Sociology family study guide

According to the definition of marriage given in this chapter, which of the following is not true?

The marriage must be democratic

Which of the following institutions has the greatest effect on individual behavior?

Peer groups

In a _______ society, descent is traced through the female side of the family


In the United States, which of the following items does a child not receive from the family into which he or she is born?

an identity

An important function of the family is to accept and love all of its members. This function is referred to as

socioemotional maintenance

Which of the following best describes the economic function of the family?

Adult family members work outside the home to generate income that is spent to meet the family's needs

When Bin's family needs to make a major decision, such as purchasing a new home or car, his father makes the decision without consulting other family members. This is an example of?


Which of the following is not a common characteristic of the U.S. family today?

It is democratic

Which of the following statements concerning marriage is true?

More people are choosing to remain unmarried than ever before in American history

Which of the following best describes the symbolic interactionist view of the family?

An important role of the family is the socialization of children and the development of their self-concept

Which of the following is not a positive effect of a dual employment?

It simplifies the job of child rearing

Which of the following is not an example of social institution?


Which of the following theoretical perspectives emphasizes that families have many roles, including transmitting social status, regulating sexual activity, and providing economic and social support?


Which of the following is not legal in nearly all states today?

Marriage by two people of the same sex

Which of the following best describes a sociologist's predictions for the future of the nuclear family?

The nuclear family will remain the most common institution for raising children

Which of the following statements is most likely to be true in a dual-income family?

Wives are still expected to perform most of the housework and child care, even though they have full time jobs

Which of the following is probably not a reason for the recent decline in the divorce rate?

More women are wourking outside the house, even when they have preschool children

Juan lives with his parents and three siblings. His grandfather just died, and next month his grandmother will be moving in with his family, creating a _____ family


Which of the following norms is a person of the Islamic faith most likely to have violated by marrying a Christian?


Many society do not allow cousins to marry because?

It is a violation of the incest taboo

In Vietnamese culture, it is traditional for a newly married couple to move in with the groom's parents. Which of the following patterns does this represent?

The patrilocal pattern

Traditionally, many people have believed that family violence is more common in lower-class homes than in upper or middle class homes. Which of the following best explains this belief?

Because the police and health-care workers are more likely to become involved in cases involving lower-class families, these violent acts are more likely to be reported by the authorities.

A family composed of one or two parents and children?

Nuclear family

A family that contains at least two generations of adults?

Extended family

The family into which a person is born?

Family of orientation

The tendency of people to pick mates with similar social characteristics?


A social situation?

Schools, churches, and families are examples

A family established by marriage?

Family of procreation

What exists when marriage partners are different in some significant way, such as having different religions or being of different races?


What exists when a woman has more than one husband?


What exists when a man has more than one wife?


What exists when marriage partners have built similar social characteristics?


What requires that an individual select a mate within his or her own group?


What requires that a person marry outside of his or her own group?
