Sociology Unit Test 1

Bob's football coach is a very important influence in his life. Many of Bob's actions are attempts to win the approval of his coach. Based on Mead's theory on development, which concept applies most to the relationship between Bob and his coach?

Bob's coach is one of his significant others

April spends more than 40hrs/week in day care because both her parents work full-time. Hope spends about 15 hrs/week in day care because her mother only works part-time. Based upon the studies, what can one expect of the relationship April will have with

April will have a weaker bond with her mother than Hope

Fred has applied for the position of head football coach at a local middle school, a role he has not fulfilled in the past. Although the Board of Education hasn't announced its decision on who will receive the position, Fred is already developing plays, l

Anticipatory socialization

Which of the following would be the best example of a total institution?

A mental hospital

Studies that involve identical twins demonstrate that both heredity and environment influence human development, true or false?


Leo, Matthews, Ryan, Liz, Isabelle, and Francis grew up together, attended the same schools, and share many of the same interests. Sociologically, which concept best describe their relationship?

They comprise a peer group

According to George Herbert Mead, how does a child learn to take the role of others?

Through play and imitation

As children, boys usually receive trucks, sporting equipment, and action toys. Girls receive dolls and gifts that are most passive. Overall, what do sociologists call this sex-based criteria for the gifts children receive?

Gender socialization

Without language there can be no culture and culture is the key to what people become, true or false?


Agents of Socialization

People or groups that affect our self-concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life

Anticipatory Socialization

Because one anticipates a future role, one learns parts of it now

Degradation Ceremony

A term coined by Harold Garfinkel to describe an attempt to remake the shelf by stripping away an individual's self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

Feral Children

Children raised apart from human society


The attitudes and behaviors that are expected of us because we are a male or a female

Gender Role

The behaviors and attitudes that a group considers proper for males and females; masculinity and femininity

After submitting her completed research dissertation to her comittee, Becky was accused of plagiarism by the chair of the department. What did the chair believe Becky did?

Becky copied major parts of her dissertation from someone else's work

To be classified as a society, what are the two key qualitites a group of people must share?

A common culture and a territory

Which sociological perspective analyzes how social life depends on the ways we define ourselves and other?

Symbolic interactionism

What term describes the use of sociology to solve social problems in business, the workplace, and other aspects of society?

Applied sociology

How did Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in their theoretical assumptions?

Marx believed economics was the central force driving social change, and Weber claimed it was religion

What event led to an uprooting of what had been traditional social arrangements?

The industrial revolution

What is a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work?

A theory

Which sociological perspective views society as being composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for scarce resources?

Conflict theory

Which theoretical perspective stresses that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together harmoniously?

Functional analysis

What term did Robert Merton use to describe human actions that hurt a system (society) that are usually unintended?

Latent dysfunctions

Frank is examining the broad stream of events that have occurred over the past 50 years and the specific experiences of his own life. By doing so, what sociological process has Frank undertaken?

The sociological imagination

Based on Emile Durkheim's research on suicide, which individual would be the greatest suicide risk?

Herbert, a single Protestant man living in the city

Anthony is conducting experimental research on the effects of an educational therapy programand the conflict-resolution skills of inmates. He has established two groups. Group A will receive a special conflict-resolution therapy program. Group B will go a

The control group

Max Weber referred to the self-denying approach to life as the protestant ethic, true or false?


Individuals becoming homeless because of welfare reform legislation that cuts all payments to non-working Americans after two years would be classified as a latent dysfunction of the legislation, true or false?


Marxism and communism are indentical political ideologies with both leading to a classless society, true or false?


Pure, basic, and applied sociology are all terms that refer to the application of the scientific method to the social world, true or false?


Common sense is the most important aspect of designing sociological research, true or false?


Symbolic interactionism and structural functionalism are both theoretical perspectives that rely on macro-level analysis, true or false?


W.E.B. Du Bois and Jane Addams would be most appropiately classified as applied sociologists, true or false?


