Sociology Midterm

Peter L. Berger, Sociology as an Individual Pastime

What sociology is and what sociologists do is not well understood by everyone, nor is the motivation for being a sociologist

C. Wright Mills, from The Sociological Imagination

If we understand the social context and social processes around us, we can better understand ourselves.

Emile Durkheim, What Makes Sociology Different?

More than the sum of its parts, society is real and can be studied usefully if we know how to see it for what it is.

Horne, McIlwaine, Taylor, Civility and Order: Adult social Control of Children in Public Places

What do you do when children misbehave? Smack 'em, scold 'em, or reason with 'em? IT depends on the context, the audience, and the rules of social interaction.

Joel Best, Telling the Truth about Damned Lies and Statistics

We can't avoid statistics, so we need to become better consumers who can distinguish a fact from a fantasy

Julie Bettie, Women Without Class: Chicas, Cholas, Trash, and the PResence/Absence of Class identity

Individual identity is hard to establish when gender and ethnicity are in flux and social class is only vaguely understood.

Erving Goffman, On face-work

Encounters, the presentation of who we are, and the communication of what we want, need, and can offer all begin with face-work

Herbert J. Gans, Use of the Underclass in America

While countries such as Sweden and Norway have ended poverty, it persists in the US, perhaps because it benefits in many ways those who are not poor

Max Weber, From the Protestant Ehtic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Written in 1904-1905, Weber's thesis tries to make sense of the rise of industrial capitalism, and how it has become an "iron cage

Robert Goldman and Stephen Papson, Nike Culture: THe sign of the Swoosh

Where does culture come from? Increasingly, as postmodernists have shown, it comes from those who stand to gain from our appetite for identity and community

John A. Hostetler, Amish Society

The Amish hold on to a simple lifestyle in order to sustain deeply held beliefs

Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton, The My Lai Massacre: A Crime of Obedience?

Was it madness and temporary insanity, or were there social and circumstantial reasons for men to do the unthinkable?

Elijah Anderson, The Code of the Street

In a world that offers little hope, the ability to assert oneself and make a claim of who one is takes the form of ritualized challenges

Annette Lareau, Concerted Cultivation and the Acomplishment of Natural Growth

Raising children is no easy task. But is it always better to give children more- lessons, activities, and experiences- at the expense of finding their own way?

Lorna A. Rhodes, Total confinement: madness and reason in the maximum security Prison

Prisons are America's "#1 Growth Industry" and solitary confinement is an increasingly popular way to deal with the troublesome, and the mentally ill, inmate.

Bellah, Madsen, Sullivan, Swidler, Tipton, Religious Community and American Individualism

Belonging and believing do not necessarily go hand-in-hand for American worshipers.