
Locked away; not raised in a normal household. Isable for instance locked up with her mother and was found at age 6


Took babies from the orphanage 12 babies, and sent them to a mental institution; to women in the looney, just to see if there is a differene made in socialization, in terms of interaction. It did work, the babies that were put in the mental institution sc

Skeels and Dye Research

We develop our sense of self through our interpretation of what we think others see, were acting on the response of others

Cooleys Method

We develop self concept in three stages, we imitate as babies and then we play and through play we develop a concrete image and then we go through a teen gang stage and realize there is a generalized other out there.

Meads Method

biologically there are emotions; they are worldwide; everyone smiles if they are happy. Sociolization is houw you lear to show those emotions and interactions; funeral


society teaches you the behavior that are expected of males and females.

Gender Socialization

we have discovered with research 1200 kids that day care socializes children to be somewhat more aggressive and mean, and not only that it creates a weaker bond with mothers, but do much better with vocab and testing with day care

Daycare Socialization

first exposure as a human being getting ready to be a member of this society

Family as an Agent of Socialization

cut you off from everybody else, there to help resocialize you.

total institutions

begin to feel like what you want to be in the future, anticipate yourself in a certain work field area

anticipatory socialization

socially created stage of life, children needed time to develop


society teaches you how to be a good member in society

socialization in general

the status that you achieve; its something accomplished or done; example: lawyer, teacher, reformed alcoholic

achieved status

where we look at terms and everything in study based on interaction

microsociological approach

societys way of meeting societys needs; what we need; millatry eduction

social institutions

you get it when you are born, black white male female

ascribed status

occupy a status you play a role, when you have various statuses at the times the demands of those roles will be conflict.

role conflict

where you are in terms of society; based on three things level of education, occupation prestige

social class

its important in society in terms of education, we want an educatied work force

functionalism and education

what you have to show your status; wedding rings, lab coats, orange jumpsuits

status symbol

Suggest you look at intimate and personal, everyone knows what team work is

distance zone

if we see something as real then it is real in its consequenes

Thomas Theorem

background assumptions; what everyone knows


give us predictability

normas and deviance

Dirkheim, same kind of job and associated with such

Mechanical Solidarity

race or ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, physical ability, age, economic standing, religion or spirituality, and education.

Master Status

self-identity and behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them. It is associated with the concepts of self-fulfilling prophecy and stereotyping

labeling theory

goal-directed conscious or unconscious process in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event; they do so by regulating and controlling information in social interaction

impression managment

a process where participants in an interaction support each other's self and avoid making each others lose face, therefore making interactive participation a moral commitment

studied nonobservance

compliance with standards, rules, or laws.


the rejection of culturally prescribed goals and the conventional means for attaining them.


perspectives in sociology that emphasize the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, that critique the broad socio-political system, or that otherwise detract from structural functionalism and ideological conservativism.

conflict theories

emphasizes the analysis of social systems and populations on a large scale, at the level of social structure, and often at a necessarily high level of theoretical abstraction.

macrosological approach

French sociologist and first professor of sociology at the Sorbonne


the fact or state of departing from usual or accepted standards, esp. in social or sexual behavior


refers to an alteration in the social order of a society.

social change