Sociological Perspective

Stresses the social contexts in which people live;examines how contexts influence people's lives


A groups of people who share a culture and a territory


The study of society"; the purpose is not only to discover social principles, but also to apply them to social reform


Applying the scientific method to the social world, suggested by Auguste Comte

Class Conflict

The engine of human history, the idea that society is made up of two classes and that they are natural enemies (Burgeoise v. Proletariat)

Social Integration

The degree to which people are tied to their social group


Repeating a study in order to compare a new study with the original findings


Beliefs about what is good or desirable in life and the way the world ought to be

Latent Dysfunctions

Usually unintended human actions that hurt a system

Applied Sociology

Using sociology to solve problems


A general statement of how some parts of the world fit together and how they work

Micro-Level Analysis

Examining what people do when they are in one another's presence

Macro-Level Analysis

Examining large scale patterns of society

Participant Observation

Where the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happening in that setting

Public Sociology

Harnessing the sociological perspective for the benefit of the public, a middle ground between research and reform

Social Location

The corners in life that people occupy because of where they are located in a society

Emile Durkheim

Found the trends underlying suicide, less social integration=the higher the rate, proestant, male, and unmarried have higher rates

Social Integration

The degree to which people are tied to their social groups

W.E.B. Du Bois

African American, fought againt racisms, published a book on black white relations, founded National Association fro the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Jane Addams

Co founded NAACP and fought for social reform

Symbolic Interactionism

Idea that symbols (things to which we attach meaning) are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate with one another

Functional Analysis / Structural Functionalism

The society is a whole unit, made up of iterrelated parts that work together, like organs working together in a body

Classless Society

Concept that Karl Marx believed in would be a result of a revolution due to class conflict

Manifest/Latent Functions

Manifest is an action that is intended to help the system and latent is a function that unintendedly helps the system adjust

Conflict Theory

A conclusion by Marx that the key to human history in class conflict

Operational Definition

Precise ways to measure the variables

What term do sociologists use to describe the language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, and material objects shared by members of society that are also passed from one generation to the next?


Which set of concepts best illustrates nomaterial culture?

Beliefs, values, norms

When sociologists use the phrase, "the culture within us," what do they mean?

Shared and learned ways of believing and doing become taken-for-granted assumptions

Mark is a foreign exchange student living with a Chinese family. The first night he was with them his hosts served a delicious entree of meat and vegetables. Although tasty, Mark could not identify the meat. When his host told him it was roast dog Mark be

Culture shock

What is the tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things as the yardstick for judging the behavior, values, and beliefs of others?


How do members of a society acquire the ability to use and understand gestures?

Most gestures are learned through interaction with others

What term refers to how our language determines our consciousness and perceptions of objects and events?

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

What are the expectations or rules of behavior that develop out of a group's values?


What term describes hugs, smiles, and "high fives" that are freely given between two individuals as a sign of expressing approval for following a norm?

Positive Sanctions

What term describes a society which is made up of many different religions, races, and ethnic groups?

A pluralistic society

What is the core value that pervades U.S. life and is underscored by the American revolution?


What term do sociologists use to describe the norms and values that people actually follow as opposed to those the would follow if they lives in "a perfect world"?

Real culture

When American servicemen occupied Japan following World War II, the Japanese watched the Americans playing baseball, appreciated the sport, and adopted it themselves. Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan. This adoption of baseball by

Cultural diffusion

Most gestures are universal and serve as an international method of communication, true or false?


United States society contains thousands of subcultures, true or false?


Because of the freedom of speech and ability to express individual views, culture wards are almost nonexistent in the United States, true or false?


A society's material culture usually experiences a change first, and the nonmaterial culture catches up to the change later, true or false?


Wayne always wears a lapel pin on his suit signifying that he was the recipient of the Medal of Honor when he was in the service. Usually, only veterans recognize what the pin actually means. In view of this, which of the following terms best describes Wa

It is a symbol to which people attach meaning

The motorcycle gang "Hells Angels" is a good example of a subculture because their values and norms blend in with mainstream society, true or false?


Within a culture values never change, true or false?



