Sociology of the Family Readings

The Family in Trouble, Since When for Whom?

Major Changes:
Americans are living longer
reduction in the birthrate
-which caused two major changes- increase in the proportion of people of fifty and older and in an "empty nest" increase in the "proportion" of older Americans living alone
Modest Chang

From Role to Self: The Emergence of Androgynous Love in the 20th Century
Francesca Cancian

The Family Duty Blueprint: Ideal family seen as a nuclear household consisting of a bread-winning father, a loving mother who was the centre of family life and children. (most traditional.) Dominant from 1840-1880
The Companionship Blueprint: Family ident

What's Love Got to Do with It? A Brief History of Marriage

-Marriage is now doing something it was never designed to do.
- economic, political, reproductive tool, not it is love
-an institution- now its serving the agencies rather than the structure
- if fall out of live of love shouldn't ppl just get a divorce

Growing Up is Harder to Do

childhood has been extended - higher education
-childhood as social construction - extension of adolescence
-economic benefactors to burdense
-it takes longer now to get jobs that will support a family
-less well off are marrying earlier
- how we define b

3-1 Doing Gender
West and Zimmerman

-perform- perform gender
-Ethnomethodology "understanding of gender as a routine, methodically, and recurring accomplishment"
-"interactional and ultimately institutional areas"
-argues against Goffman's "display" of gender and sees it more as a reflectio

Betwixt and Be Tween:

girls can to some extent perform masculinity
-be thin
- femininity is inferior

Invisible Inequality - Social Class and Childbearing In Black Families and White Families

social class can have an effect on parenting styles and ideologies as well as a child's daily life.
behaviors learned by children in middle-class families were more congruent with success in dominant societal institutions.
An argument can be made for both

Breaking the Last Taboo- Interracial Marriage in America

Though there are now more black-white interracial marriages today than there were previously they still remain pretty rare.
-Qian does not see a rise in black-white interracial marriages in the future because of economic disparities- most people marry wit

Why Won't African Americans Get (and Stay) Married? Why Should They?- Hill

African Americans support marriage, only marital sex, and discourage divorce
But they're lived experiences don't reflect this
Why: Class, race, and gender inequalities have made it hard for African Americans to conform to marital expectations
Marriage is

Sexual Desire and Gender

Sociobiological/evolutionary theory - see sexual desires are hardwired (essentialists)
- "Innate genetically triggered impulse to pass on genetic material through successful reproduction"
-women must take care of their children in order to pass on their g

6-2 Living Apart Together

A New Family Form
- emergence of cohabitation
-increase in divorce
-life expectancy
-higher divorce rate= higher likelihood of LAT relationship
in the 1970s cohabitation really started to take off
-cohabitation has become a social institution
- the model

7-2 Unmarried with Children

young lower/working class mothers are having children being it gives them meaning, and its their best option, there is not a lot of occupational/educational opportunities
their options for elebal men are not that good
need structural solutions

The Work-Home Crunch

- America has bad policy- working women and single mothers
-12 weeks of paid leave in the US- unpaid
-family hostile public policy
-people who are more educated are working more than ever before
-less educated are working less
-no benefits on part time wo

Control and Violence in Intimate Relationships

Intimate terrorism
Violent Resistance
Mutual Violent Control
Mutual Violent Resistance
Situational Violence
-power and control wheel

Controversies Surrounding Mandatory Arrest Policies and the Police Response to Intimate Partner Violence

- Controversy surrounding mandatory arrest policies
- debate over these subjects
-remove power from the hands of the victim
-she may depend on him economically
-mandatory arrest policies
- reduces intimate partner violence among employed people
-but incre

Life Without Father Whats Happens to the Children

Sara McLanahan
- children in stepfamilies are no better off than children in single families
-death disrupts a family less than divorce does
-kids from advantaged backgrounds lose more when their fathers leave
- welfare and states policies should be based

Children's Adjustment Following Divorce: Risk and Resilience Perspectives

-kids are ok, but we can improve the situation by adopting better legal systems and broader social systems
-if parental conflict is contained
- close relationships between both partners
- economic stability
- give them a voice in the relationship

Gay Marriage, Same Sex Parenting, and American Children

-there are 166,00 children being raised by gay and lesbian couples
-same states have laws that prohibit same-sex couples from adopting, most limit them from getting married so heterosexual couples having children is more private than for homosexual couple

