Sociology Week 5 Day 2 Key Terms


Merton defined this as meaning that the person accepted the cultural goal and used acceptable ways of trying to reach this goal.

Control theory

Identifies four different types of social control that keep people conforming to society's norms. The theory was developed by Hirschi.


Determine whether the individual is innocent or guilty of the charge.


Breaking one of society's official criminal laws.

Crimes against property

Those that involve the theft of something that belongs to someone else. These crimes are also known as property crimes.

Crimes against the person

Those that involve direct violence or threat of violence to another person. Such crimes are often called violent crimes.

Criminal justice system

Society's formal response to crime.


Discouraging crime because of the consequences.

Travis Hirschi

The sociologist who developed control theory.


In strain theory, this means accepting the goal but using unacceptable, or deviant, ways of reaching this goal.

Robert Merton

Sociologist who developed strain theory.


Help maintain peace and public order by enforcing the formal laws within a society.


Merton defined this as choosing to identify new goals and new means to reach them.


Crimes committed by someone who has already been convicted of another crime.


Happens when the individual rejects the cultural goal and the means.


Occurs when people reject the goal, but continue to use the accepted means of reaching the goal.

Social control

Refers to the ways that a society keeps people from breaking the laws and norms.

Strain theory

Explores different ways that people might react to cultural goals and the institutionalized means, or ways of reaching those goals.

Victimless crimes

Those that don't have a clear victim. Some of the crimes that fall into this category are prostitution, illegal drug use, and gambling.

White collar crimes

Those committed while doing business, such as cheating on taxes, bribery, and embezzling funds from a company.