Sociology Chapter 1

Applied Sociology

use of sociology to solve problems/ ranges from micro level to macro level

Common Sense

those things that "everyone knows


a statement that goes beyond the individual case and is applied to a broader group or situation


the extensive interconnections among nations due to the expansion of capitalism

Macro-level Analysis

an examination of large-scale patterns of society

Micro-level Analysis

an examination of small-scale patterns of society


the application of systematic methods to obtain knowledge and the knowledge obtained by those methods


a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and communicatie with one another

Social location

the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society


the application of the scientific approach to the social world

Conflict Theory

a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources


a group of people who share culture and a territory

Social Facts

patterns of behavior that characterizes a social group


recurring characteristics or events

Sociological Perspective

understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

Functional Analysis/ Structural Functional

a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled, contributes to society's equilibrium

Symbolic Interactionism/ Sociological Perspective

a theoretical purpose in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another


A german word that Weber uses to mean: to have insight into someone's situation - empathetic


scientific study of society and human behavior

Social Sciences

the intellectual and academic disciplines designed to understand the social world objectively by mena of controlled and repeated observations

Class Conflict

the struggle between capitalists and workers (karl marx: communism)


Marx's term for capitalists, those who own the means of production


marx's term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

Social Integration

the degree to which people feel a part of social groups


repeating a study in order to test its findings

Basic or Pure Sociology

sociological research whose purpose is to make discoveries about life in human groups, not to make changes in those groups


total neutrality

Value free

the view that a sociologist's personal values or biases should not influence social research


ideas about what is good or worthwhile in life; attitudes about the way the world ought to be

Subjective meaning

meanings that people give to their own behavior

3 paradigms

symbolic interaction, structural functional, and social conflict (gender and race)


obvious, clear, everyone undertands, expected


hidden/ not fully understood

social disfunction


sociological theory

a statement of how and why specific facts are related


world view/ determine what makes society happen

social conflict paradigm

a society that creates conflict and change - inequality

gender conflict approach


symbolic interaction

defines the world through symbols- gives meaning to what we do - develops our view of the world - society is nothing more than reality

structural function

creates stability

3 types of functional analysis

manifest, latent and social disfunction