
a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party


ultimately based on perceptions; it exists whenever one party believes that another might obstruct its efforts, regardless of whether the other party actually intends to do so.

negative affects of conflict

fuels organizational politics; often stressful, which consumes personal energy and distracts employees from their work. It also increases job dissatisfaction, resulting in higher turnover and lower customer service.

benefits of conflict

energizes people to debate issues and evaluate alternatives more thoroughly. They probe and test each other's way of thinking to better understand the underlying issues that need to be addressed.

benefits of conflict

prevent organizations from becoming nonresponsive to their external environment. Differences of opinion encourage employees to engage in active thinking, and this often involves ongoing questioning and vigilance about how the organization can be more clos

benefits of conflict

increases cohesion within the team (see Chapter 8). People are more motivated to work together when faced with an external threat, such as conflict with people outside the team.

task conflict

occurs when people focus their discussion around the issue while showing respect for people with other points of view; debates the various alternatives and arguments

task conflict

disagreements about the task or decision, including what task should be performed, how should it be done, and who should perform the various task roles.

process conflict

encompasses the latter two parts�how the work should be done and who should perform the various task roles.

relationship conflict

focuses on characteristics of the people in the dispute.; occurs when someone tries to dismiss an idea by questioning the competence of the people who introduce or support that ideal someone uses status to defend a position


Relationship conflict reduces ____ trust because it emphasizes interpersonal differences that weaken any bond that exists between the parties


Employees with higher _____ intelligence and stability are better able to regulate their emotions during debate, which reduces the risk of escalating perceptions of interpersonal hostility.


Relationship conflict is suppressed when the conflict occurs within a highly ____ team; The longer people work together, get to know each other, and develop mutual trust, the more latitude they give to each other to show emotions without being personally


When team ____ encourage openness, team members learn to appreciate honest dialogue without personally reacting to any emotional display during the disagreements; might discourage team members from displaying negative emotions toward coworkers; also encou

manifest conflict

decisions and behaviors of one party toward the other

conflict episodes

range from subtle nonverbal behaviors to warlike aggression

sources of conflict

-1st part of model process; � Incompatible goals � Dierentiation � Interdependence � Scarce resources � Ambiguous rules � Poor communication

conflict perceptions and emotion

2nd part of model process

manifest conflict

3rd part of model process; Conflict-handling style � Decisions � Overt behaviors

conflict outcomes

4th part of model process; Positive: � Better decisions � Responsive firm � Team cohesion Negative: � Lower performance � More stress/turnover � Less coordination � More politics � Less team cohesion

incompatible goals, differentiation, interdependence, scarce resources, ambiguous rules, and communication problems.

six main conditions that cause conflict in organizational settings

goal incompatibility

occurs when the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another person's or department's goals


differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences; two people or departments may agree on a common goal but have different beliefs about how to achieve that goal


Differentiation is usually a factor in ____ conflict.


Differentiation also produces the classic tension between employees from two companies brought together through a _____


conflict exists only when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party


Task ____ refers to the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise to perform their jobs


Employees usually have the lowest risk of conflict when working with others in a ____ interdependence relationship


_____ interdependence occurs where individuals operate independently except for reliance on a common resource or authority.


The potential for conflict is higher in _____ interdependence work relationships, such as an assembly line


The highest risk of conflict tends to occur in ____ interdependence situations

reciprocal interdependence

employees have high mutual dependence on each other as well as higher centrality.

resource scarcity

each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals.

ambiguous rules

the complete lack of rules

ambiguous rules

uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals.


When ___ rules exist, employees know what to expect from each other and have agreed to abide by those rules.


occurs due to the lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to communicate effectively.


when two parties lack the opportunity to communicate, they tend to rely more on _____[ to understand the other party in the conflict.


some people lack the necessary skills to communicate in a ___, nonconfrontational manner.


___ conflict is uncomfortable, so people are less motivated to communicate with others in a disagreement.

problem solving

tries to find a solution that is beneficial for both parties.

win win orientation

people using problem solving believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work together to find a creative solution.


tries to win the conflict at the other's expense.

win lose orientation

when people use forcing; believe the parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more one party receives, the less the other party will receive.


tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations altogether


to steer clear of the coworkers associated with the conflict.


to minimize discussion of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict


involves giving in completely to the other side's wishes, or at least cooperating with little or no attention to your own interests.


involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equally valued gains.

avoidin; yielding

You might typically engage in ___ or ____because disagreement makes you feel uncomfortable and is contrary to your self-view as someone who likes to get along with everyone.

