Ch. 12 The Family and Human Sexuality


a set of people related by blood, marriage or some other agreed-on relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society

nuclear family

a married couple and their unmarried children living together


a family in which relatives, such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles, live in the same home as parents and their children


a form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married only to each other

serial monogamy

a form of marriage in which a person may have several spouses in his or her lifetime, but only one spouse at a time


a form of marriage in which an individual may have several husbands or wives simultaneously

polygyny and polyandry

according to Geoorge Murdock, what are the two types of polygamy?


a form of polygamy in which a man may have more than one wife at the same time


a form of polygamy in which a woman may have more than one husband at the same time


the state of being related to others


the principle of ______ assigns people to kinship groups according to their relationship to ones mother or father

bilateral descent

a kinship system in which both sides of a persons family are regarded as equally important

patrilineal descent

a kinship system in which only the father's relatives are significant

matrilineal descent

a kinship system in which only the mother's relatives are significant


a society in which men dominate in family decision making


a society in which women dominate in family decision making

egalitarian family

an authority pattern in which spouses are regarded as equals

William Ogburn

which sociologist under the functionalist perspective describes 6 paramount functions performed by a family?


_____ theorists view the family as a reflection of the inequality in wealth and power that is found within the larger society


_______ theorists focus on the micro level of family and other intimate relationships, such as the result of greater father involvement and step-parents have on children


_____ sociologists have taken a strong interest in the family as a social institution and research gender roles in child care and household chores as well as single women, single-parents, and lesbian couples


over ___% of all men and women in the U.S. marry at least once during their lifetimes


couples most commonly meet through friends and secondly through the ______, followed by family, workplace, and neighborhood


the restriction of mate selection to people within the same group


the requirement that people select a mate outside certain groups

incest taboo

the prohibition of sexual relationship between certain culturally specified relatives


the conscious or unconscious tendency to select a mate with personal characteristics similar to one's own

Katherine Newman

author of The Accordian Family and discussed how upper-middle-class families can afford to provide space to an adult child working toward an advanced degrees while less privileged families tend to use their kids income to contribute to the family's welfar


a sense of masculinity, personal worth, and pride in their maleness that describes Mexican American men


pride in the extended family, expressed through the maintenance of close ties and strong obligations to kinfolk outside the immediate family

Alice Rossi

who identified 4 factors that complicate the transition to parenthood and role of socialization for most men and women in the U.S.?


in a legal sense, the transfer of the legal rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood to a new legal parent or parents


from a ________ perspective, the government has a strong interest in encouraging adoption since unwed mothers who keep their babies tend to be of lower SES and often require public assistance; social welfare can be lowered if children's are transferred to


the adoption of a non-white child by white parents or a hispanic child by non-hispanics


a family in which only one parent is present to care for the children


from a ________ perspective, low-income teens tend to have low self-esteem and limited options; a child may provide a sense of motivation and purpose for a teen whose economic worth in our society is limited


about ___% of all people in the U.S. will mary, divorce, and then remarry which contributes to the increase in stepfamily relationships


male-female couples who choose to live together without marrying


about ___ of all currently married couples in the U.S. say that they lived together before marriage

domestic partnership

two unrelated adults who share a mutually caring relationship, reside together, and agree to by jointly responsible for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common necessities