

The category an infant is assigned to at birth based upon the appearance of the genitalia. (Refers to biological apparatus)


What it means to be feminine or masculine in a particular society

Gender Display

Presentation of self as a certain kind of gendered person through dress, cosmetics, adornments, and permanent and reversible body markers.

Gendered Processes

The social practices of learning, being taught and picking ip cues for gender appropriate or non gender appropriate behavior.

Biological Determinism (Nature)

The belief that gender differences are shaped by biological characteristics

Differential Socialization (Nuture)

The belief that women and men are different because we are taught to be different

Nature VS. Nurture

Both nature lovers and nurturers see women and men as markedly different from each other. Also both assume that the differences between women and men are greater and more decisive then the differences that might be observed among men or women.

Hegemonic Masculinity

The one that is help up as the model for the rest of us

Emphasized Femininity

Organized around compliance with gender inequality and is oriented to accommodating the interests and desires of men

Deceptive Distinctions

Although they appear to be based on gender, they are actually based on something else.
Examples: You Just Don't Understand- Deborah Tannen
- Differences in communication patterns
- Man- domination Female- embrasive
Gender Vertigo 1998- Barbara Risman
- Me


Combination of features that usually distinguish female from male


True hermaphrodites, one testes and one ovary


Male hermaphrodites, testes and some aspects of female genitalia, no ovaries


Female Pseudo hermaphrodites, ovaries and some aspects of male genitalia, no testes.

Two strategies physicians use to help intersexed individuals

1. Hormonal management
2. Surgical management

Recommendations for intersex children

-Telling children the truth
- Copies of medical records
- Access to trained psychologists and social workers
- Newborns with intersex should be given a gender assignment as boy or girl
- Gender assignment does not involve surgery
- Only necessary medical

Social Darwinism

Idea that humans, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for the existence in which natural selection results in "survival of the fittest

Sociologists perspective of reproduction

Males have a natural behavior to be more promiscuous and females have a natural behavior to be monogamous

Biological Essentialism

Social, economic, and political discrimination based on sex are actually the inevitable outcome of nature working in mysterious ways

Ed Wilson's theory of Reproduction costs

-One male can fertilize many females but a female can only be fertilized by one male
-For males, reproduction is easy and a small investment (maximize # of offspring)
- For females, they have to be more selective in who they choose to impregnate them

Brain Research
(Right/Left Hemisphere)

Right Hemisphere- Visual and spatial abilities (more males)
Left Hemisphere- Language and reading (more females)

Testosterone and Aggression

Males have higher levels of both then women, testosterone does not cause aggression. It does enable aggression that was already present


Attraction to and desire for a sexual object choice of one or both of the same or opposite sex or gender

Homosexual, gay or lesbian

same sex or gender


other sex or gender


both sexes or genders

Queer Sexuality

fluidity and variety

Lorber's argument about bisexuality

Bisexuals are forced to choose a "real" sexual identity

Female Circumcision

implemented to prevent sexual pleasure, used to prevent sexual intercourse, often performed by women during puberty

Sexual Identity

Common Identity terms: Homosexual, gay or lesbian. Heterosexual, Bisexual, Queer (fluidity &variety)

How Does Western Culture construct sexuality & Gender?

Dichotomous: sexuality is physical-female & male anatomies differ and sexuality is gendered b/c sexual scripts differ for men & women

Multiple Genders

Native American Culture- 3rd Gender (Nadle & Berdache)
Mohave Culture- 4 Genders
Men and Women are allowed to cross genders.

Mohave Culture (Cross gender's) Alyha

Boys who are initiated as Females

Mohave Culture (Cross gender's) Hwame

Girls who are initiated as Males

Mead's Sex Temperament in 3 Primitive Societies

Arapesh, Mundugamor, Tchambuli


A culture where sexes were equal-both men and women acted as our female. Both unagressive.


-Mead found both males and females were violent and aggressive, seeking power and position.


Inverted gender roles, women are dominant/controlling, men are emotionally dependent on the women

Gendered Division of Labor

a division of duties between men and women under which women have the main responsibility for home and nurturing, and men are mainly active in public sphere


interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole. Society is a system of interrelated parts.

Theories of Male Domination (Three Schools of Thought)

Sacks- market economy shifted egalitarian roles toward male dominance.
2nd School- Harris said male domination linked to warfare.
3rd School- Tiger & Fox- male solidarity & monogamy result from man's needs to connect to social life.
Levi-Strauss- men turn

Sworn Virgin

woman sworn to live as a man. (not enough men in the family, women did not have the rights men did, and only men can inherit wealth & rights.

Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Easier in Thailand b/c the US law requires years & years of psychotherapy before the procedure can be preformed, and it is cheaper in Thailand.


Intersexed or transgendered, viewed as outcast b/c they lived on the fringes of India , Members of religious community who are neither males or female; people born male, not identified as a male. Undergo a ritual surgery - operation to become a third sex


The 3rd sex in India, they are perceived as supernatural b/c their believed to have power to bless & curse b/c their neither male or female. Make their living at birth celebrations and weddings doing performances.


When one's sex is ambiguous at b


Members of one biological sex who adopt the gender identity of the other sex