
when did jobs and organizations change dramatically?

during the industrial revolution

this involved thorough study and testing of different work methods to identify the best most efficient ways to complete a job

the scientific management

this was when workers deliberately slow their pace or restrict their work outputs


this is a group member whose work pace is significantly faster than the normal pace in his or her group

rate buster

who as the father of the scientific management

frederick w. taylor

describing taylor's four principles of scientific management first:

develop a science for each element of a man's work, which replaces the old rule of thumb method

describing taylor's four principles of scientific management second :

scientifically select, train, teach and develop the workman whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself the best he could

describing taylor's four principles of scientific management third:

instructed managers to cooperate with employees to ensure that the scientific principles were actually implemented

describing taylor's four principles of scientific management fourth:

divide the work and the responsibility equally between management and works

the husband and wife of frank and lillian Gilbreth is best known for the what

use of motion studies to simplify work

this broke each task or job into its separate motions and then eliminating those that are unnecessary or repetitive

motion study

taylor also strove to simplify work but he do so how?

by managing time rather than motion

this worked by timing how long it takes good workers to complete each part of their jobs

time study

what does the gantt chart indicate?

what tasks must be completed at which times in order to complete a project or task

this was also the first thing to encourage companies to train and develop their workers

gantt chart

the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience


the first element of bureaucracy is what

hiring people whose technical training or education qualifies them to do the job well

second, the elements of bureaucratic is what

promotion within the organization should no longer be based on who you know or who you are but on your experience or achievements. MANAGER not organizational owners decide who is promoted

Who was the man behind the bureaucratic management

max weber

third, the elements of bureaucratic is what

each position or job should be viewed as part of a chain of command that clarifies who reports to whom throughout the organization

fourth, the elements of bureaucratic is what

to increase efficiency and effectiveness, tasks and responsibilities should be separated and assigned to those best qualified to complete them

fifth, the elements of bureaucratic is what

an organizations rules and procedures should apply to all members regardless of their position or status

sixth, the elements of bureaucratic is what

to ensure consistency and fairness over time and across different leaders, all rules, procedures, and decisions should be recorded in writing

finally, the elements of bureaucratic is what

to reduce favoritism "managers" rather than company owners should manage or supervise the organization

this person was also important as a contributor to management and his ideas where shaped by his experience as a managing director and changed companies from the board of directors down

henri fayol

the human relations approach to management focuses on what


this is a approach to deal with conflict in which both parties deal with the conflict by indicating their preferences and then working together to find an alternative that meets the needs of both

integrative conflict resolution

this person believe that conflict could be beneficial


follett believe that the best way to deal with conflict was what


with elton mayo's hawthorne experiments, for the first time what happened

human factors related to work were found to be more important than the physical conditions or design of the work

this man defined an organization as a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons. in other words, organizations occur whenever two people work together for some purpose.


this person decided that if guns were made accurately enough, they could be made with standardized interchangeable parts

eli whitney

because of gaspard monge, what invention occurred

the techniques for drawing three-dimensional objects on paper were described

this is the amount of raw materials and the number of parts and finished products that a company has in its possession


the first technologies to truly revolutionize the business use of information were what

paper and the printing press

this is a set of interrelated elements or parts that function as a whole


this is smaller systems that operate within the context of a larger system


this is when two or more subsystems working together can product more than they can working apart


this is systems that can sustain themselves without interacting with their environments

closed systems

this is systems that can sustain themselves only by interacting with their environments on which they depend for their survival

open systems

this holds that there are no universal management theories and that the most effective management theory or idea depends o the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place

contingency approach