Sociology Test 2 - Ch. 6: Deviance

crime in the United States


what's the difference between conformity and compliance?


what's chapter 6 about?


what's deviance?

behavior that violates the expectations of society

social stigma

labels society uses to devalue memners of certain social groups

in what way crime statistics misleading?

the FBI's crime index is based on reported crimes, which may represent all of them since many go unreported. (one should should instead rely on victimization surveys)

what are the 4 types of crime

1) white collar 2) victimless 3)organized and 4) international

what is victimless crime?

trade in illegal substances

the 5 perspectives on deviance/crime

(1) durkheim
(2) merton's anomie (strain theory)
(3) sutherland's cultural transmission
(4) zimbardo's social disorganization theory
(5) chambliss' labeling theory

explain (2 points) durkheim's theory of deviance

(1)deviance is in the eye of society
(2) sanctions and punishments unite (positive affect)

merton's theory of deviance

(1) builds on durkheim's theory of deviance (2) society has a common goals and certain accepted means to acheive it (3) 5 basic forms of adaptation

what are merton's 5 different forms of adaptation in his strain theory of deviance? (don't define them)

(1) conformity
(2) innovator
(3) ritualist
(4) retreatist
(5) rebel

who is the "innovator" in merton's theory of deviance

- has the same goal as the rest of society
- doesn't play by the rules

who is the "ritualist" in merton's theory of deviance


who is the "retreatist" in merton's theory of deviance


who is the "rebel" in merton's theory of deviance


define control theory

bonds to other members of society induce us to follow certain mores & folkways

what's the diff. betweenc conformity and obedience?


Who coined "social stigma"?

Erving Goffman

who created cultural transmission theory?

edwin sutherland

define sutherland's cultural transmission theory

- individuals are socialized to conform to society's basic norms & values as well as deviant behaviors
- process called differential association

what is sutherland's differential association

process through which exposure to attitudes favorable to crime leads to more crime

who created social disorganization theory?

philip zimbardo

define zimbardo's social disorganization theory?


who created labeling theory?


what is the emphasis of chambliss' labeling theory?

on the response to deviant behavior

what perspective is labeling theory associated with?

conflict theory

who applies the labels in labeling theory?

the empowered groups (evil rich people)

who says the rich use the criminal justice system to promote their own interests?

richard quinney

another name for labeling theory

societal-reaction approach

discuss labeling theory with the roughnecks and saints

because the empowered classes applies labels, the saints' deviance wasn't as stigmatized as that of the roughnecks. consequently, the roughnecks where persecuted more strongly

how does power relate to differencial justice?

the empowered groups hold greatest influence in the criminal justice system, and thus perpetuate bias within it against minorities


our formerly nearl entirely male-dominated society biases our crim. justice system against women. e.g. law that it's ok to rape your own wife