ch 11 mgmt


process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks

reward power

achieves influence by offering something of value


ability to get someone else to do something you want done

coercive power

achieves influence by punishment

legitimate power

achieves influence by formal authority

Position power

the power of a position, and includes coercion. Rewards, and legitimacy

Personal power

who you are and what your presence means in a situation

Expert power

the capability to influence the behavior of other people because of special knowledge and skills

Referent power

the capability to influence the behavior of other people because they admire and want to identify positively with you.


clear sense of the future

Visionary leadership

the ability to communicate a clear sense of the future and how to accomplish the vision

honest, competent, forward-looking, inspiring, and credible

Research has shown that people want leaders who are

Leadership style

pattern of behaviors a leader exhibits

Autocratic leaders

hold on to authority and act in a unilateral "command and control" fashion

Human relations leaders

emphasize a high concern for people over task completion

Democratic leaders

encourage participation with a strong emphasis on both task and people

Laissez-faire leaders

show little concern for people or tasks and do just enough to not get fired

Contingency leadership

perspective suggests that successful leadership varies by the circumstances, task, the leader and the people.

Least Preferred Co-Worker Scale

instrument used to classify leadership styles as either task or relationship motivated

o Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model

suggests that successful leaders adjust their styles based on the maturity of followers and their readiness to perform the task at hand

low task, low relationship

� Delegating

low task, high relationship

� Participating

high task, high relationship

� Selling

high task, low relationship

� Telling

Path-goal theory

suggests that leaders are effective when they help followers move along paths to achieve both work and personal goals

Directive leader /Supportive leader / Achievement-oriented leader / Participative leader

Four leadership styles

how leaders treat in-group and out-group followers

Leader-member exchange theory describes

Leader-member exchange

recognizes that in most leadership situations, the leader does not treat everyone the same


considered the best performers and receive special high-exchange relationships with the leader


have low-exchange relationships with the leader and are often excluded from some information and privileges

The Vroom-Jago model

describes a leader's choice of alternative decision-making methods

Authority decision

is made by the leader and communicated to the group

Consultative decision

made by a leader after receiving input from the group

Group decision

is made by the group themselves

Charismatic leadership

ability to inspire others in exceptional ways

Transactional leadership

somewhat "mechanical" in style; directs through tasks, rewards, and structures

Transformational leadership

ability by leaders to use their personalities to inspire followers, to strive for extraordinary performance accomplishments

Emotional intelligence

an ability to understand emotions in oneself and others, and use this understanding to handle one's relationships effectively

Gender similarities hypothesis

holds that males and females are very similar to one another in terms of psychological properties

Interactive leadership style

democratic, participative, and inclusive, often approaching problems and decisions through teamwork

Servant leadership

based firmly on a commitment to serving others, to helping people use their talents to full potential while working together for organizations that benefit society

drive, self confidence, creativity, cognitive ability, business knowledge, motivation, flexibility, honesty

trits shared by effective leaders

human relations leader, laissez faire, democratic, autocratic leader

classic leadership styles

contingency leadership perspective

suggests that what is successful as a leadership style varies according to the situation and the people involved

fred fiedler

first contingency model put forth by

task motivated or relationship moticated

least preferred co worker scale

leader member relations, task structure, position power

3 contingency variables of leas preferred model

share ideas


turn over decision


explain decisions


give instructions


high relationship, low task


low relationship low task


high task high relationship


high behavior low task


directive, supportive, achievement oriented, participative leader

4 leaadership styles for house's path goal theory

substitutes for leadership

factors in the work setting that direct work efforts without the involvement of a leader

high compatibility, competency, personality

in gorup

low compatibility, competency, personality

out group

leader member exchange theory

in group vs out group

authority, consultative, group decisions

vroom jago model decision methods

decision quality, decision acceptance, decision time

rules for making the choice involve these criteria

vision, charisma, symbolism, empowerment, intellectual stimulation, integrity

transformational leaders have these traits

self awareness, social awareness, self management, relationship management

emotional intelligence competencies

strategy supports, culture values, structure supports, management supports, staffing supports

common characteristics for innovation

force coercion, rational persuasion, shared power

change strategies

educaiton and communication, participation and involvement, facilitation and support, negotiation and agreement

positive resistance tactics

manipulation and cooption, explicit and implicit coercion

negative resistance tactics

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

became law in 2009 allowing workers to file discrimination claims longer than previously allowed.

Job Design

defining the way work will be performed and tasks required in a given job.

valuable, rare, in-imitible, non substitutable

resource based view to attain sustainable competitive advantage

Strategic human resource management

pattern of planned HR activities and deployments intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals.

Role behaviors

the behaviors required of an individual in his or her role as a job holder in a social work environment.

creatie risk takers

� Differentiation firms need

external and internal fit

miles and snow suggest 2 strategic fits to be managed

reward, coercive, legitimate

types of position power

expert and referent

personal power types

least preferred-task or relationship motivated

fiedlers model

Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership

model suggests that successful leaders adjust their styles based on the maturity of followers and their readiness to perform the task at hand

democratic, participative, inclusive

interactive leadership style


associated iwth women

ethical leadership

leaders who practice high ethical standards, build ethical cultures, and who both help and require others to behave ethically in their work

leader's choice of alternative decision-making methods

Vroom-Jago model describes

Leader-member exchange

recognizes that in most leadership situations, the leader does not treat everyone the same

� Directive leader /Supportive leader / Achievement-oriented leader / Participative leader

� House's path-goal theory matches leadership styles

delegating, participating, telling, selling

hershey leadership styles