management test four

an assembly line is an arrangement of workers, machines and equipment in which the product being assembled passes consecutively from one process to another in a particular order till complete this is called a:

sequential task interdependence

when the work of each group member is completely dependent on the work performed by the other group members but isn't restricted to a particular sequence it is known as:

reciprocal task interdependence

motivation in groups with _______ will be highest when managers reward group members based on individual performance

pooled interdependence

the set of behaviors and task that a member of a group is expected to perform because he is a member of the group is known as:

a group role

when managers see the need to modify the roles of members within an existing group, members are encouraged to take on additional responsibilities

role making

when ken, the manager of transporter inc. put together a new marketing team, he assigned clear roles and responsibilities to all members and appointed Kyle the team leader Kyle is a:

formal leader

the members of a group are getting to know one another and attempting to reach an understanding of how each of them should act within the group this stage of group development is :


when developing groups it is highly unlikely that members will co0me to common understandings immediately. there will almost always be disagreements and conflicts of ideas. this stage of group development is:


during which stage of group forming does group comraderies begin to emerge?


managers need to empower self-managed teams, provide sufficient autonomy to them,. and ensure all members are motivated in the _____ stage of group development


a task force submits its final report on a project they had been working on before disbanding. at which stage is the group opereating


shared guidelines or rules of behavior most group members follow are called

group norms

a group will perform poorly du to its failure to change its dysfunctional norms when group members have_____.

high conformity

the members of a cross-functional team have an agreement that when a team goes out of town on business, that team member will have a phone number where he or she can be reached by the other members of a team this arrangement is known as a

group norm

the degree to which members of a group are attracted tyo members in the group Is known as

group cohesiveness

which is a consequence of high group cohesiveness?

high emphasis on group goal achievement

which is a consequence of group cohesiveness

level of conformity to group norms

the higher the cohesiveness of a group, the higher _____ in the group

level of participation

the tendency of group members to exert less effort when they work in groups than they would if they acted alone is known as

social loafing

a member of a task force does not work as much as others in the team, as he is confident they will account form his slacking he is exhibiting

social loafing

which of the following cases would most likely result in a team member engage in social loafing?

when the group is excessively large

which are true in respect to groups and teams?

the intensity with which members work together

performance gains that result when individuals and departments coordinate actions


groups established by managers to attain organizational goals are called?

formal group

a team whose members work face-to-face have expertise and experience needed to develop new products is called a:

research and development team.

a group of workers form a group so that the members can interact with each other social both on and off the job is an example of:

informal group

a small group of marketers from different departments of an organization get together ever Friday to go to lunch and discuss various topics this is called

an informal group

the management of a popular sporting equipment maker, as a part of advertising has put together a team to market their product across the country this called?

formal group

team member within a particular group are generally more fixated or coming to a common agreeable solution over accurately assessing their problems that the group is facing. this type of faulty group decision making is called


a group of phone operators who report to the same supervisor?

command group

when the ceo redisigns the organizational chart to define different reporting relationships. she is essentially creating

command group

a group of mechanist who report to the same foreman

command group

work groups that are empowered to assume responsibility and autonomy to complete identifiable pieces of work for an organization are referred to as:

self-management team

informal groups of employees who enjoy one another's company and socialize are called

friendship groups

________ occurs when group members make separate, independent contributions to group performance

pooled task independence

_____ occurs when group members perform specific task in a predetermined order

sequential task independence

the process by which a message translated into symbols is interpreted to obtain the original message back is called ______.


in the _____ phase, a common understanding is ensured


Gary wishes to share some information with his offshore team members in London. in the communication process, gary is the


In transmission phase of communication process, the information that a sender wants to share is known as the ____


In the communication process, encoding is the process of:

translating a message into symbols.

in the communication process, decoding is the process of:

translating a coded message back to its original form

in the communication process the feedback phase is initiated by the ____


_____ is the process through which people select, organize, and interpret sensory input to give meaning and order to the world around them


verbal communication involves encoding messages by means of ________

spoken language

____ is the encoding of messages into written words.

verbal communication

the sharing of information by means of facial expressions and body language is known as____:

nonverbal communication

joeys nodding in agreement is a form of:

nonverbal communication

the amount of information a communication medium can carry and the extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding is known as:

information richness

which of the following communication media has the highest information richness?

face to face communication

which of the following is true of face to face communication

it enables managers to receive instant feedback.

a face to face communication technique in which a manager goes to a work area and talks informally with employees about issues and concerns is:

management by wandering around

Brian, the president of midland manufacturing, strolls through the production plant every morning and has an informal chat with employees about issues and concerns. which of the following management techniques is used by Brian?

management by wandering around

which of the following is a disadvantage of face to face communication

it is time consuming

which of the following communication media is the second highest in information richness

spoken communication electronically transmitted

_____ refers to company wide systems that allow managers to send and receive verbal electronic messages over telephone lines even when they are hundred miles away from the office

voice mail system

telecommuters are

people who are employed by an organization but work out of offices in their own homes

which of the following forms of communication is lowest in information richness

impersonal written communication

the potential for important information to be ignored or overlooked (even that which is personally addressed) while tangential information receives attention is reffered to as:

information overload

Douglas put together a company newsletter to talk about general topics about the company to all of the employees. This is an example of _____.

impersonal written communication

Which of the following is true of impersonal written communication?

