Intro to Business Chapter 6 and 7 Quiz


the process of accomplishing the goals of an ogranization

What do Managers do?

Plan, Organize, Staff, Implement, and Control

What are the levels of management in descending order

Executives, Mid- Managers, and Supervisors,

Management style

the way a manager treats and involves employees

What are the two types of management

Tactical and strategic management

What are the characteristics of tactical management

Working with part time or temporary employees
working with employees who are not motivated
working under tight time pressures
assigning a new task for which employees are not experienced

What are the characteristics of strategic management

employees are skilled and experienced
the work is routine with few ne challenges
employees are doing work they enjoy
the manager wants ti improve group relationships

Mixed Management

the combined use of tactical and strategic management


the ability to motivate individuals and groups to acomplish important goals

What are leadership characteristics


What are ways to prepare to be a leader

study leadership
participate in organizations and activities
practice leadership at work
observe leaders
work with a mentor
do a self analysis and ask for feedback

What are important human relaation skills

self understanding, understanding others, communication, team building, developing job satisfaction

What are the types of communication

formal or informal, internal or external, vertical and oral or written.

What are the kinds of influences

position, reward, expert, and identity

informal influence

the leadership role is not part of a formal structure

formal influence

the leadership position is part of the organizations structure.


someone who takes a risk in starting a business to earn a profit


the process of starting, organizing, managing, and assuming the responsibility for a business

What are characteristics of entrepreneurs

persistent, inquisitive, energetic, goal oriented, independent, self confident, creative, reliable, competitive`

venture capital

money provided by large investors to finance new products and new businesses that have a good chance to be profitable


an invention or creation that is brand new


a designed change that increaese the usefulness of a product, service, or process

what are the reasons as to why a entrepreneurs fails

lack of adequate capital, low sales, higher than expected expenses, competitive pressure, an owner unprepared to manage a growing business, operations requiring more time than the owner is willing to commit

small business

an independent business with fewer than 500 employees. The owner is usally the manager, it iperates in one or very few locations, it typically serves a small market, it is not dominant in it field

what are the reasons why a small business fails

not keeping adequate records, not having enough start up money, lack of management experience, lack of experience with they type of business, not controlling operating expenses, poor location for the business, failure to manage credit offered to customers

small business administration

a government agency that helps small business owners develop business plans and obtain financing and other support for their companies.

business plan

a written description of the business idea and how it will be carried out

what are the major elements of a business plan

description of the business, description of competition, customer analysis, operations plan, marketing plan, and financial plans

start up financing

the amount of money needed to open the business

short term financing

the money needed to pay for the current operating activities of a business

long term financing

the money needed for the main resources of a business. These costs will last for many years