SOC 281

The four essential features of the modern family which emerged between 1776 and 1830 were 1) that marriage based on mutual respect and affection. 2) separation of mens and womens spheres. 3)increased attention and energy focused on children and

Smaller number of children and womens moral superiority

The data collected by Cancian for her article "from role to self" included a sample of articles found in popular magazines from 1900 to 1979. This approach to data gather is an example of

Archival Research

One feminist approach is the assumption that all knowledge is incomplete, imperfect, and influenced by one's social position is called?

Situated Knowledge

a federally defined income limit- the cost of an "economy" diet for a family, multiplied by 3 is known as?

The poverty line

As an upper-middle class male Mr. Johnson is relatively privileged in terms of class and gender, however as an openly gay African American , he experiences social stigma and various kinds of subtle discrimination, by virtue of his race and sexual orientat


the theory that gender identification and behavior are based in part on people's innate biological differences is known as?

Biosocial approach

Chinatowns and Little Italy districts are examples of

immigrant enclaves

the view that sexual life is artificially organized into categories that reflect the power of heterosexual norms is part of a critical standpoint known as

Queer Theory

People who were ten years old on sept 11 2001 are an example of

birth cohort

examining one's own research process - i.e. paying attention to one's own assumptions and possible biases as one proceeds to study a particular group or social problem is known as what idea from the feminist approach


one or two people related by marriage partnership or shared parenthood who are taking care of dependents are- along with their dependents- what is considered a

public family

A wife asking her husband "what exactly do you mean by that?" is illustrating a central component of the theoretical perspective called

symbolic interaction

economic resources, prestige, and privilege are three elements that help to determine a persons_______ membership

social class

The style of living known as utilitarian individualism is characterized by an emphasis on work related personal achievement and

self reliance

_____ is the process by which immigrant groups give up aspects of their original culture to blend in with the dominant social group


The theoretical perspective that asserts that mate selection is partly influenced by unconscious biological drives to assure the survival of ones genes in the next generation is known as

evolutionary psychology

In Purrucci and Wysongs double diamond model of social class in America 80% of the population-comprising 3 separate groups were designated as

new working class

a cultural characterization of women during the emergence of the modern family between 1776 and 1830 which influenced the eventual involvement of women in social and political movements was the belief that women were

morally superior

In Purrucci and Wysongs double diamond model of social class in America, a person who is in and out of the labor force in a variety of low paid jobs who experiences frequent periods of unemployment is most likely to belong to the ______ class


the tendency of people to enjoy the benefits of public goods that they have not helped to produce is called

free rider problem

an approach to living in which one pursues one's own interests and which emphasizes a personally rewarding life is called


The belief that our sexual identities are entirely a product of social beliefs and cultural traditions is known as


the characteristic of the modern family called separate spheres resulted in a form of household known as the

Breadwinner/ homemaker

the theory that women are best suited to being "expressive" specialists providing nurturance and men are the best suited to being "instrumental" specialists earning money is part of a theoretical perspective called


The perspective that assumes that people decide to enter relationships based on an analysis of its costs and benefits is known as

exchange theory

The bioscoial approach to gender differences and the integrative perspective on sexuality have one thing in common: an emphasis on both ______ and _______ influences

biological and social influences

A speculative statement about the relationship between two or more variables is called a


a social structure in which the strongest bonds of support and caregiving occur among women, most of them relatives, who may live in more than one household.

Women centered kinship

The view that children are raised in ways that encourage different behaviors and interests for boys and girls is known as the ______ approach

socialization approach

two or more people who maintain a long term, intimate relationship, live in the same household, and pool resources are called

private family

families that maintain continual contact between members in sending and receiving countries are called

transnational families

the concept of "doing gender" is an example of the ______ approach

interactionist approach

the biological and sociocultural characteristics that distinguish men and women are respectively known as _____ and ______

sex and gender

a family formed through the voluntary decision of people who are not biologically or legally related is known as

family of choice

A style of life focused on developing ones feelings and emotional satisfaction is known as

Expressive individualism

The hypothesized relationship between family integration and economic integration can be described as


When families are very complex, even the people involved may disagree about who is or is not part of the family. This uncertainty is known as

boundary ambiguity

A major weakness of conflict theory, when applied to families is that it fails to consider the complexity of _______ and _____

gender relations and subjective experience

The tendency of people to marry others similar to themselves is called

assortative marriage

the relative resources and opportunities different people have to provide themselves with material goods and favorable living conditions is known as

life chances

The most significant difference between the "privileged class" and the "new working class" in Purrucci and Wysongs double model is access to

investment capital

Things that may be enjoyed by people who do not themselves produce them are known as

public goods

a major disadvantage of _____ research is that questions may not be answered honestly


the most important purpose of ____ is to limit the number of people with whom one must share resources


the accumulation of resources in a husband and wife household is known as

marriage centered networks

the resources that a person can access through relationships with other people are called

social capital

an economic system in which goods and services are privately produced and sold on a market for a profit is called


the study of how individuals lives change over time and how these changes are related to history is known as

lifecourse perception