Sociology Final

the #metoo movement has reached 85 countries. This is an example of:

1)Computer medicated communication - twitter and facebook
2)Mobilization of resources - media, judiciary and political
3)Attempt to change structure and norms of society

A recent analysis of newspaper coverage of female gubernatorial candidates indicated that

Coverage focused more often on the personal life, appearance, or personality of female candidates than it did on male candidates.

Because many young, minority, or poor citizens are not engaged politically, political power brokers:

Will probably continue to ignore their interests

Which model of power relations suggests society is ruled by a small group of individuals who share a common set of political and economic interests?

elite model

The pluralist model of power relations in the united states suggests that:

power is held by many competing groups that have access to government, so no group is dominant

organized collective activities aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in existing society

social movements

conscious feeling of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities

relative mobilization

ways in which a social movement utilizes such resources as money, political influence, access to the media, and personnel?

resource moblization

organized collective activities that address values and social identities as well as improvements in quality of life are called:

new social movements

social change has been defined as

significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture

In Talcott Parsons' equilibrium mode, the incorporation of groups that were previously excluded because of their race, ethnicity, and social class in known as

differentiation inclusion

Karl Marx suggests that humanity will move towards its final stage of development through:

social revolution

What is true about social change

some people have vested interest in resisting social change

types of gov:



headed by a single member of a royal family


run by a few individuals
-Often takes form of military help
-Ex. Egypt


One person has all the power


involves virtually complete government control and surveillance over all aspects of society
-Ex. North Korea


political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individuals. It stands for centralized autocratic gov headed by dictatorial leader


governed by the people

representative democracy

certain individual elected to speak for the people

elite model

society ruled by small group of individuals who shared

mills model

relatively small, loosely knit group of people who tend to dominate American policymaking.

power elite

includes relatively few members and operates as a self conscious, cohesive unit.

relative dprevation

being deprived of power

resource mobilization

ways a social movement utilizes such resources as money, political influence, access to media and workers

false consumption

attributes that dont reflect workers objective position

sociopolitical systems

tend to focus on male dominant corridors of power

Dunin-Kruger effect

rate yourself better thank you are
invisible to those experiencing it
"when arguing with a fool make sure the other person isnt doing the same thing

black lives matter movement seeks to:

bring about social change, particularly to end institutional racism in the crime justice system

white supremacy seeks to:

to maintain institutional white supremacy and to create white ethnostate

monopoly is

the control of market by a single business firm
ex. the zipper

what are two types of economic systems seen as contemporary societies

capitalism and socialism

capitalism is

an economic system in which the means of production are largely in private hands and the main incentive is to get profits

what created a heightened demand for resources with in the Democratic republic of Congo

market for cell phones, pagers, laptops, electronics

economic system which means production and distribution are collectively owned



all property is government owned

socialists society differ from capitalists societies in that socialists focus on

provision of social service programs

max weber's term to exercise ones will over another


according to max weber, force is:

the actual, threatened use of coercion to impose ones will on others

persuasion is known as


when leaders imprison or execute political disordinantes, they are applying:


power that has been institutionalized and recognized by the people that exercise it is called


examples of authority

person who leads group bc his charming personality and charismatic authority

traditional authority

village chiefs, monarch, legitimate power conferred by custom and accepted practice

in a society with leadership based on rational legal authority, leaders derive authority from:

written rules and regulations of the political system

leaders showing charismatic authority

Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Hitler

which form of government does the US utilize?

Representative Democracy

decline in political participation allows gov to

operate with less accountability

passage of the 19th amendment

women can vote - 1920

women held what % of congressional seats in 2016


In 2016 what % of congresstional membership consisted of racial ethnic minorities


totalitarianism is a form of:


which sociologist originally articulated the concept of the power elite

C. Wright Mills

offshoring refers to:

sending jobs overseas


sending small sums of $$ to poor so they can work

evolutionary theory

theory of social change saying society is moving in a definite direction

Auguste Comte saw societies as:

moving from mythology to science method

Emile Durkhein said societies progress from:

simple to complex

Talcott Parsons society state of
