the following theories of socialization argues that Self is that part of an individual's personality which develops only with social experience by taking the role of other?

the sociological theory

the fact that some cultural elements change more quickly than others, disrupting a cultural system is called:

cultural lag

the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture is called:


Which of the following is not a method of sociological investigation?


cultural relativism refers to:

the practice of judging a culture by its own standards

the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture is called:


Which of the following is an agent of socialization?

family, school, mass media

The concept of radically changing an inmate's personality by carefully controlling the environment is called:


Which of the following methods of sociological investigation involves an investigation of cause and effect under highly controlled conditions?


What is sociological theory?

a statement of how and why specific facts are related

Which of the following theories of socialization argues that human behavior is instinctive simply our nature?

the biological theory

what is research method?

a systematic plan for doing research

what of the following is non-material culture?


status refers to:

a social position that a person holds

In which of the following methods of sociological investigation--investigators systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities?

participant observation

The famous Thomas theorem argues that

situations that are defined as real are real in their consequences

what is culture?

the ways of thinking, ways of acting and material obejects that together form a people's way of life

which of the following is not a part of nonverbal communications?

(gestures, body movements, facial expressions)

What is the sociological perspective?

seeing the general in the particular

Which of the following is an example of an ascribed status (born with)?

gender and race

Personal disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life is called...

culture shock

according to Robert K. Merton what is dysfunction?

any social pattern that may disrupt the operation society

What is sociology?

the systematic study of human society

a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life is called:

master status

according to Robert K Merton, what is latent function?

the unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social pattern

which of the following sociological perspecitves sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability?

the structural-functional approach

religion is an example of:

non material culture

a number of roles attached to a single status is called:

role set

according to the psychological theory of socialization by Sigmund Freud, which of the following is component of the human personality?

Id, Ego, Superego

Which of the following sociological perspectives that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals?

the symbolic-interaction approach

tension among the roles connected to single status is called:

role strain

according to Robert k merton, what is manifest function?

the recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern

In which of the following methods of sociological investigation-subjects respond to a series of statements or questions on a questionnaire or in an interview?


according to emile Durkheim's study of suicide, who is more likely to commit suiced?

wealth, protestant men

which of the following is an example of an achieved status?


Behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status is called:

a role