What is the main goal of capitalism?


The ways in which a society or group ranks people in a hierarchy, with some more "equal" than others is referred to as

vertical social structure

Which of the following is a major assumption of the functionalism theory

Far-reaching social change is needed to reduce social inequality and to create an egalitarian society.

A group of people who live within a defined territory and who share a culture can be referred to as a


The social patterns through which a society is organized is called

social structure

The micro perspective in sociology that focuses on the meanings people gain from social interaction is

symbolic interactionism

The independent variable and the dependent variable must be statistically related. This is the first

scale variable in a research study

The basic steps involved in the scientific method are: a) formulating a hypothesis, b) measuring and gathering data, c) analyzing these data, and

drawing appropriate conclusions

Which of the following is an advantage of field research?

It may provide rich, detailed information about the people who are observed.

The _____ is the classic steps by which research is conducted, including the formulation of a hypothesis, the gathering and analysis of data and drawing appropriate conclusions.

scientific method

In a sociological research employing the scientific method, after the formulation of hypothesis, the next step the researcher takes is to:

measure and gather data to test the hypothesis.

In the scientific method of research, which of the following is undertaken after measuring and gathering data?

analyzing the data

_____ is the belief that no culture's norms, values, or practices are superior or inferior to those of any other culture.

cultural relativism

_____ refers to the tendency to judge another culture by the standards of our own and the belief that our own culture is indeed superior to another culture.


formal norms are also known as....

mores and laws

A(n) _____ is a group whose values and beliefs directly oppose those of the larger culture and even reject it.


A(n) _____ refers to a group that shares the central values and beliefs of the larger culture but still retains certain values, beliefs, and norms that make it distinct from the larger culture.


Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture?


Institutions that have absolute control over their residents' lives are called _____ institutions.


An example of _____ would refer to being Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, etc.

religious preference

Mead's main emphasis was on _____.

children's playing, which he saw as central to their understanding of how people should interact

_____ is a dramatic change in a person's beliefs, values, and behavior, often occurring in total institutions.


What is the most important characteristic of total institutions?

They have total control over the lives of the people who live in them.

_____ is George Herbert Mead's term for society's conscience.

generalized other

Our ascribed statuses, and in particular our sex, race and ethnicity, and social class, often affect our ability to acquire and maintain many _____.

achieved statuses

_____ refers to ways in which a society or group ranks people in a hierarchy.

Horizontal Social Structure

The totality of relationships that link us to other people and groups and through them to still other people and groups is termed as a/an _____.

social network

What do you understand by the term 'role strain?

The problems arising when a person performing a role has to deal with competing demands on that role.

Societies in which information technology and service jobs have replaced machines and manufacturing jobs as the primary dimension of the economy are called:


_____ is the problem arising when a person has to deal with competing demands on two or more roles that the person is expected to play.

role conflict

Dressing up in a socially acknowledged and acceptable outfit such as office formals for a job interview, is a part of

impression management

According to Max Weber, why do hierarchical structures maximize efficiency?

E) It gives authority to people at the top to make important decisions as they are best qualified to make them.

_____ are groups that set a standard for guiding our own behavior and attitudes.

reference groups

A _____ consists of two or more people who regularly interact on the basis of mutual expectations and share a common identity.

social group

A social aggregate:

is a collection of people who are in the same place at the same time but have nothing else in common

_____ are formal organizations with certain organizational features designed to achieve goals in the most efficient way possible.


One of Robert Merton's adaptations in his strain theory was _____, in which poor people abandon society's goal of economic success and reject its means of employment to reach this goal.


_____ refers to ways in which a society tries to prevent and sanction behavior that violates norms.

social controls

The weakening of social bonds and conventional social institutions in a community is called _____.

social disorganization

According to Emile Durkheim, deviance serves several important functions for society. Which of the following is one of them?

Deviance clarifies social norms and increases conformity.

The most closed system of stratification is the _____.


