SOC exam 1


Grouping people based on visible physical features


shared cultural traits and or national origin (ex:history, religion, values, language)

Ethnic Group

Group of people who share common ancestry, language, religion, customs, or combination of such characteristics

Ascribed Stautus

something your born into

Social Distance

The degree of closeness or remoteness one desires in interaction with members of a particular group

Categoric Knowing

A stereotype of others based on info obtained visually and or verbally


tendency to judge other cultures or subcultures based off your own

Cultural Relativism

A view of the customs and beliefs of other people within the context of their culture rather than one's own


The group to which an individual belongs and feels loyal.


Any group to which an individual does not belong or feel loyal.

Social Identity Theory

considering their group better than others

Reference Group

a group to which we compare ourselves

Dillingham Flaw

native people being prejudice against immigrants. Overgeneralization and racism

Sociological Imagination (C. Wright Mills)

theory deals with micro and macro levels of society and how they are intertwined. Ex: couple getting divorced, not just the couples issue, but a larger issue

Conflict Theory

in society the progress is all based on conflicts, nothing will progress without conflict


set of beliefs that explains and justifies the interests of those who hold them

False Consciousness

a working class believes in the same thing that the rich do Ex: rich people believe in private property because they own land and gain wealth from it where the poor don't believe in it because they don't have any land

Interactionist Theory

A microlevel emphasizing the shared interpretations and interaction patterns in everyday life


everything in a society plays a role in a society, for it to function correctly every role must run in harmony

Thomas Theorem

if people define situations as real, the situations become real in their consequences Ex: have plans and someone cancels and you think that they don't like you so they cancel plans. Build up social reality in our minds that they hate us. If you think its

Cultural Transmission

passing of a society's culture from one generation to another

Cultural Diffusion

The spread of ideas, inventions, and practices from one culture to another

Chain Migration

A flow of immigrants to a locality previously settled by friends or relatives

Parallel Social Institutions

A subcultural replication of institutions of the larger society, such as churches, schools, and organizations


A process in which immigrants hold onto some homeland values, adapt others, and adopt some values of the host country

Convergent Subculture

A subgroup gradually becoming completely integrated into the dominant culture

Persistent Subculture

A subgroup adhering to its own way of life and resisting absorption into the dominant culture


A social-group classification based on a combination of race, religion, social class, and regional residence

Ethnic Stratification

Structured inequality of different groups with different access to social rewards as a result of their status in the social hierarchy

Power-Differential Theory

Intergroup relations depend on the relative power of the migrant group and the indigenous group

Internal Colonialism Theory

The experiences of blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans in terms of economic exploitation and rigid stratification

Social Structure

Patterned relations among individuals in society


A system of negative beliefs, feelings, and action orientations regarding a certain group or groups of people


Differential and unequal treatment of other groups of people, usually along racial, religious, or ethnic lines

De jure segregation

Physical separation of a group that is established by law

De Facto Segregation

Physical separation of a group that is entrenched in customs and practices

All-weather liberals

not prejudiced and do not discriminate

fair-weather liberals

discriminatory, but not prejudiced

Timid Bigot

prejudiced but does not discriminate

Active Bigot

prejudiced and openly discriminatory

Institutional Discrimination

Unequal treatment of subordinate groups inherent in the ongoing operations of society's institutions

Affirmative Action

Efforts to improve minority representation, as well as their economic and educational opportunities

Racial Profiling

Action that individuals of a particular group are more likely to engage in illegal activity than individuals of other groups


A generalized belief about a group of people


the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture


Blaming an innocent person or a group for one's own troubles


defense mechanism where people ciritse and pick out flaws of another group which is geared toward race and racism. False generalization

Authoritarian Personality (Theodor Adorno)

a personality that is disposed to favor obedience to authority and intolerance of outgroups and those lower in status

Levels of Discrimination

1. verbal expression
2. avoidance
3. exclusion
4. physical abuse
5. termination

One Drop Rule

the belief that "one drop" of black blood makes a person black, a concept that evolved from U.S. laws forbidding miscegenation


biological reproduction by partners of different racial categories


A person of mixed African and European ancestry


the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people

Culture of Poverty

blaming the victim of poverty because it is "their" fault. Ex: blaming someone for being in poverty and saying its their fault and that they don't work hard enough etc. blaming the victim instead of society

What is an example of de facto segregation?

white flight

White flight

working and middle-class white people move away from racial-minority suburbs or inner-city neighborhoods to white suburbs and exurbs

The culture of poverty is a?

controversial ideology

What is the best example of cultural transmission?

jewish mother passing down traditions through generations

What is an example of scapegoating?

Blaming jews

True or false: the one drop rule consisted was because blacks were accepted and showed support for the rule?


Tyler is mestizo, what is his status compared to his parents?

Higher than his parents

What is the main critique of the culture of poverty?

Blames the victim

Marissas dad is 100% Chinese and her mom is half filipino and half black, according to the one drop rule what is her race?


Define functionalism?

different social elements functioning together

Does interactionalists theory focus on groups of people or individuals?


in which culture do mixed races contain higher status than their parents?


What is an example of immigrant going through acculturation in the US?

celebrating thanksgiving

what is not example of a subculture?


judging another culture and feeling you are superior because you raise children different is an example of what?


what is an affirmative action?



The adoption of cultural traits, such as language, by one group under the influence of another.