It generally does not result in feedback.

The pathway along which information flows throughout an organization is called _____.

communication network

Information flows to and from one central member of the group in a _____ network.


Which of the following communication networks is often found in command groups with pooled task interdependence

wheel network

In which of the following communication networks do members communicate with one another in a predetermined sequence?

chain network

In which of the following communication networks do group members communicate with only those who are similar to them in experiences, beliefs, areas of expertise, background, office location, or even where they sit when the group meets

circle network

The idea that managers tend to communicate more with other managers who share similar beliefs and experiences is represented by which type of communication network?

circle network

In which of the following communication networks do group members communicate with every other group member?

all channel network

The informal organizational network through which unofficial information flows is called _____.

the grapevine

A global system of computer networks that is easy to join and is used by employees of organizations around the world to communicate inside and outside their companies is referred to as _____.

the internet

An internal, company-wide system of computer networks is called a(n) _____.


Computer software that enables teams to share information with each other is called _____.


Managers are most likely to successfully use groupware as a communication medium when:

the organization has a flexible culture

_____ is the specialized language that members of an occupation, group, or organization develop to facilitate communication among themselves that should never be used when communicating with people outside the occupation, group, or organization.


_____ occurs when senders withhold part of the message because they think the receiver does not need the information


_____ occurs when the meaning of a message changes as the message passes through a series of senders and receivers.

information distortion

Unofficial information that is of interest to the receivers within an organization but does not have an identifiable source is known as ____


To be a good listener, a manager should:

paraphrase what the sender has said.

Joe is listening to Mat and trying to understand Mat's point of view. Joe is being:


a persons characteristic way of speaking is known as

linguistic style.

Discord arising from the incompatibility of goals of different individuals and their attempts to thwart each other's pursuit of objectives is known as:

organizational conflict

Mary and John are business partners, but they have frequent arguments at work due to the differences in their values and interests. This is an example of _____.

organizational conflict

conflict that takes place between members of the same department is known as:

intragroup conflict

Two managers in the marketing department of SGR Inc. disagree on whether their organization should spend the bulk of its advertising budget on print advertising or Internet marketing. This is an example of _____ conflict.


conflict that takes place between different departments of the same organization is known as:

intergroup conflict

Jim, the dean of student services, and Paula, the dean of academic affairs, disagree about how to handle the misconduct of a student. Their disagreement with each other signifies _____ conflict.


conflict that takes place across different companies is known as

interorganizational conflict

when two or more managers claim responsibility for the same activities or tasks the source conflict is

overlapping authority

when differences are resolved by compromise or collaboration between the parties in disagreement it is known as

functional conflict resolution

David and Jose have been business partners for 8 years. While David wants to acquire one of their major competitors, Jose is keen on expanding operations to other states. After a few rounds of discussions, they decide on buying out two smaller firms in di


When the parties in conflict attempt to resolve the conflict without making concessions but, instead, attempt to resolve their differences in ways that leave all parties better off, it is known as _____.


Which of the following sources of conflict is likely to create conflict when some departments in an organization are more highly regarded than the rest?

status inconsistencies

Which of the following is a functional way of resolving conflicts?


which of the following is an ineffective conflict handling approach


why is competition ineffective as a conflict resolution strategy?

the two sides to a conflict are more concerned about winning the battle than cooperating

which of the following strategies should be used to resolve conflicts that arise out of communication problems and interpersonal misunderstandings?

increasing awareness of the sources of conflict

which of the following strategies should be used to resolve conflicts that arise when individuals do not understand the work demands the others face?

practicing job rotation

if the source of a conflict is overlapping authority, a manager should:

clarify the chain of command

an imparial individual with expertise in handling conflicts and who heps parties in conflict reach an acceptable solution is called a:

third party negotiator

When a third-party negotiator acts as a(n) _____, his or her role in the negotiation process is to facilitate an effective negotiation between the two parties; these negotiators do not force either party to make concessions.


third party negotiators who can impose what they believe is a fair solution to a dispute that both parties are obligated to abide by are referred to as


The activities that managers engage in to increase their power and to use power effectively to achieve their goals are known as:

organizational politics

the tactics that managers use to increased their power and to use it to gain the support of others within an organization are known as

political strategies

which of the following political strategies helps managers increase and maintain their power

controlling uncertainty

which of the following is a threat for individuals, groups, and whole organizations and can interfere with effective performance and goal attainment


When a manager is responsible for activities that are directly connected to the organizational goals and sources of competitive advantage, he/she is:

in central position

A manager develops mutually beneficial relationships with other managers in order to accomplish the goals of the organization. Which of the following political strategies is the manager using in this situation?

building alliances

which of the following is a political strategy for managers to exercise power unobtrusively?

relying on objective information