CHAPTER 15 City And Country: The Social World And The Natural World


Decreasing importance of social ties and community and the corresponding increase in impersonal associations and instrumental logic


Unselfish concern for the wellbeing of others and helping behaviors performed without self-interested motivation


Literally "human centered"; the idea that needs and desires of human beings should take priority over concerns about other species or the natural environment


Contemporary researchers who believe the population boom Malthus witnessed was a temporary, historically specific phenomenon and worry instead that the worldwide population may shrink in the future


The variety of species of plants and animals existing at any given time


The parts of the earth that can support life

bystander effect or diffusion of responsibility

The social dynamic wherein the more people there are present in a moment of crisis, the less likely any one of them is to take action

civil inattention

An unspoken rule governing interactions in public places, whereby individuals briefly notice others before ignoring them


A group of people living in the same local area who share a sense of participation and fellowship

conservation era

Earliest stage of the environmental movement, which focused on the preservation of "wilderness" areas

demographic free fall

Decrease in fertility rates among populations that have industrialized their economies as children become an economic liability rather than an asset

demographic transition

A theory suggesting the possible transition over time from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates, resulting in a stabilized population


Study of the size, composition, distribution, and changes in human population

Earth Day

A holiday conceived of by environmental activist and former senator Gaylord Nelson to encourage support for and increase awareness of environmental concerns; first celebrated on March 22, 1970

ecological footprint

An estimation of the land and water area required to produce all the goods an individual consumes and to assimilate all the wastes she generates


Use of violence or criminal methods to protect the environment, often in high-profile, publicitygenerating ways


Leaving one country to live permanently in another


In sociology, the natural world, the human-made environment, and the interaction between the two

environmental justice

A movement that aims to remedy environmental inequities such as threats to public health and the unequal treatment of certain communities with regard to ecological concerns

environmental movement

A social movement organized around concerns about the relationship between humans and the environment

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

A government agency organized in 1969 to protect public health and the environment through policies and enforcement

environmental racism

Any environmental policy or practice that negatively affects individuals, groups, or communities because of their race or ethnicity

environmental sociology

The study of the interaction between society and the natural environment, including the social causes and consequences of environmental problems

family planning

Contraception, or any method of controlling family size and the birth of children

fertility rate

A measure of population growth through reproduction; often expressed as the average number of births per 1,000 people in the total population or the average number of children a woman would be expected to have

global (or solar) dimming

A decline in the amount of light reaching the earth's surface because of increased air pollution, which reflects more light back into space

global warming

Gradual increase in the earth's temperature, driven recently by an increase in greenhouse gases and other human activity

grassroots environmentalism

Fourth major stage of the environmental movement; distinguished by the diversity of its members and belief in citizen participation in environmental decision making

Green Party

A U.S. political party established in 1984 to bring political attention to environmentalism, social justice, diversity, and related principles

greenhouse effect

The process in which increased production of greenhouse gases, especially those arising from human activity (e.g., carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) cause the earth's temperature to rise

greenhouse gases

Any gases in the earth's atmosphere that allow sunlight to pass through but trap heat, thus affecting temperature

growth rate

Expression of changes in population size over time figured by subtracting the number of deaths from the number of births, then adding the net migration

human exceptionalisms

The attitude that humans are exempt from natural ecological limit


Entering one country from another to take up permanent residence

infant mortality

Average number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births in a particular population

internal migration

Movement of a population within a country

life expectancy

Average age to which people in a particular population live

Life span or longevity

The uppermost age to which a person can potentially live

mainstream environmentalism

Beginning in the 1980s, the third major stage of the environmental movement; characterized by increasing organization, well-crafted promotional campaigns, sophisticated political tactics, and an increasing reliance on economic and scientific expertise

Malthusian theorem

The theory that exponential population growth will outpace arithmetic growth in food production and other resources

Malthusian trap

Malthus's prediction that a rapidly increasing population will overuse natural resources, leading inevitably to a major public health disaster


Movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purpose of resettling

modern environmental movement

Beginning in the 1960s, the second major stage of the environmental movement; focused on the environmental consequences of new technologies, oil exploration, chemical production, and nuclear power plants

mortality rate

A measure of the decrease in population due to deaths; often expressed as the number of deaths expected per 1,000 people per year in a particular population

natural increase change

In population size that results from births and deaths; linked to a country's progress toward demographic transition


Contemporary researchers who worry about the rapid pace of population growth and believe that Malthus's basic prediction could be true

net migration

Net effect of immigration and emigration on an area's population in a given time period; expressed as an increase or decrease

new ecological paradigm

A way of understanding human life as just one part of an ecosystem that includes many species' interactions with the environment; suggests that there should be ecological limits on human activity


short for "Not In My Back Yard"; originally referred to protests that aimed at shifting undesirable activities onto those with less power; now sometimes used without negative connotations to describe local environmental activists

nonrenewable resources

Finite resources, including those that take so long to replenish as to be effectively finite

pluralistic ignorance

A process in which members of a group individually conclude that there is no need to take action because of the observation that other group members have not done so


Any environmental contaminant that harms living beings

renewable resources

Resources that replenish at a rate comparable to the rate at which they are consumed

social atomization

A social situation that emphasizes individualism over collective or group identities

social ecology

The study of human populations and their impact on the natural world

sustainable development

Economic development that aims to reconcile global economic growth with environmental protection

treadmill of production

Term describing the operation of modern economic systems that require constant growth, which causes increased exploitation of resources and environmental degradation

urban legend

Modern folklore; a story that is believed (incorrectly) to be true and is widely spread because it expresses concerns, fears, and anxieties about the social world


People who live in cities