Chapter 8: Race and Ethnicity


a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important
-result of living in different regions
-variety of racial traits found today due to migration
-we think of race in biological

racial types

scientists invented the concept of race to organize physical diversity
caucasoid (European)
Negroid (African)
Mongoloid (Asian)
misleading and harmful- more variation within categories than between categories


a shared cultural heritage that may be based upon:
common ancestors

symbolic ethnicity

an ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not significantly impact everyday life

situational ethnicity

an ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed, depending on its usefulness in a given situation


any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinates (based on race, ethnicity or both)
two important characteristics:
-share a distinct identity
-experience subordination
not all members are d

majority/minority states

California, New Mexico, Hawaii, Texas


a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people
-prejudice-> prejudgments, rooted in culture so everyone has some measure of prejudice
-often takes the form of
: an exaggerated description applied to every person in some c


the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another
-powerful and harmful form of prejudice
-overt racism has decreased
-remains a serious problem

scapegoat theory

prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged

authoritarian personality theory

extreme prejudice is a personality trait of certain individuals
-people who show strong intolerance to one minority are intolerant to all minorities
-rigidly conform to conventional cultural values
-see moral issues as clear cut issues of right and wrong

culture theory

some prejudice is found in everyone
-"culture of prejudice"
-taught to view certain categories of people as "better" or "worse" than others

contact hypothesis

in cooperative circumstances, contact between people of different categories in equal circumstances reduces feelings of prejudices


unequal treatment of various categories of people

individual discrimination

discrimination carried out by one person against another
-prejudice is attitudes, discrimination is a matter of action

instiutional discrimination

systematic discrimination carried out by social institutions (political, economic, educational, & others) that affects all members of a group who come into contact with it, denial of opportunities based on the way society runs, denial of opportunities and

prejudice & discrimination: the vicious cycle

-reinforce each other
-situations that are defined as real are real in their consequences (Thomas Theorem)

stereotype threat

real to people who believe them, real to those victimized by them

Patterns of Interaction



a state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing


the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture


the physical and social separation of categories of people


when a majority group and a minority group combine to form a new group


systematic removal of a group of people from society


the systematic killing of one category of people by another

diversity in the us

-the rate of documented immigrants has gone up and down over the past 100 years
-before WWII about 80% of documented immigrants to the US were from places in Europe. Today, most are from Latino and Asian countries