

a set of beliefs, attitudes, and opinions that may or may not be based on scientific evidence.

critical thinking

the attempt to step outside our ideologies and make a reflective, logic-based judgement


explains the world only in terms of what goes on inside individuals. sees social problems as resulting from flaws in individual character.


the study of the group is more powerful in understanding human behavior than either biology or psychology.

path of least resistance

what you're supposed to do if you want to feel that you belong.


the way we "construct" reality within a social system, using ideas and symbols (especially language) to assign meaning. it is the way we habitually behave in relationship to the meaning we have constructed.


the first purpose of any culture is to provide a way to know what to consider true or false...what exists, and what doesn't.


Beliefs that designate what is good/bad, better/worse. guide choices. guide how we treat others.


values that are reinforced with social consequences. society creates "paths of least resistance. norms can be seen as functional. can be a criterion for "membership"/identity. can be a basis for privilege.

Functionalism/Conflict (Norms)

they help society work/succeed.
they create and preserve inequalities.


Reactions. often with emotional content -- based on beliefs, values, norms.

material culture

the physical expression of our beliefs, values, norms, and attitudes.


the position one holds in a given social system. can be permanent or temporary.


the collection of beliefs, values, attitudes, and norms that apply to a position holder. Roles create paths of least resistance for the position holder

role structure

the relationships that link statuses - or entire systems to one another - are the main part of what we think of as social structure


the statistical study of human populations, especially patterns of birth, death, migration

human ecology

the study of: a) the relationships that exist among individuals, social systems, and the physical environment, and b) the consequences of those relationships. physical arrangements of social systems.

generalized other

known only by their status/role

significant other

known by their individual behavior


everything we do


intended gestures based on social meanings

C. Wright Mills

sociology studies: the intersection of biography and history


licing inside a box we can't see out of, assuming other cultures either don't exist, are just like ours, or not worth the bother of getting to know

Max Weber

ideal types"
group whose members share characteristics and can be studied as a single unit.

Pierre Bourdieu

believed sociology discovers social principles.