SOC Exam #2

Less than half of violent crimes, and less than one-fourth of property crimes, ever result in an arrest. This means that:

People arrested for criminal acts represent only a sample of people who commit crimes.

Effective social control is dependent primarily on:

both self-control and informal social controls.

According to ________, crime is more likely to occur in neighborhoods that suffer extreme structural disadvantage and as a result experience low collective efficacy.

collective efficacy theory

The Uniform Crime Report summarizes the:

number of incidents of crimes that are known to police and are of five major types.

About what percentage of prison inmates are African American males?


The country with the highest rate of imprisonment is:

the United States.

Both conflict and structural-functional theory view deviance:

as resulting from the overall social structure.

We need to be cautious when generalizing about crime and the larger population of criminals based on UCR statistics because:

the people arrested for criminal acts are not a random sample of the people who commit crimes.

Why is lower-class behavior more likely than upper-class behavior to be labeled as deviant?

The more power a group has, the more likely they are to be successful at defining deviance.

The structural-functional perspective was first applied to the explanation of deviance by:


Differential association theory argues that:

people learn to be deviant when their associates favor deviance over conformity.

The following is an example of false enforcement?

A teen who is not homophobic participates in taunting a gay peer for fear that he will be rejected if he doesn't.

Studies of crime prevention indicate that:

the certainty of getting caught is a better deterrent than lengthy sentences.

Sociological theories of deviance tend to emphasize that the reasons for deviance:

are found in the social structure of society.

Durkheim first applied the explanation of anomie in his study of:


Evaluation of newer intensive supervision probation programs indicates that they:

reduce costs and increase the likelihood of rehabilitation when combined with drug treatment and other service.

Which of the following is an example of white-collar crime?

an industrial plant ignoring the law which prohibits dumping toxic waste into the environment.

A group of people who have a sense of identification with one another because they are about equal in class, power, and status are often referred to as sharing:

social class.

Sociologists call the ability to influence or force others to do what one wants them to do, regardless of their own wishes:


Which of the following examples of inequality is best explained on the macro level?

Despite his Princeton degree in economics, Miguel is unable to find a job anywhere but McDonald's.

Development is a major goal in:

almost all societies.

The best predictor of your eventual social class is your:

parents' income

Inequality becomes stratification when it is institutionalized and:

based on membership in a status.

Which macrosociological view of social change is based on evolutionary and functional theory?

modernization theory

Can money buy happiness?" The evidence in your text suggests that:

people with more money have a higher quality of life overall.

In 2011, the poverty level for a family of four was:

$22,113 per year.

The least-developed countries constitute what percentage of the world's population?


Although the class system of the U.S. permits social mobility, most people attain the same or similar social class as their parents. This is best described as:

the indirect inheritance model.

According to world-systems theory, the prosperity of the _________ is based on the poverty of the _________.

core societies;
peripheral societies

Whether one identifies oneself as working- or middle-class has important consequences for all of the following EXCEPT:

how much money you make.

The major ideology that justifies inequality in the U.S. is termed:

the American Dream.

Which of the following is a criticism of the structural-functional theory of stratification?

Social class, sex, and race probably have more to do with getting a good job than do scarce talents and abilities.

A status that is optional, one that we can reach (or fail to reach) on the basis of our own efforts, is called:

an achieved status.

What did Marx call the class must sell its labor to those who own the means of production?

the proletariat

How does inequality within any particular racial-ethnic group compare with the inequality between groups?

Within each different racial-ethnic group, the top 20% of the population receives about half of the income.

A child of immigrants from Mexico joins a gang. This is an example of:

downward assimilation

________ is an attitude; _________ is behavior.

Prejudice; discrimination

Which of the following statements is true?

Race and ethnicity are socially constructed categories.

Racial differences in __________ are primarily responsible for the continuing racial divide in the United States.


Because so many more black than white households are headed by females, some commentators have concluded that black poverty is a result of bad decision making by African American men and women. Empirical evidence:

suggests this is simply not true.

Which of these statements accurately describes racial segregation in the United States?

Lower-income members of minority groups are more likely to live in ethnically-segregated neighborhoods than are wealthier members of the same groups.

The term "the melting pot" implies:

the idea of the emergence of a new culture.

When sociologists refer to a majority group, they are referring to the:

group that is culturally, economically, and politically dominant.

Having low status on two different dimensions of stratification is known as:

double jeopardy.

According to the data presented in the text, the median income of white non-Hispanic families is about _________ that of Hispanic and African American families.

one and a half times

When groups exist as separate but equal cultures within a society, this is termed:


Prejudice is:

an irrationally based negative attitude toward categories of people.

On average, adult white men live ______ longer than black men.

6 years

By 1700, the __________ culture was dominant on the entire Eastern seaboard.


Hispanic Americans are:

an ethnic group.

Which of these statements about genocide is true?

Genocides have occurred throughout history in various places in the world.

According to conflict theory, contemporary sex differences are designed to:

benefit the capitalist class.

Which of the following helps explain why African American men fare worse in school?

Teachers have lower expectations for them than other groups.

The behaviors we normally associate with being female and male:

may vary across cultures and over time.

Men are more likely to choose and be urged into disciplines that are more lucrative than women. The implications of the educational choices of men and women on their economic well-being is an example of:

institutional sexism.

Which of these parental behaviors is least likely to occur?

Parents enroll their son in a dance class

Compared with white women, African American women:

All of these are true about African American women.

Which of the following is NOT a reason listed in your text for men and women having different types of jobs?

different abilities

Sexual harassment can include:

-The expectation of sexual favors in exchange for something else.
-A hostile environment.
-Unwanted sexual attention.

Much of the income inequality for African American women is explained by:

the lower earnings of African American men.

Children develop strong gender stereotypes because:

they see the world as highly divided by sex.

Women in the U.S. gained the right to vote in:


Gender roles refer to:

the rights and obligations that are normative for men and women in a particular culture.

Even if a man and a woman have the same occupation, the man is likely to have a substantially higher income than the woman. Which of the following reasons for this discrepancy was NOT cited in the textbook?

Women are less capable of long hours and hard work.

Starting in _____ grade, boys tend to pursue math and science courses, while girls tend to pursue classes in language and literature.


The concept of sex is used to refer to which of the following?


The glass ceiling is:

an invisible barrier that limits the ability of members of minority groups to be promoted into the higher ranks.

Which of the following is true of "hooking up"?

Hooking up improves men's reputations.