Sociology Ch. 10 Vocab


a group of people who share physical characteristics, such as skin color and facial features, that are passed on through reproduction

ethnic group

a set of people who identify with a common national origin or cultural heritage that includes language, geographic roots, food, customs, traditions, and/or religion

racial-ethnic group

a group of people who have both distinctive physical and cultural characteristics

dominant group

any physically or culturally distinctive group that has the most economic and political power, the greatest privileges, and the highest social status


a formal system of racial segregation

minority group

a group of people who may be subject to differential and unequal treatment because of their physical, cultural, or other characteristics, such as gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or skin color


the systematic effort to kill all members of a particular ethnic, religious, political, racial or national group

internal colonialism

the unequal treatment and subordinate status of groups within a nation


the physical and social separation of dominant and minority groups


the process of conforming to the culture of the dominant group (by adopting its language and values) and intermarrying with that group


minority groups retain their culture but have equal social standing in a society


a set of beliefs that one's own racial group is naturally superior to other groups


an attitude, positive or negative, toward people because of their group membership


an oversimplified or exaggerated generalization about a category of people


the belief that ones own culture, society, or group is inherently superior to others


individuals of groups whom people blame for their own problems or shortcomings


any act that treats people unequally or unfairly because of their group membership

individual discrimination

harmful action directed intentionally, on a one-to-one basis, by a member of a dominant group against a member of a minority group

institutional discrimination

unequal treatment and opportunities that members of minority groups experience as a result of the everyday operations of a society's laws, rules, policies, practices, and customs

gendered racism

the combined and cumulative effects of inequality due to racism and sexism

contact hypothesis

the idea that the more people get to know members of a minority group personally, the less likely they are to be prejudice against that group


marriage or sexual relations between a man and a women of different races