A group whose values, beliefs, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture

Cultural Diffusion

The spread of cultural characteristics from one group to another

Cultural Lag

Ogburn's term for human behavior lagging behind technological innovations

Cultural Leveling

The process by which cultures become similar to one another especially refers to the process by which U.S. culture is being imported and diffused into other nations

Cultural Relativism

Not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms (cultural empathy)


The language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that are passed from one generation to the next

Culture Shock

The disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture and can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life


The use of one's own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies, generally leading to a negative evaluation of the other societies' values, norms, and behaviors


Norms that are not strictly enforces


The ways in which people use their bodies to communicate with one another

Ideal Culture

The ideal values and norms of a people; the goals held out for them


A system of symbols that can be combines in an infinite number of ways and can represent not only objects but also abstract thought

Material Culture

The material objects that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, clothing, and jewelry


Norms that are strictly enforce because they are thought essential to core values

Negative Sanction

An expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such a a frown to a formal reaction such as a prison sentence or an execution

New Technology

An emerging technology that has a significant impact on social life

Nonmaterial Culture / Symbolic Culture

A group's ways of thinking (and culture) and doing (it common patterns of behavior, including language and other forms of interaction)


The expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop to reflect and enforce values

Pluralistic Society

A society made up of many different groups

Positive Sanction

A reward or positive reaction for following norms

Real Culture

The norms and values that people actually follow


Expressions of approval or disapproval given to people for upholding or violating norms

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Edward Sapir's and Benjamin Whorf's hypothesis that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving


The values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture; a world withint a world


Something to which people attach meanings and then use to communicate with others

Symbolic Culture

Another term for nonmaterial culture


A norm thought essential for society's welfare, one so strong that it brings revulsion if violated


In its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools

Value Contradiction

Values that contradict one another to follow the one means to come into conflict with the otehr


The standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly

Early interaction with other humans in necessary to establish intelligence and the ability to experience close bonds with others, true or false?


According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do we develop our self concept?

Our self concept develops from interaction with others

In Piaget's model, in which stage do children become "young philosophers" who are capable of abstract thinking?

The formal operational stage

What are the stages we pass through from birth to death that include childhood, adolescence, transitional childhood, the middle years, and the older years?

The life course

George Herbert Mead concluded that both the self and the human mind are social products, true or false?


Meagan always paints her fingernails purple and always wears a pin representing the Minnesota Vikings. What term describes what Meagan's purple fingernails and pin represent?

It is Meagan's personal identity kit

What is the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors called?


What term applies to the gap between childhood and adulthood that was first addressed during the Industrial Revolution?


What conclusion can be drawn from the case study of Oskar and Jack, the identical twins who were born in 1932 and raised in very different cultures?

One's orientation to life is largely the result of environment

To what sociological perspective is Mead's theory of human development most aligned?

Symbolic interactionist

Why do sociologists generally object to the Freudian view of personality?

Sociologists reject the view that inborn or subconscious motivations are primary reasons for our behavior

Gender Socialization

The ways in which society sets children onto different courses in life because they are male or female

Generalized Other

The norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of people "in general"; the child's ability to take the role of the generalized other is a significant step in the development of a self

Life Course

The stage in our life as we go from birth to death

Looking-Glass Self

A term coined by Charles Horton Cooley to refer to the process by which our sense of self develops through internalizing others' reactions to us

Mass Media

Forms of communication, such as radio, newspapers, movies, and television that are directed to mass audiences

Peer Group

A group of individuals of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests


The process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors


The uniquely human capacity of being able to see ourselves "from the outside"; the picture we gain of how others see us

Significant Other

An individual who significantly influences someone's life

Social Inequality

Giving privileges and obligations to one group of people while denying them to another


The process by which people learn the characteristics of their group (the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and actions thought appropiate for them

Take The Role Of Other

Putting oneself in someone's shoes; understanding how someone else feels and thinks and thus anticipating how that person will act

Total Institution

A place in which people are cut off from the rest of society and are almost totally controlled by teh officials who run the palce

Piaget and the Development of Reasoning

The sensorimotor stage (birth-age 2; sucking, touching), preoperational stage (age 2-7; ability to use symbols), concrete operational stage (age 7-12; concrete reasoning abilities), formal operational stage (age 12+; capable of abstract thinking)


Inborn drives that cause us to seek self-gratification


The balancing force between the id and the demands of society that suppress it


The conscience

Transitional Adulthood

A period of extended youth to the life course, also known as adultolescence

After studying the use of personal space in several cultures, what conclusion did Edward Hall reach regarding the amount of space people prefer?

The amount of personal space people prefer varies from one culture to another

Which three variables does the author recognize as being especially significant in determining one's social class?

