Medical Sociology Midterm #1 (ch. 6)

Medical Model of Disability

- restriction or inability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being, mostly resulting from impairment.

Sociological Model of Disability

compensating for the unacknowledged benefits that existing arrangements offer those who walk, such as chairs to sit in, stools for reaching high shelves, and carpeted floors that make walking easier but wheeling more difficult.

victim blaming

- As the med model does, individualizing disability preserves our present practices and policies that produce disability. Thus, blaming the victim results.
- Ex. women wouldn't be battered if they didn't nag their husbands.

Americans w/ Disabilities Act

outlaws discrimination and requires accessibility in employment, public services, and public accomodations (including restaurants, hotels, and stores)

Contested Illness

any collection of distressing, painful symptoms that occur together and that lay people assume constitute an illness even though many doctors disagree

Illness behavior (definition and model)

-process of responding to symptoms and deciding whether to seek diagnosis and treatment.
1) symptoms appear frequently & interfere w/ daily activities.
2) lack alt. exp.'s for symptoms
3) families/friends generally trust doctors
4) no psych, economic, or

Biological Fracture

-refers to ways in which illness/injury can cause abrupt shifts in one's everyday life.

Biological Flow

-tendency for people living with illness or injury to emphasize continuity between their previous and current lives and selves.


-social disgrace of having a deeply discrediting attribute, whether a criminal record, gay lifestyle, or socially unacceptable illness.

Biological disruption

-struggle to find meaning for past, present, and future effects of one's disease.
ex. mothers of young children who learn they have HIV face serious threats to their previous sense of themselves as good mothers (their autobiography is now ******)

stigma challenging

the bad broad who was able to reject stigma others assigned to her by defining herself as feisty, independent, and rebellious and defining "normal" as voyeuristic "assholes

chronic pain

most common underlying reason for disability among adults b/w ages 18-65.

health belief model

- used to understand why people who have acute or chronic health problems comply with medical advice regarding treatment.
1)believe they're susceptible
2) believe risk is serious
3) believe compliance will reduce risk
4) Have no significant barriers to co