Sociology Chapter 8 Vocab

social stratification

ranking of people or groups according to their unequal access to scarce resources

social class

segment of society whose members hold similar amounts of resources and share values, norms, and an identifiable lifestyle


class that owns the means of production


class tha labors without owning the means of production


the amount of money recieved by an individual or group over a specific time period


total economic resources held by a person or group


the ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will


recognition, respect, and admiration attached to social position

false consciousness

adoption of the ideas of the dominant class by the less powerful class

class consciousness

identification with the goals and interests of a soial class

working poor

people employed in low-skill jobs with the lowest pay who do not earn enough to rise out of poverty


people typically unemployed who came from families that have been poor for generations

absolute poverty

the absence of enough money to secure life's necessities

relative poverty

a measure of poverty based on the economic disparity between those at the bottom of a society and the rest of society

feminization of poverty

a trend in U.S. society in which women and children make up an increasing proportion of the poor

social mobility

the movement of individuals or groups between social classes

horizontal mobility

a change in occupation within the same social class

vertical mobility

a change upward or downward in occupational status or social class

intergenerational mobility

a change in status or class from one generation to the next

caste system

a stratification structure that does not allow for social mobility

open-class system

a syste in which social class is based on merit and individual effort; movement is allowed between classes