Occupational prestige, income, and education

Macrosociology focuses on social interaction, what people do when they come together face-to-face i and in small groups, true or false?


Connie is an 82-year-old retired full professor taking undergraduate courses in deviance, criminology, and juvenile delinquency. Which sociological term most applies to Connie being 82 and an undergraduate student?

Status inconsistency

A(n) ______ designates social position while a(n) _______ designates socially expected behavior

Status; role

Which of the following statements summarizes the Thomas theorem?

If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences

Culture is the broadest framework that determines the kind of people we become, true or false?


Social statuses have built-in norms that guide our behavior, true or false?


What were the basic components of the fourth social revolution?

Information and services

Alice if getting ready for an interview with a potential employer. She had picked out a blazer and skirt and has had her hair done at the salon. Alice is relying on her manner and her appearance to communicated to the employer that she would be an excelle

Impression management

What do the concepts of judge, professor, mother, student, soldier, and mechanic haev in common?

They are all achieved statuses

What is the basis for referring to the society in which members are interdependent upon one another as being in a state of "organic solidarity"?

Members of the society are like organs of the body, each performing different tasks

What is the term used to describe a group's language, beliefs, values, behaviors, and gestures?


As societies become more industrialized, how do their social institutions change?

Social institutions become the standard ways that a society meets its basic needs

What term describes people who share a culture and territory?


As Dr. Crabtree lectures her American Lit class just before lunch, her stomach begins to rumble at a volume that can be heard by most of the students. She ignores it and continues and her students ignore it too. This is an example of which face-saving beh

Studied non observance

What term describes a position in life that one does not choose, but is awarded at birth or is related to the life course?

Ascribed status

The changing statuses and roles of players and coaches on a college football team illustrate the theory that social behavior and attitude are a matter of biology and genetic factors and a "survival of the fittest" complese, true or false?


In a horticultural society some members engage in art, metal working, carpentry, and occupations other than those related to food production. What term describes this specialization fo work?

Division of labor

Of the following, which status least qualifies as a master status?

Licensed driver

Achieved Statuses

Positions that are earned or accomplished, or that involve at least some effort or activity on the individual's part

Ascribed Statuses

Positions an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life

Body Language

The ways people use their bodies to give messages to others

Division of Labor

The splitting of a group's or a society's tasks into specialties


The study of how people use background assumptions to make sense of life

Face-Saving Behavior

Techniques people use to salvage a performance that is going sour


A type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness


A type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishments, and self-interest


People who have something in common and who believe that what they have in common is important; alsoc called a social group

Impression Management

People's efforts to control the impressions that others receive of them

Industrial Revolution

The third social revolution occurring when machines powered by fuels replaced most animal and human power

Industrial society

An efficient society with greater surplus and inequality


Analysis of social life that focuses on broad features of social structure, such as social class an the relationships of groups to one another; an approach usually used by functionalists and conflict theorists

Master Status

A status that cuts across the other statuses that an individual occupies

Mechanical Solidarity

Durkheim's term for the unity (a shared consciousness) that people feel as a result of performing the same or similar tasks


Analysis of social life that focuses on social interaction; an approach usually used by symbolic interactionists

Organic Solidarity

Solidarity based on the interdependence that results from the division of labor; people needing others to fulfill their jobs

Postindustrial (or information) Society

A new type of society based on information, services, and the latest technology rather than on raw material and manufacturing


The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status

Role Conflict

Conflicts that someone feels between roles because the expectation attached to one role are incompatible with the expectations of another role

Role Performance

The particular emphasis or interpretation that we give to a role

Role Strain

Conflicts that someone feels within a role

Social Class

According to Weber, a large number of people who rank close to one another in wealth, power, and prestige; according to Marx, one of two groups: capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor

Social Construction of Reality

The use of background assumptions and life experiences to define what is real

Social Institution

The organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs

Social Integration

The degree to which members of a society are united by shared values and other social bonds

Social Interaction

What people do when they are in one another's presence

Social Structure

The framework that surrounds us, consisting of the relationship of people and groups to one another, which give direction to and set limits on behavior


The process by which people learn the characteristics of their group, the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and actions thought appropriate for them


People who share a culture and a territory


Social ranking; the position that someone occupies in society or a social group

Status Inconsistency

A contradiction or mismatch between statuses; a condition in which a person ranks high on some dimensions of social class and loow on others

Status Set

All the statuses or positions that an individual occupies

Status Symbol

Items used to identify a status


The collaboration of two or more people to manage impressions jointly

Thomas Theorem

William I. and Doroty S. Thomas' classic formulation of the definition of the situation: "If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences

Horticultural Societies

Based on the cultivation of plants by the use of hand tools

Agricultural Societies

Allowed people to engage in more than farming, such as philosophy art, etc.

