Sociologists attempt to analyse information about the nature of human behavior. Thus, sociology is an example of: D. an empirical science.

Large groups, entire societies, and other ecological units of analysis are the primary focus of B. MACROSOCIOLOGY

Throughout the nineteenth century, the French government collected data on suicide, crime, and literacy. These data became known as: Moral Statistics

Contemporary data on marriage and divorce in the USA suggest that half of all marriages end in divorce. This is an example of a B. PROPORTIONAL FACT

Guerry's data on suicide indicated that nineteenth century suicide rates were:
A. stable and varied significantly by geographic region

The GENERAL SOCIAL SURVEY is an example fo a D SAMPLE...

Quetelet argued that stable suicide rates suggest that: B. social forces shape individual behavior

Sample is to census as C. PART IS TO WHOLE...

This thinker developed a theory that linked high suicide rates with weak social ties and social networks: c. Emile Durkheim

To mimimiize misrepresentation, researchers prefer large samples. Many researchers agree that a good sample will contain at least---- cases. A.1,000 TO 1,500

This social science specifically attempts to gain a better understanding of the interaction patterns that can be observed among persons C. sociology

Each of the following is one of the three criteria for establishing "causality" except: C. SIMPLE FACTS...

A cornerstone on the American sociological tradition, this sociologist focused on issues impacting African American quality of life A. W.E.B. DuBois

The Hirschi and Stark study on religion and delinquency was conducted in California and did not identify a strong religious effect, wheras, a replication study by Higgins and Albrech conducted in Georgia identified a strong religious effect. These finding

If one were to look at a table that compared survey responses of Democrats and Republicans on selected environmental issues, the unit of analysis would be d. groups

-- Is a research method that is particulary helpful in allowing researchers to test hypotheses about different types of relationships among group members.C. NETWORK ANALYSIS...

The General Social Survey is an example of: B. a theory

In a commune, people: D ALL OF THESE CHOICES--organise to live together, choose to share tasks equally, share resources--...

If a researcher wanted to design a study on suicide that utilized nations as the unit of analysis, the researcher would be conducting a: macrosociological study

In his study on communes, Zablocki wanted to see what impact love intensity had on group stability. Group stability was treated as the ---variable.A. DEPENDENT...

Groups and aggregates are examples of: C. concepts

Economic prosperity may encourage families to spend more money and save less. Which property of a society as a system does this illustrate?A. NTERDEPENDENCE...

Each of the following is a characteristic of a primary group except: B. consuming sense of belonging

In many urban, industrial societies, education provides a population with needed job skills. Education is an example of a C. SOCIAL INSTITUTION

Your sociology class would be an example of a D. Secondary group

According to this sociological perspective, each social institution has a purpose. As long as each institution serves its intended purpose, the society will remain in a state of equilibrium D. FUNCTIONALISM.

The social ties that exist among members of a college sorority represent a b. social network

A family that is comprised of one adult couple and their children is known as B. NUCLEAR FAMILY...

The members of the monastary in Sampson's study were divided into three strong isolated groups. Sociologists refer to this type of group as a a. clique

In some instances a commune may satisfy the same social needs as a family or household. Functionalists may argue that communes, families, and households are: D. FUNCTIONAL ALTERNATIVES...

If a researcher used a questionaire to study stress among college students, the researcher would be: C. studying subjects who are self-aware

Two key concepts associated with the social evolution perspective are: A. ADAPTATION AND SURVIVAL...

A researcher looks at the number of subscriptions in the Biblical Recorder in a particular town as a way of determining the number of Baptists in the community. This researcher has A. constructed an unobtrusive measure.

According to the Marxian conflict prespective, a society's norms: C. ARE CREATED AND MAINTAINED BY THE RULING CLASS

A researcher observed that General Social Survey data indicate that persons living on the west coast are more likely to support gun control. To verify this pattern, the researcher checked these findings against findings from The Gallup Poll. The researche

Men and women often differ in their perception of events. According to Weber gender is an example of a D. STATUS GROUP...

The statement "females are more likely than males to graduate from college". represents: A. hypothesis

A researcher conducting comparative sociological research would be least likely to base his or her study on data from the B. GENERAL SOCIAL SURVEY...

Theorizing, hypothesizing, observing, and analizing are all key aspects of: B. the sociological process

Compared to matrilocal societies, Paige observed that patrilocal societies are: A. MORE FACTIONAL AND EXPERIENCE MORE VIOLENCE...

SOCIAL IMAGINATION is the term coined by
C. Wright Mills to describe the ability to see the link between incidents in the lives of individuals and large social forces

A SAMPLE consists of a group of people selected at random for the entire group to be described...

The part of sociology that focuses on small groups and face-to-face interactions is called: MICROSOCIETY

A relationship is SPURIOUS if it disappears when a third variable is controlled...

CONCEPTS are names used to identify some set or class of things that are said to be alike

NETWORK ANALYSIS is a research method that tests hypotheses, about properties of social networks. .

A GROUP consists of two or more persons who maintain a stable pattern of relations over a significant period of time


New immigrants to the United States in the first decade of the 20th century were mostly C. males

.A COMMUNE is a group of people that organize to live together in order to share resources and duties..

