BUS 433 Midterm Notes

B/S is for pricing...

European options

Can use P/C parity if you have a B/S european call price and need

to figure out the price of a european put

FACT: Never exercise early on an American _____ on a non dividend paying stock

-use B/S because it acts like a euro call

when pricing american FX calls..

you can't use B/S

if the spot price changes by a "little bit

the call (put) price will change by delta "little bits

link between puts and the equity portfolio


y=mx+b can be written as

where xo and yo are any point on the line

create a 3 asset portfolio equal to a long forward with

long call, short put and a bond with a face value of (k-0Ft)

P/C/F and P/C parity only work for

european options

if P-C>B

-buy +B (now)
-sell +P (sell put with strike=k)
-Buy +C (buy call now with strike=k)

if delta is positive

we want to lend delta units of denominator (foreign) currency

if B is negative

we want to buy B units of numerator ($) currency

in a binomial tree Ct up


in a binomial tree Ct down


to do a binomial tree for puts a calls first you need to

find the evolution of the spot and then overlay the call values

for the evolution of the spot you move

left to right

for the evolution of the call you move

right to left

American call/put binomial tree you need to measure

final nodes stay the same

Cu dead


C alive is

what was determined in the evolution of the spot

in order to find Co

need to calculate based on the new Cu and Cd, then compare to the previous Co (euro) to determine if you need to early exercise

annualized volatility of spot rate returns


short underlying position

CF exit= --oFt--bexit
where bexit is the beta at the time of the exit

basis risk does not affect


what is a CALL option

it gives the owner the right but not the obligation to BUY a specific asset at a specific time

what is a PUT option

it gives the owner the right but not the obligation to SELL a specific asset at a specific time

can you have a negative intrinsic value?

NO-it is 0

when IV=0 and So doesn't =k

it is out of the money

when IV>0

it is in the money

IVt call

max(0, St-k)

IVt put


a call option with the right to buy $/pound is the same as

a put with the right to sell pound/$

profit LC

max(0,St-k)-Po call

profit SC

max(0,St-k)+Po call

profit LP

max(0,k-St)-Po put

profit SP

max(0,k-St)+Po put

if you are bullish

you think St will increase

if you are bearish

you think St will decrease


long cal


short call


long put

non bearish

short put

ways to hedge a long underlying position

long put or a short future

returns are distributed


prices are distributed


dealers buy at


dealers sell at


customers buy at


customers sell at



we sell $
we buy yen


we buy $
we sell yen

when bid/ask quotes are flipped

bid becomes ask and ask becomes bid

if you are due to PAY foreign currency then

you are SHORT the foreign currency and LONG the domestic currency

if you are due to RECEIVE foreign currency then

you are LONG the foreign currency and SHORT the domestic currency

profit of a short foward contract


in cash settlement

a single CF is paid in NUMERATOR terms

option quotes: if forward prices are quoated as X/y and X<Y

then ADD forward points to spot quotes

option quotes: if forward prices are quoated as X/y and X>Y

then SUBTRACT forward points to spot quotes

if F>S then the

the denominator currency is trading at a forward premium and the numerator currency forward discount

if F<S then

the numerator currency is trading at a forward premium and the denominator currency forward discount

forward premium(discount)


when it comes to volatility, we are discussing volatiltiy of

the % change of FX rates (typically % change of spot rates)

when you buy(sell) a futures contract to inititae a position, you are contracting to buy(sell) the

denominator currency and therefore contracting to sell(buy) the numerator currency



