Sociology FINAL

white males

In the United States today, the suicide rate is highest for which of the following categories of people?


A statement of how and why specific facts are related:


Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called:

whether she lives in a poor or rich society

From a sociological perspective, patterns of childbearing around the world suggest that the number of children born to a woman reflects:


The tendency to believe that one's ethnic or cultural group is centrally important, and that all other groups are measured in relation to one's own:


Which society features factories and machines along with greater sense of individualism?

lower social integration

According to Emile Durkheim, a category of people with a higher suicide rate typically has:

the exchange of symbols

According to George Herbert Mead, social experience is based on:


Which theory developed by the psychologist John B. Watson claims human behavior is not instinctive, but learned within a social environment?

people see themselves as they think others see them

When Charles Horton Cooley used the term "looking-glass self," he was referring to the fact that:

achieved status

Being an honors student is a good example of what?

role exit

Which of the following concepts refers to the process by which people disengage from important social roles?

lets children escape the direct supervision of parents

In the socialization process, what makes the peer group different from the family is that the peer group:

social construction of reality

Flirting is one good example of an everyday experience involving:


Our basic drives, or needs as humans, are reflected in Freud's concept of:


A group seeks consensus, discouraging members from speaking freely, and ends up making a poor policy recommendation. This is an operation of what?


Which of the following concepts refers to efforts to reform an offender in order to prevent further offenses?

primary group

Charles Cooley referred to a small social group whose members share personal and enduring relationships. What is this concept called?


Max Weber argued that formal organizations, while efficient, have the ability to __________ people within them.


In his strain theory, Robert Merton uses which of the following concepts to describe the behavior of a radical who rejects cultural goals and means in favor of some alternative system?


Which of the following is Erving Goffman's concept that refers to a powerful and negative label that greatly changes a person's self-concept and social identity?

a Harvard education per year

In class the instructor referred to a CNN report that discovered that keeping an inmate in the state penitentiary is equal to:


Evidence suggests that, as the United States moves into the post-industrial phase of economic development, economic inequality is:

human biology, although society plays some role

The weight of evidence indicates that sexual orientation is caused mostly by:

in the home

Most violence against women occurs:

glass ceiling

Which of the following concepts refers to an invisible, yet real, barrier that prevents many women from rising beyond middle-management positions?

beauty myth

the idea that women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical appearance refers to what?

gender roles

Which of the following concepts refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex?


A category of people who are different in some visible, physical way (distinct identity) and disadvantaged

social mobility

This concept refers to changes in people's positions in the social hierarchy

social standing/status

For most people in the US, what remains much of the same over a lifetime?

class system

This system assigns social position based on individual achievement

authoritarian personality

people who show strong prejudice towards toward one minority and usually intolerant of of all minorities; rigid, uneducated, parents also have same beliefs


Some nations enrich themselves through political and economic control of other nations. This concept or process is called what?


Mounting research suggests that cohabitation may [ ] marriage

squeezing of the middle class

The hour-glass economy metaphor discussed in class highlights what?

affirms cultural values and norms, clarifies moral boundaries, brings people together, encourages social change

functions of deviance noted by Emile Durkheim