In 1907, most immigrants to the United States came from A. SOUTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE, GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHWESTERN EUROPE

FUNCTIONALISTS look at structures and their consequences for other parts of the system....

When the U.S. congress appointed a commission in 1907 to study whether or not immigration should be slowed or halted, they were chiefly concerned with B. WHETHER OR NOT THESE NEW IMMIGRANTS WOULD BE ABSORBED AS EASILY OR WERE AS DESIRABLE AS OLDER IMMIGRA


Which of the following groups earned the highest average non-farm weekly income in 1908? B. FOREIGN-BORN NON-RUSSIAN JEWS




Societies usually have --- and always have--...C. DEFINITE PHYSICAL LOCATIONS, A DISTINCT SOCIAL BOUNDARY


Which of the following would be a type of social structure? A. POPULATION DENSITY


As used by sociologists, "social structure" usually refers to group characteristics that are independent of B. CULTURE


A 25 year old male student's behavior changes as he moves first into a group that is 65% female and then into one that is all-male, though both groups share similar values, religious beliefs, and socio-economic backgrounds. His behavior change probably oc


Stratification: D. ALL OF THESE CHOICES


A sociologist, Fred, is more aware than most of the fact that he shares a similar position within his society's stratification system with millions of other people. He thinks of these people as members of his own: A. CLASS


People that share the same position within a stratification structure are a ---- , while the rank of a person or group within a stratification structure is referred to as a ---. D. CLASS, STATUS


The position of the future King of England is best described as a (n) A. ASCRIBED STATUS


Mary Brown, who came from a poor family with uneducated parents, has worked hard to reach the top in her law firm. A sociologist would view her current position as a full partner in that firm as: D. B AND C.AN ACHIEVED STATUS, EVIDENCE OF UPWARD MOBILITY


The primary type of social structure is: C.GROUPS


Mark Granoveter showed that, within networks, weak ties are better for---- than strong ties.B. SHARING INFORMATION


Based on network research to date, it appears that strong ties are effective in ---- while weak ties are more effective in ---. B. EXERTING INFLUENCE, SPREADING INFORMATION


Values ----norms. B. JUSTIFY


In the software industry, Microsoft is the industry standard. Microsoft is thus A. REFERENCE GROUP


A recent study of Italian American culture indicates that A. A RELIGION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FAMILY LOYALTY


Stratification refers to the --- distribution of rewards among members of a society UNEQUAL


Cosmopolitan networks are relatively full of --- consisting of weaker, non-redundant ties. HOLES


If values are general, norms are---. SPECIFIC


A role is a collection of ---. NORMS


--- refers to the process of exchanging one culture for another. ASSIMILATION


According to Durkheim a stop sign would be a B. SOCIAL FACT


Available choices, limited available information, preferences and tastes are all concepts associated with: C. THE RATIONAL CHOICE PROPOSITION


The focal point of exchange theory is--D. Social solidarity; the sense of self.


Persons at a family reunion may not want to go back for more food a third time because of what people may think about them. This example illustrates: A. COOLEY'S LOOKING GLASS SELF


Mead maintains that the two major aspects of human identity are: B. THE MIND AND THE SELF


Which of the following statements about symbolic interaction is false? D. EMOTIONAL TIES ARE STRONGER AMONG PEOPLE AT DIFFERENT RANKS


Constant is to variable as: C. STABLE IS TO CHANGE


A researcher wants to study the impact of race as educational attainment. Race would be A. THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE


When a change infertility is associated with a change in women's level of education, the two variables are said to be: D. CORRELATED


Time order, correlation, and spuriousness are the three: B. CRITERIA OF CAUSATION


A study reveals that environmental awareness increases as educational attainment increases. This is an example of a ---correlation. A. POSITIVE


The correlation between education and income disappears once age differences in income and education are studied. This suggests that the association between education and income is: D. SPURIOUS


Since theories are comprised of ideas and concepts, they are: B: ABSTRACTONS


Asch's experiment demonstrates that a positive correlation exists between group solidarity and: C. CONFORMITY


With--- researchers are in the best position to manipulate the independent variable and to randomly assign subjects to study groups.C. PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION


Since correlations between or among variables may be due to random variation, researchers are able to gain more confidence in their findings by employing B. A TEST OF SIGNIFICANCE


Many environmental groups have formed in recent years to address problems associated with pollution and resource depletion. These groups represent a B. SPURIOUS NETWORK


Lofland and Stark wanted to learn more about why people join religious movements. They accomplished this by directly observing and taking part in a new religious movement's activities. Lofland and Stark were conducting: C: RANDOMIZATION


A researcher wants to study life in a homeless shelter. To do so, the researcher poses as a homeless person and spends a week in the shelter. The researcher is D. DEPENDENT OBSERVER


According to the network recruitment principle, recruitment to a social movement is best achieved through: A. BOOKS AND ARTICLES


Correlations that appear to reflect causation but do not are called SPURLIOUS RELATIONSHIPS


---is a simple device that shows how strongly any two variables are correlated. CORRELATION COEFFICIENT


--are groups of people who organize to cause to prevent social change SOCIAL MOVEMENTS


--involves any unselfish actions done entirely for the benefit of others. ALTRUISM