Briggs - "U.S. Immigrants" (prowl)

- stories of deportation undocumented immigrant mothers and putting their children into foster care or up for adoption in the last decade
-undocumented children being held in detention centers without schooling
-children of immigrants- especially Guatemal

Doucet - Fathers and Emotional Responsibility

Main thesis- "Rather than duplicate the maternal terrain travelled fathers alter it to incorporate differences, which can be viewed as more traditionally masculine traits such as independence, autonomy, and sporting interest.
-asserts that fathers do exhi

Engles "The Family

1884- Marxist
Family= economic oppression of women
Bougiesise- capital and
Morgan wrote about the development of family to eventually Monogamy
wife= prostitute, exchanging sexual activities for money and property
- the revolt against capitalism will help

Giele- Family, Government and the Safety Net

-goes through the history of family policy in the United States and how it emerged out of general social policy
-Paradox - America wants small a government, but social security benefits and other government programs and policies
- because of industrializa

Gough "The Origin of the Family

-family evolved in a biological evolutionary way, which in order to remove these gender roles, we have to strip those away
-brains evolved- babies are born before they are done
-helpless- somebody has to watch out for them
men= sperm donors

6) Hochschild "Joey's Problem: Nacy and Evan Holt

- the 2nd shift

Hondagneu-Sotelo and Avila "I'm Here, but I'm There

-transnational motherhood - "meaning of motherhood are rearranged to accommodate these spatial and temporal separations."
-motherhood changed inreational to the structural changes in the 20th century global capitalism
-contrasts with both traditional whit

Karraker - "Global Change and Transnational Employment" (prowl)

- "The United Nations Programme on the Family has identified three major demographic trends that have dramatic effects on families across the globe"
1. HIV/Aids
-can lose a wage earner
-migration- globalization (geographic mobility) can put people at risk

Loseke- Through a Sociological Lens- the Complexities of Family Violence

-family violence- all violence in families
-social constructionism- it matters how family is defined
-abuse if a moral evaluation and how it is defined matters
-"presence of violence violates cultural images of families as places of peace and solidarity.

10) Loseke and Kurz- Men's Violence Toward Women is the Serious Social Problem

Feminist perspective -domestic violence is a gendered issue

Parsons, "The American Family

-gendered essentialism
-he had explained that some of the functions of family have changed, like we now don't make all our own shoes, but the family is not going anywhere no worries
1995- Functionalist-
1.Socialization of family
2. Stabilization of of adu

Ranson "Against the Grain" (x2)

-fathers who stayed home
-no the norm
-goes against sociobioligal thinking

Stacy- Gay Parenthood and the Decline of Paternity as We Know It

Gay Parenthood and the Decline of Paternity as We Know it (off prowl) -Judith Stacy
- this article discusses the different ways that homoesexual couples, espically gay couples have children
asserts "Growing public visibility of gay parenthood, I suggest,

Straus "Women's Violence Toward Men is a Serious Social Problem

- family violence perspective- domestic violence is not gendered women are just as violent as men
- used large scale, random sample survey - which we can consider true, but he does not take into account the nature of the violence or the larger social cont

Struening "Do Welfare Recipients have a Right to Privacy?

1. a family cap in welfare policy breaches a privacy right
2 . economic and social arrangements are organized around the provider husband
3. government can replace this with childcare, paid parental leave, flexible work schedules,
- TANF Policy that disco

16) Stuening "Feminist Family Policies

Two Different Policies
1. The Caregiver model- Fineman
-offering an alternative public assistance, instead of the male provider
-place greater value in childcare and domestic work
-elimination of marriage- all mothers single mothers
- this model is critic

17) Wilcox, "Religion and the Domestication of Men

-Wilcox wanted to find out how religion is associated with men's roles a husbands/fathers/in the family
- evangelical Protestantism- "fosters inequality" - traditional gender roles, division of labor, "steers fathers in a patriarchal direction", value obe

) Yilo, "Through a Feminist Lens

18) Yilo, "Through a Feminist Lens"
- when thinking about domestic violence you have to take gender and power into consideration
-patriarchal ideology and structure supports gender equality and husband
-the "power and control wheel" -violence and control

Woodbe- Niger

Nymmbia_ tibet