If you start out from business school as an upper-level manager and get laid off 10 years later because of corporate downsizing, you have experienced:

downward intragenerational mobility

According to the functionalist view,

stratification is necessary to induce people with special intelligence, knowledge, and skills to enter the most important occupations

Which of the following is true about the upper class?

The upper class in the United States consists of up to four percent of the population.

The rankings of people based on wealth and other resources a society values is referred to as _____.

social stratification

If children from poor parents end up in high-paying jobs, the children have experienced:

upward intergenerational mobility.

In a(n) _____ system, people are born into unequal groups based on their parents' status and remain in these groups for the rest of their lives.


working class families..

live at risk for unemployment as their firms "downsize" by laying off workers even in good times

The belief that wealthy nations became wealthy because early on they were able to develop the necessary beliefs, values, and practices for trade, industrialization, and rapid economic growth to occur is one of the major assumptions of the _____ theory.


_____ refers to the unequal distribution of wealth, power, prestige, resources, and influence among the world's nations.

global stratification

Which of the following is true about poor nations?

They are the most agricultural of all the world's countries

Ethnic prejudice and conflict increase when two or more ethnic groups find themselves competing for jobs, housing, and other goals. The ethnic competition theory is the structural equivalent of the _____ theory.


An impact of the new wave of immigration is that there has been:

increased prejudice and discrimination against the new immigrants.

Which of the following is true about prejudice versus discrimination?

Prejudice is the attitude

_____ are simplified, mistaken generalizations about people because of their race and/or ethnicity.


A(n) _____ is a subsection of a population with a set of shared social, cultural, and historical experiences; with relatively distinctive beliefs, values, and behaviors; and with some sense of identity of belonging to the subgroup.

ethnic group

In this view, individuals who experience various kinds of problems become frustrated and tend to blame their troubles on groups that are often disliked in the real world.

scapegoat theory

Which of the following is true about race?

Race has served as the "premier source of human identity.

_____ is a set of negative attitudes, beliefs, and judgments about whole categories of people, and about individual members of those categories, because of their perceived race and/or ethnicity.

ethnic predjudice

Social construction is a concept that _____.

refers to quantifiable characteristics of a social phenomenon

In this view, people who are prejudiced are merely conforming to the culture in which they grow up, and prejudice is the result of socialization from parents, peers, the news media, and other various aspects of their culture.

Social learning theory

Multicultural feminism stresses that women of color face difficulties for three reasons: their gender, their race, and their _____.

social class

_____ refers to our beliefs about ourselves as females or males.

gender identity

sexism is...

refers to a belief in the inherent equality between men and women

The term usually reserved for those 65 and older is _____.

the elderly

This theory is considered a functionalist explanation of the aging process.

disengagement theory

social aging...

refers to changes in a person's roles and relationships

Capitalism is often referred to as:

laissez-faire capitalism.

The _____ sector is the part of the economy that provides services rather than products; its activities include clerical work, health care, teaching, and information technology services


The _____ sector is the part of the economy that takes and uses raw materials directly from the natural environment; its activities include agriculture, fishing, forestry, and mining.


Which of the following is considered as ill-effects of postindustrial societies?

Excessive dependence on machinery rather than skilled labor

_____ is an economic system in which the means of production are collectively owned, usually by the government.


_____ refers to the close relationships among military leaders, government officials, and defense contractors.

Military-industrial complex

This is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned.


According to Max Weber, _____ authority is power whose use is considered just and appropriate by those over whom the power is exercised.


Which of the following best describes a political system in which citizens govern themselves either directly or indirectly?


_____ authority resides in the office that an individual fills, not in the individual per se.


Perhaps the most famous elite theory is the power-elite theory which was put forward by:

C. Wright Mills.

When an authority is granted to an individual because the society believes that he/she is anointed by God, the authority is known as _____ authority.


After industrialization, when women started working out of the house:

gender roles began to be perceived differently with both partners holding equal importance and exercising an equal amount of dominance.