compromising; forcing

prefer the ____ and ____ strategies because they reflect your strong need for achievement and to control your environment

problem solving

preferred when:
� Interests are not perfectly opposing
� Parties have trust, openness, and time to share information
� Issues are complex
Problems: Sharing information that the other party might use to his or her advantage


preferred when:
You have a deep conviction about your position
� Dispute requires a quick solution
� Other party would take advantage of more cooperative strategies
Highest risk of relationship conflict
� May damage long-term relations, reducing


preferred when:
� Conflict has become too emotionally charged
� Cost of trying to resolve the conflict outweighs the benefits
� Doesn't usually resolve the conflict
� May increase other party's frustration


preferred when:
� Other party has substantially more power
� Issue is much less important to you than to the other party
� The value and logic of your position isn't as clear
Problems: Increases other party's expectations in future conflict episodes


preferred when:
� Parties have equal power
� Time pressure to resolve the conflict
� Parties lack trust/openness for problem solving
Problems: Suboptimal solution where mutual gains are possible

problem solving

improves long-term relationships, reduce stress, and minimize emotional defensiveness and other indications of relationship conflict


____ differences influence the preferred conflict-handling style

high; low

people from ___ collectivism cultures are motivated to maintain harmonious relations and, consequently, are more likely than those from ___ collectivism cultures to manage disagreements through avoidance or problem solving.

high collectivism cultures

where group goals are valued more than individual goals


motivates harmony within the group but not necessarily with people outside the group.

superordinate goals

goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties


By increasing commitment to ___ goals, engineering and marketing employees pay less attention to their competing departmental-level goals


As people develop common experiences and beliefs, they become more motivated to coordinate activities and resolve their disputes through ____ discussion


One way to reduce ____ is to rotate key staff to different departments or regions throughout their career.

Johari Window

In the __ __ process, individuals disclose more about themselves so others have a better understanding of the underlying causes of their behavior


_____ interaction potentially improves mutual understanding through the contact hypothesis, which says that we develop a more person-specific and accurate understanding of others by working closely with them

low; after

communication and understanding should be applied only where differentiation is sufficiently ___ or ___ differentiation is reduced.


If perceived differentiation remains ___, attempts to manage conflict through dialogue might escalate rather than reduce relationship conflict.

collectivist; high

people in ___ and ___ power distance cultures are less comfortable with the practice of resolving differences through direct and open communication


___ communication is a high-risk strategy because it easily threatens the need to save face and maintain harmony.

create buffers, use integrators, combine jobs

Three ways to reduce interdependence among employees and work units are to ____ ____, ____ ____, and ____ ____

create buffers

mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work units. This decoupling reduces the potential for conflict because it reduces the effect of one party on the other

use integrators

employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a shared task or project; reduces the amount of direct interaction required among diverse work units; communicate with each other indirectly; rely on referent power and persuas

combining jobs

a form of job enrichment and a way to reduce task interdependence; employees now have a pooled rather than sequential form of task interdependence


increasing amount of resources would reduce ___

rules; procedures

Conflicts that arise from ambiguous rules can be minimized by establishing ___ and ____

third party conflict resolution

any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences.

arbitration, inquisition, mediation

three main third-party dispute resolution activities


high control over the final decision, but low control over the process


control all discussion about the conflict; high decision control because they determine how to resolve the conflict; high process control


high control over the intervention process; main purpose is to manage the process and context of interaction between the disputing parties; have little or no control over the conflict resolution decision


managers and other people in positions of authority usually adopt an ___ approach whereby they dominate the intervention process as well as make a binding decision


for everyday disagreements between two employees, the ___ approach is usually best because this gives employees more responsibility for resolving their own disputes


When employees cannot resolve their differences through mediation, ____ seems to work best because the predetermined rules of evidence and other processes create a higher sense of procedural fairness


preferred where the organization's goals should take priority over individual goals


occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence.

distributive approach

negotiator believes those involved in the conflict must distribute portions from a fixed pie; win-lose orientation

integrative approach

negotiators believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work creatively together to find a solution; win-win orientation

distributive negotiation

most common when the parties have only one item to resolve, such as product price or starting salary

integrative negotiation

more common when multiple issues are open for discussion


know what you want, why you want it, and what power you have to get it


Successful negotiators develop ___ about what they want to achieve from the exchange.


successful negotiators reflect on what ___ they are trying to fulfill from their goals

initial, target, resistance

3 key positions of goal setting

initial offer

each party's opening offer to the other side

target point

realistic goal or expectation for a final agreement.

resistance point

the point beyond which you will make no further concessions

best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)

comparison of how your negotiation goals might be achieved through some other means; represents the estimated cost to you of walking away from the relationship.


Having more than one ____ to a negotiation increases your power.


The most important specific ___ practices are to gather information, manage concessions, manage time, and build the relationship.


the cornerstone of effective negotiations

listen; ask questions

The most important practices for gathering information in negotiations are to ____ and ___ ___

fewer; smaller

Successful negotiators actually make ___ concessions and each concession is ___ than those of average negotiators


keeps the parties focused on the issue rather than personalities, motivates them to return to the bargaining table when negotiations stall, and encourages the parties to engage in future negotiations


It is easier to negotiate on your own turf because you are familiar with the negotiating ___ and are able to maintain comfortable routines


The physical distance between the parties and formality of the setting can influence their orientation toward each other and the disputed issues


anyone with a vested interest in the negotiation outcomes, such as executives, other team members, or the general public.

women; men

When it comes to negotiation, ____ tend to have poorer economic outcomes than do ___