Sociology Ch 11

socially constructed categories based on biological traits a society defines as important


Three categories of race

Caucasoids, Mongloids, and Negroids

socially constructed categories based on cultural traits a society defines as important; shared cultural heritage


any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural differences that a society sets apart or subordinates


a rigid and unfair generalization about a category of people


a type of prejudice that is a simplified description applied to every person in the category


a destructive type of prejudice, asserts that one race is innately superior or inferior to another


Scapegoat Theory
Authoritarian personality type
Culture theory
Conflict theory

4 Theories of Prejudice

theory that claims that prejudice results from frustation among people who are disadvantaged

Scapegoat Theory

Adorno theory that claims that prejudice is a personality trait of certain individuals, especially those with little education and those raised by cold and demanding parents

Authoritarian personality type

Bogardus theory that claims that prejudice is rooted in culture; we learn to feel greater social distance from some categories of people

Culture theory

theory that claims that prejudice is a tool used by powerful people to divide and control the population

Conflict theory

treating various categories of people unequally


Prejudice refers to _____; discrimination refers to ______

attitudes; actions

bias built into the operation of society's institutions (schools, hospitals, police, workplace)

Institutional prejudice

a state in which people of all races are distinct but have equal social standing


the process by which minorities gradually adopt the patterns of the dominant culture


the physical and social separation of categories of people


segregation by law

De jure segregation

settings that contain people of only one category

De facto segregation

having little social contact with people outside of the community


the systematic killing of one group of people by another


biological reproduction by partners of different racial categories