Which of the following perspectives disputes the fact that the family provides its members emotional comfort and support?



a marriage of one man to many women.

Nuclear and extended are two types of _____.


Which of the following functional perspectives emphasizes that family provides its members with a social identity?


For a society to work, people must subscribe to a common set of beliefs and values. The development of such common views is a goal of the system of free, compulsory education. Which of the following terms best represents this function of education?

social integration

According to functionalism, which of the following is NOT a function of education?

social class development

Although colleges and universities are making a greater effort to attract and retain low-income students, these students...

remain greatly underrepresented at institutions of higher education

According to which of the following perspectives does education promote social inequality through the use of tracking and standardized testing?

conflict theory

According to this sociological perspective, education serves several functions for society. These include (a) socialization, (b) social integration, (c) social placement, and (d) social and cultural innovation.


Perhaps the most important issue with regard to higher education in the United States is:

cost of education

Which of the following statements regarding religion is true?

�mile Durkheim treated religion as a social institution.

A(n) _____ is a relatively small religious organization that is not closely integrated within the larger society and that often conflicts with at least some of its norms and values.


Another term for religious affiliation is religious _____.


According to the conflict theory, religion:

convinces the poor to accept their lot in life.

Why is poor medical care dysfunctional for society?

People who are healthy are more likely to become ill.

Social construction signifies that:

good health and effective medical care are essential for a society's ability to function.

How do sociologists view illness?

They typically examine rates of illness to explain why people from certain backgrounds are more likely than those from others to become sick.

Which of the following is an example of domestic migration?

A person moves to California from Washington.

The crude death rate is determined by the number of:

deaths divided by the population size, and this result multiplied by 1,000.

Crude death rate refers to the:

number of deaths for every 1,000 people in a population in a given year.

The study of changes in the size and composition of population is called:


_____ is caused by the trapping of gases in the atmosphere that is turning the earth warmer, with a rise of almost 1�C during the past century.

greenhouse effect

Identify the correct statement about modernization.

More modern societies typically have a weaker sense of community than small societies.

The delay between an initial social change and a resulting social change is called:

cultural lag

social change refers to the...

transformation of culture, behavior, social institutions, and social structure over time.

This sociologist's equilibrium model recognized that gradual change is desirable and ordinarily stems from such things as population growth and technological advances, but that any sudden social change disrupts society's equilibrium.

Talcott Parsons

Conflict theory assumes:

protests and revolutions are desirable and necessary.

Sociologist �mile Durkheim used the term "_____" to refer to the social bonds and community feeling, characteristic of small, traditional societies


functionalist theory

presents an equilibrium model of social change.

Elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, and even fear are called -


The view that religion's emphasis on divine and supernatural allows us to "do something" about calamities, gives meaning and purpose, encourages people to view personal misfortunes as relatively unimportant, and has an integrative function is a

functionalist view

Over the next 40 years the number of people in the labor force in the United States supporting those outside the labor force (older and younger people) is likely

to increase with the proportion of older people growing.

Institutionalized power recognized by people over whom it is exercised is called authority


In the basic formula for determining whether someone will vote PB+D>C

A) P is the probability that an individual's vote will affect the outcome of an election,
B) B is the perceived benefit that would be received if that person's favored political party or candidate were elected,
C) D originally stood for democracy or civic

According to Max Weber Power is made legitimate by law for which type of authority?

Legal-rational authority.

The perspective on families that maintains that people construct their own families, no two families are alike, family is source of major roles and identity and new concepts of reality are created is which of the following?


A family into which one was born is a(n)


Which of the following specifically refers to "multiple wives?


Redefining marriage to positively sanction gay marriage (as Maryland and Maine voted to do in November 2012) is an example of which of the following explanations for society?


128. When we measure social change we are looking for

A) Looking for delta
B) Something is different between two points in time ... hence, the tie to futures thinking.
C) Measuring Perception of Change or Likely Change
D) Indicators of change