MGT 400 Final Exam

Business strategy

Goal directed ''How should we complete?

Corporate Strategy

Decisions that leaders maker - goal directed like boundaries of the firm

*Cost leadership

cheapest product - like a honda civic


Unique product like a bugatti


One product at a cheap price

*Value innovation

lower costs while creating value (instead of focusing on just one)

*Blue ocean

differentiation and cost leadership activities at a fine line


untapped market space, creation of additional demand, and opportunities for highly profitable growth

Firm Effects on Competitive Advantage

value position and cost position lead to business strategies that lead to competitive advantage

Strategic Tradeoffs

choices between a cost or a value position

*Geographic Scope

where should the company compete

*Vertical integration

ownership of inputs or distribution channels

*Backwards integration

owning inputs of value chain

*Forward integration

owning activities closer to the customer


increase in variety of products/services- in several product markets


increase in variety of markets/geographic regions- regional, national, or international markets


product and geographic diversification

*Corporate diversification
Single business:

low level of diversification

*Corporate diversification
Dominant business

additional business activity pursued

*Constrained related diversification

all businesses share competencies

*Linked related diversification

some businesses share competencies

*unrelated diversification

no businesses share competencies

Influences of economies of scale on firm growth

cheaper production costs in mass producing

internal transaction costs

recruiting and retaining employees

external transaction costs

searching for contractors, negotiating, monitoring, and enforcing contracts

Advantages of organizing economic actinides within a firm

more control, improve quality, facilitate scheduling and planning, secures supplies and distribution channels

Principal agent problem

principal: owner of the firm (shareholders)
Agent- should act on behalf of the principal
problem: agents pursue their own interests
solution: stock options to make agents owners

*What does the build-borrow-buy framework help strategic leaders determine?

Build- internal development
Borrow- enter a contract/strategic alliance
Buy- acquire new resources, capabilities, and competencies

*What are the main issues to consider/questions to answer when using the build-borrow-buy?

Tradabilitiy: transfer ownership or allow use of the resource
Closeness- mergers and acquisitions are complex and costly. Achieved through alliances- joint ventures, equity alliances, resource borrowing
Integration: conditions for integrating th

Multinational enterprise


Globalization (definition, benefits, disadvantages)

a process of close integration and exchange between countries and peoples worldwide

*What is the cage distance framework for? What does it help them determine?

cultural: power distance, individualism, masculinity-femininity, indulgence
administrative/political: captures in factors such as shared money or political associations, weak or strong legal and financial situations
geographic: physical size, more than ph

real options perspective

breaks down investment into smaller decisions, staged sequentially over time

Explicit knowledge

codified knowledge found in documents, databases, etc

Tactical knowledge

intuitive knowledge and know how which is rooted in context, experience, practice, and values
hard to communicate- resides in the mind of the practitioner.. the best source of long term competitive advantage and innovation

Strategic Alliances

voluntary arrangement between firms
- involves the sharing of knowledge, resources, and capabilities to develop processes, products, and services

*Information asymmetry and byproducts

one party has more information than the other party, not equal
Moral hazard- when one party is incentivized to take undue risks or shirk responsibilities because of the costs incur to another party
Adverse selection- an increase in likelihood of selecting

Characteristics of a public stock company/publicly

limited liabilities for investors, transferability of investor ownership, legal personality, separation of legal ownership and management control

Shared value creation framework-

provides guidance to managers and helps reconcile gaining and sustaining competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility

Principal agent problem

managers incentive to acquire , managerial hubris (viewed themselves as exceptions to the rules)

Inside directors


Outside directors

senior execs from other firms