Groupthink results in multiple ways to accomplish objectives and greater, true or false?input from group members


During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy gathered opinions on how to address the problem from selected national leaders. After this group reached a consensus, the President made the final decision for a Naval quarantine of Cuba.


Which best describes "the iron law of oligarchy?

The domination of organizations by a small, self-perpetuating elite

What was the conclusion reached by Stanley Milgram in his "teacher-learner" experiment?

Some people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority

What term refers to the social ties that link people together?

Social network

In bureaucracies, what term refers to illogical rules and procedures?

Red tape

What occurs when members of a larger group believe that giving help is no more their responsibility than anyone else's?

Diffusion of responsibility

What term describes people who share similar characteristics but little else, such as all women attending college, all left-handed people, or all men over seven feet tall?

A category

According to Rosabeth Moss Kanter, what is an aspect of "hidden" corporate culture?

Self-fulfilling stereotypes lead managers to promote workers who are like themselves

When Judith Kleinfeld replicated Milgram's experiment on small world phenomenon, what did she conclude?

People who don't know one another are dramatically separated by social barriers

What is the largest and most complex type of group?


Which set of characteristics is most applicable to secondary groups?

Formal, intimate, face-to-face interaction

What is the "rationalization of society"?

The process of bureaucracies dominating social life

Of the following characteristics, which one least applies to bureaucracies?

Personal attention and individualism

Cody is a member of the L.A. Crips. The other gangs in his territory are the Bloods and Satan's Slaves. Cody feels very antagonistic towards the Bloods and the Slaves. For Cody, what type of group do these two rival gangs represent?


What conclusion can be drawn from Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity?

Group pressure will cause most people to say things they don't believe

What classification best describes groups that organize on the basis of some mutual interest, such as the Girl Scouts, Knights of Columbus, and labor unions?

Voluntary Associations

What term describes people who share the same physical space but do not see themselves as belonging together?


What conclusion did Georg Simmel reach with respect to the size of a group?

As groups grow smaller, they become less stable

What does "the McDonaldization" of society refer to?

The predictability and standardization of everyday life


People who think of themselves as belonging together and who interact with one another


People who temporarily share the same physical space but who do not see themselves as belonging ogether


A statistic (women that have long hair etc)

Primary Groups

The family, which gives basic orientations to life

Secondary Groups

Larger,more anonymous, more formal, and more impersonal

Voluntary Associations

A group made up of volunteers who organize on the basis of some mutual interest

The Iron Law of Oligarchy

Refers to how organizations come to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite


Groups towards which we feel loyalty


Groups towards which we feel antagonism

Reference Groups

The groups we refer to when we evaluate ourselves

Social Networks

Refers to people who are linked to one another


Clusters within a group

Electronic Community

People who meet online and discuss/coexist on there

The Rationalization of Society

That bureaucracies with their rules and emphasis on results, would increasingly dominate our lives

Goal Displacement

Even after and organization achieves its goal and no longer has a reason to continues, it still continues


Making workers feel more like objects for the function rather than individual people

Peter Principles

Each employee of a bureaucracy is promoted to his or her level of incompetence

Corporate Culture

When bosses promote based on selff0fulfillin stereotypes

Group Dynamics

How groups influence us and how we affect groups

Small Group

Few enough members that each one can interact directly with all the other members


Consists of two people, very unstable


Three people, unstable, two can form a stronger bond and third feels left out


When group members align themselves against others


People who influence the behaviors, opinions, or attitudes of others

Instrumental Leader

Task oriented leader, tries to keep group moving towards a goal

Expressive Leader

not recognized as leader but is, controls by handling emotional situations


The collective tunnel vision that group members sometimes develop