Sociology 110 Midterm 1

Creation of Sociology

desire to improve the world and apply scientific methods to society

Origin of Sociology

industrial and french revolution. emerged in 19th cent b/c of social upheavals and advancements in natural science.

Foraging Society

original human society
little trade
no state
little leadership


animal herding
constantly moving


small scale farming
growing plants
surplus = inequality
doesn't move


organized state
heredity leadership
written language
first cities
organized warfare


High role specification
market exchange
democratic govt
rapid communication
social inequality
mass education


mature industrial society
larges jobs = service


Focuses on social order
each part of society performs functions for all = social consensus

Functionalism Founders

Spencer/ Durkhelm

Conflict Theory

society is always changing
more powerful groups gain more
world always changing

Conflict Theory Founder

Karl Marx


conflict theory focuses include sexual orientation, race, economic status, and nationality
historical superiority of men, challenges status quo


people respond to our interpretations of things
human behavior always changes
alters by others reactions

Interactionism Founder

George Mead

Two Major types of research

Descriptive and Causal

Descriptive Research

describing the phenomena (what happened)


explaining the phenomena (how it happened)

Logic of Causality

examining correlation between variables

Spurious Correlation

no causal relationship
"ice cream sales are best when drownings are at peaks


Do something and see what happens


ask questions

Durkheims Methodological Contribution

applied scientific method to sociology- suicide study

Cultural Relativism

belief that culture should be understood on its own terms


interrelationships between worlds economies


attitude that ones own culture is superior to those other people

Cultural Diffusion

spread of cultural items between individuals or cultures

Cultural Diffusion Founder

Alfred Kroeber


a state in which subcultures in a society are equal

Cultural Universals

practices found in all cultures as means for meeting human needs

Class Conflict Founder


Class Conflict

struggle between capitalists and proletariats

Control Group

group that is not exposed to the independent variable

Dependent Variables


Independent Variables

cause (independent caused dependent)

Cross-Cultural Morality

Kluckholn's Study


a social rule that specifies how people should behave


socially shared idea about what is good, desirable, or important


a small number of people selected from a larger population

Role Specialization



culture within a culture

Economic Determinism

Marx: economic structure over politics, determines societies values, beliefs, etc

Value Free Sociology

concepts should be free of bias

Reciprocal Exchange


Social Institutions

Family, education, religion, government, economic
set of widely shared beliefs, norms, and procedures necessary for meeting the needs of society

Social Class

category of people with about the same income, power, & prestige


group of interacting individuals sharing territory


all the shared products of human society


collection of people who interact with one another, feeling of unity

Material Culture

every conceivable kind of physical object produced by humans

Non-Material Culture

intangible aspect of culture

Industrial Revolution

chaos and confusion
agricultural societies have become industrialized, began in England about 250 years ago

Social Roles

Set of rights/duties associated with particular social status

Ascribed status

status no one has control over (gender)

Achieved status

attained by ones actions

Role conflict

conflict between 2 roles begging played together.
(judge who's daughter is being convicted: judge, father)

Role Strain

stress caused by incompatible demands from roles of 1 status

Social statuses

position in a group or society


process of replacing informal ways with planned/formal ways

Rationalization Founder

Max Weber

Social Darwinism

nature forces in societies, survival of fittest

Social Darwinism Founder

Herbert Spencer


Social condition where norms are absent




owners of capital

The Sociological Imagination

Mill's term from the ability to see the impact of social forces on individuals, especially on their private lives

Random Selection

random sample

observational studies

watching & participating

Existing data

historical & comparative

Common Errors in Evaluating Research

ethical problems, violating law, welfare of participants, responsibility to public, leave out info, sampling errors, measurement errors, overstatement, failure to disprove alternate explanations

Social Evolution

Changing from technologically simple to more complex w/ social consequences

The Importance of Language

enables us to communicate, influence the way we perceive the world around us

Emile Durkheim

social integration and suicide
sociologists must not be subjective, applied scientific methods

August Comte

French intellectual, 1st sociologist, named 'sociology', sociologists as decision makers


social philosopher, believed society is created like big family: hierarch, obedience, mutual protection

Max Weber

value free sociology
put self in others shoes

Karl Marx

saw social conflict in every society, economic determinism, bourgeoisie vs proletariat

C. Wright Mills

understand the social forces that create our personal problems

George Herber Mead

American sociological tradition

W.E.B. DuBois

African Am, focused on racial problems, advocated force to fix inequality

Clyde Kluckholn


Herber Spencer

laws of nature, founder of social darwinism, organic analogy, survival of fittest, if gov interferes society suffers

Jane Adams

founder of US Soc & social work, solve social problems with research established many govt programs


system where men have power over women