Supply Chain Management - Chapter 2

operations strategy

set of competitive priorities coupled with supply chain structural and infrastructural design choices intended to create capabilities that support a set of value propositions targeted to address the needs of critical customers.

corporate strategy

determines the overall mission of the firm and the types of businesses that the firm wants to be in

strategic business units (SBUs)

semi-independent organizations used to manage different product and market segments

business unit strategy

determines how a strategic business unit will compete

functional groups

internal operations, marketing, accounting, engineering, supply management, logistics, and finance, etc.

functional strategy

determines how the function will support the overall business unit strategy

critical customer

the customer or customer segment receiving the firms focus because it is critical to the firms current or future success

value proposition

all the tangible and intangible benefits that customers can expect to obtain by using the products offered by the firm


operational activities that the firm can perform wel; these define the types of problems and solutions that operations can address proficiently

order winners

product traits that cause a customer to select one product over its competitors

order qualifiers

product traits that must be met at a certain level for the product to be considered by the customer

order losers

product traits that if not satisfied, cause the loss of either the current order or future orders.

4 characteristics of a well-designed value proposition

offers a combination of product features that customers find attractive and are willing to pay for, differentiates the firm from its competition in a way that is difficult to imitate, it satisfies the financial and strategic objectives of the firm, and it


products fitness for consumption in terms of meeting customers needs and desires


degree to which a product is delivered or available when the customer wants it

lead time

the amount of time that passes between the beginning and ending of a set of activities

time to market

the total time that a firm takes to conceive, design, test, produce, and deliver a new or revised product for the marketplace

order to delivery lead time

the time that passes from the instant the customer places an order for a product until the instant that the customer receives the product.


the expenses incurred in acquiring and using a product


both radical and incremental changes in process and products


operations ability to respond efficiently to changes in products, processes, and competitive environments


maintaining operations that are both profitable and non damaging to society or the environment

risk management

developing operations that anticipate and deal with problems resulting from natural events, social factors, economic issues, or technological issues.


unique and superior operational abilities that stem from the routines, skills, and processes that the firm develops and uses

core capabilities

skills, processes, and systems that are unique to the firm and that enable it to deliver products that are both valued by the customer and difficult for competitors to imitate


the extent to which there is alignment between the firms operational capabilities, its value proposition, and the desire of its critical customers

strategic decision areas in operations management

capacity, facilities, technology, supply chain network, workforce, production planning and control, product/process innovation, organization and management

strategic profit model (SPM)

a model that shows how operation changes affect the overall performance of a business unit (also called DuPont model)

balanced score card

an integrative approach for developing strategic, organizational-level metrics

supply chain operational reference model (SCOR)

a model for assessing, charting, and describing supply chain processes and their performance

external components of SCOR

delivery reliability, responsiveness, flexibility

internal components of SCOR

costs, asset management efficency