You May Ask Yourself Chapter 16: Religion

Civil Religion

a set of sacred beliefs so commonly accepted by most people that it becomes part of the national culture


a unified system of beliefs, traditions, and practices based on the conception of the sacred.


holy things meant for special use. elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, and even fear. Establish prescriptive and proscriptive norms (what to do and what not to do)


the things of everyday life. commonplace


the worship of a god or gods


the worship of one god. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism


the adherence to certain principles to lead a moral life


the belief that spirits are part of the natural world


large, organized religion not officially linked with the state or government. Share the same faith and are governed under one administrative umbrella


groups of people who gather together, especially for worship


a general movement away from religion toward a rational, scientific, orientation, a trend adopted by industrialized nations in the form of the separation of church and state.

Karl Marx on Religion

Religion is a means of social stratification. Religion drugs the masses into submission, keeping them quiet as they labor. Faith keeps downtrodden in their places

Max Weber on Religion

Protestant Ethic: followers of the protestant reformation emphasized disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation for life.
This is the spirit of capitalism. You have to work hard to become successful and reach salvation.

Durkheim on Religion

People conform to the rules of their religion and in effect yield to the moral authority of society. Religion is a collective act. Religion perpetuates social unity by strengthening the collective conscience.


the presence of numerous, distinct religious groups in one society.
Viewed as having a negative impact on religion overall because the plethora of choices weakens the credibility of any one church
A way for diverse religions to engage with one another to

Sacred Canopy

Entire set of religious norms, symbols, and beliefs that express the feeling that life is worth living and that reality is meaningful and not random chaos


Members of any denomination distinguished by four main beliefs
1. The bible is without error
2. Salvation comes only through belief in Jesus Christ
3. Personal Conversion only path to salvation
4. Others must be converted


followers of the bible that literally interpret its meaning.

Religious experience

feeling or perception of being in direct contact with ultimate reality or of being overcome with religious emotion

Religious beliefs

statements to which members of a particular religion adhere

Religious rituals

practices required or expected of members of a faith

Reflexive Spirituality

contemporary movement that encourages followers to look to religion for meaning, wisdom, and profound thought rather than for absolute truths about how the world works


typically, a conservative Protestant church that attracts at least 2,000 worshippers per week.

Supernatural compensators

promises of future awards, such as salvation or eternity in heaven.


religious bodies that coexist in a relatively low state of tension with their social surroundings. They have mainstream beliefs and practices relative to those of the general population


relatively small groups that broke away from some other religious organizations to renew the original vision of the faith

Established Sect

Religious group that is an outgrowth of a sect, yet remains isolated from society


outside of the society's cultural traditions. Some practices are considered deviant or evil. Embrace different lifestyles


Religious organization that includes most/all members of a society; national religion.

Feminist Perspective on Religion

women perform fundamental roles in religious socialization but are subordinate in religious governing roles

Liberation Theology

church should be used in political efforts to eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice.

Function of Religion

Religious bonds transcend personal or divisive forces in society. Gives meaning to life. Binds people together in times of crisis. Helps integrate immigrants.
Can be dysfunctional
Belief in superiority of a religion
Religion gets tied to politics


A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior. Bible is their sacred text


A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah). Sacred text is the Koran. Followers are called Muslims. Obliged to defend their faith through Jihad.

5 Pillars of Islam

1. Allah is the one and true god and Muhammed is his prophet
2. Ritual Prayer in the direction of Mecca
3. Giving alms to the poor
4. Fasting through the month of Ramadan
5. A pilgrimage at least once to the holy city of Mecca. The Hajj.


A religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. There is a special relationship between god and the Jews...the y are the chosen people of god. Duty to obey the 10 commandments. The Torah is their sacred text.

Orthodox Jews

strictly observe all the traditional beliefs and practices of Judaism

Reform Jews

Most secular denomination of Judaism--to get greater acceptance by wider society

Conservative Jews

middle ground between orthodox and reform jews

Religious Marketplace

people shop for the faith that best suits them. Caused by religious pluralism in America.