Sociology 7 Matching

strain theory

lists fiver major ways that individuals respond to strain


a trait or characteristic that is used to label someone in a negative way

control theory

states that conformity to social norms depends on the presence of strong bonds between individuals and society

labeling theory

states that deviance is relative

differential association theory

says that primary groups have an important role in transmitting deviance


refers to accepting the goals of society and the socially approved means for reaching them


rejecting a goal, but continuing to use the legitimate means of achieving it


a person accepts a goal, but uses illegal means to reach it


rejecting a goal, and also rejecting the legitimate means of achieving it, but substituting a new goals and means of achievement


accepting a goal, and also accepting the socially approved methods of achieving it


rejecting a goal, and the legitimate means of achieving it but substituting new goals and means of achievement